If the Norwegian Government does not want to be made to look like suckers by the JW Borg, they should insist that the Governing Body issue a letter to all congregations that the former "thinking" of shunning of anyone who no longer associates with them has been reviewed - based on Scriptural guidance:
"Dear Brothers, regarding former members of the congregation who were removed due to their unrepentant behaviour or those who left of their own volition, (1 John 2:19) we used to think that such ones should be ignored in all situations by means of shunning. We now believe that the principle of Jesus' words at Matthew 18:17 - "If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector," should be applied, namely, that socially associating with such ones should be avoided, while normal, necessary interactions should continue. First century Jews & Christians would have understood this reasoning."