Like any other healthy system, economics works best with a balance. The black-and-white thinking promoted by the West; ie, capitalism is GOOD and socialism is BAD; is a false projection. A mixed bag of a democratic nation, that has healthy competitive standards (not like nowadays, when big corps control the marketplace), can employ socialist values (ie, paid-for health care, assistance for the weak; ie, disabled and widows), and still maintain a healthy economy. Small businesses are supported, rather than giving millions to corps who use the 'loans', and bail out at the most opportune time.
There is a lot to be said for the side-by-side socialist democracy. As others have said, it works in Scandanavian countries ... why not ours? Because greed, Randism,. and self-interest are the drivers of our economy. It's not just sad, it's criminal.
by Perry 76 Replies latest social current
The political ideological concept of socialism has draw some attention of as late due to Bernie Sanders campaign for the Presidency of the US.
His ideas are certainly compassionate and empathetic but the problem with introducing socialized programs is that the governments have to be not so much in debt to start them off, this is not apparent in the US federal account.
A visual representation of the OP...
The bomb is tickng.
And now Perry has changed the subject. -
food for thought,
I ask this, how a world would work without the green fugus among us...
ideas? lets just say, that instead of people needing to steal, food, a tv or a coat, or are in need of a place to live, they just get it? the US seems to be the most wasteful country on earth. We all know what goes in the trash, especially from retailers, good food, working electronics, furniture, clothing, all usable. Ive seen it. and its a sin.
it shows there is plenty to go around.
anyone who works hard , paid or not [ moms at home] shouldn't be hungry or homeless or uneducated.
its a right of life.
maybe his slogan should be 'get rid of the green...' lol