I calmly and respectfully discussed/debated the trinity dogma for over 20 years with someone who had been a trustworthy and loyal friend for over 30 years, until I felt that "flogging the dead horse" was serving no good whatsoever.
On more than one occasion I suggested that we "agree to disagree" and that one day we'll get the truth. Nope!
He couldn't let it go - he was on a crusade - and when I declined his offer to watch a 4 minute YouTube video of a Catholic priest trying to "prove" the trinity, my friend went totally ballistic - screaming & shouting at me, falsely accusing me of various motives for my refusal. Based on this, he ended our friendship.
QUESTION: Why do so many people get bitter & twisted about a dogma which even the Catholic Church admits is an inexplicable mystery?
If they can't explain it, "Christians" should leave it in the hands of Christ the judge. John
5:28,29, Acts 10:42, Acts 17:31, Romans 14:9, 2 Cor. 5:10, 2 Tim.
4:1, 1 Pet. 4:5, Rev. 11:18 & 20:12.
The hatred which opposite opinions generate, reveal much regarding John 13:35!
Just sayin.'