w81 11/15 p. 21 par. 18 ‘Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses’ - "...the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation..."
Such an ironic & tragic title for the article!
w81 11/15 p. 21 par.
18 ‘stay awake and keep your senses’ - "...the witness yet includes the invitation to come to jehovah’s organization for salvation...".
such an ironic & tragic title for the article!.
w81 11/15 p. 21 par. 18 ‘Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses’ - "...the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation..."
Such an ironic & tragic title for the article!
.....just as gerrit losch of the g.b.
claimed he has nothing to do with it - or vice versa.. i suppose that's why him & his jw g.b.
cronies assume total control of the wtbts annual meeting every year - because they're totally separate from each other!
.....just as Gerrit Losch of the G.B. claimed he has nothing to do with it - or vice versa.
I suppose that's why him & his JW G.B. cronies assume total control of the WTBTS Annual Meeting every year - because they're totally separate from each other!
km 2/89 p. 3 Our Identification as Jehovah’s Witnesses - "As ministers of the good news, we are known publicly as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our voluntary participation in the field service is motivated by love of God and neighbor. It is not carried on at the insistence of any man or organization but is according to our God-given commission to preach the “good news” and make disciples. Therefore, publishers do well to avoid representing themselves as agents or representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any other corporation* used by “the faithful and discreet slave” to advance Kingdom interests."
* including CCOJW?
few years ago i did a thread that i hope has helped some folks.
maybe it is time to 'recycle' it.. did the writer of rev 11:18 (ruin those who ruin the earth) somehow anticipate the modern environmental situation, or did he intend something more in keeping with the bible's general concerns of morality and sin?.
secondly, how does the context help to interpret it?.
I used to think that the 'ruining of the earth' in Genesis & Revelation described moral collapse, but now am more inclined to believe that it will be both a limited moral & physical destruction.
The comments regarding nuclear methods appear to be very possible in view of Revelation 16:13, 14 - "And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of* the great day of God the Almighty."
It's the earth's military powers who are assembled to battle each other for the last time.
If God was going to destroy them, they wouldn't need to be "gathered together" would they? He would simply destroy them where they are!
The 3 instigators of Armageddon are the dragon, the wild beast, and the false prophet - not God, so a limited nuclear exchange might be deployed - thanks to the "inspired expressions."
* to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. (NIV)
It's God great day, but not His battle. His battle occurs after the 1000 years have ended. Just thinking aloud.
......well it was 50 years ago!!
meanwhile, millions of jw's sing diana ross' song, "i'm still waiting.".
w70 12/15 p. 758 par.
@ SB - So true!
The Bible says the "lamb of God" takes away the sin of the world, while the WTBTS/G.B. claim that Adamic death does the exact same thing! (based on their false teaching of Romans 6:7)
Looks like "God's organization" goes way beyond the things that are written!
......well it was 50 years ago!!
meanwhile, millions of jw's sing diana ross' song, "i'm still waiting.".
w70 12/15 p. 758 par.
......well it was 50 years ago!! Meanwhile, millions of JW's sing Diana Ross' song, "I'm Still Waiting."
w70 12/15 p. 758 par. 33 - End of Worldwide Witnessing Gets Nearer: "But all evidence is persuasive that the climactic end is near. When it does come, shortly, (maybe 1975?) where will it find us?"
(1 corinthians 9:18) "that when i declare the good news, i may offer the good news without cost,....".
yup, a joke - which is anything but funny..
(1 Corinthians 9:18) "That when I declare the good news, I may offer the good news without cost,...."
Yup, a joke - which is anything but funny.
maybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
Bottom line: they're all 'company men' in a multi-billion dollar business who have gained status and power on the Christianity gravy-train.
None of them can have a conscience worth a damn, because they must know many/most of the org's false teachings and corrupt practices.
They're nothing more than front-men who have lackeys to write all the literature articles. Parasitic puppets, living the good life thanks to the sheeples' donations. (Matthew 6:5) Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
You might be right Sea Breeze. No, hold on -
w51 5/1 p. 283 - Jehovah became King in 1914 when he placed his appointed king, Christ Jesus, upon his heavenly throne as his kingly representative,
w60 5/15 p. 311 - That 1914 indeed marks the year Jehovah became King is conclusively proved by the voices in heaven that John in his apocalyptic vision heard:
w87 7/1 p. 21 par. 2 - One such awakening began soon after Jesus became King in 1914.
w89 4/1 p. 11 par. 6 - It indicates that it applies primarily to “the Lord’s day,” which began when Jesus became King in 1914.
w92 11/15 p. 22 par. 18 - Christ became King in 1914.
w93 11/1 p. 23 par. 23 - In 1914, Jesus—the heavenly warrior Michael—became King of God’s heavenly Kingdom.
w95 10/15 p. 22 par. 22 - Jesus became King in 1914.
w06 9/15 p. 3 - Jesus Christ became King in heaven in the year 1914.
w11 7/1 p. 17 - Jesus became King in 1914
w12 8/1 p. 17 - Events since 1914 confirm that Jesus became King in that year.
w13 7/15 p. 6 par. 11 - It was noted that Jesus became King of God’s Kingdom in 1914
The WT CD ROM will haunt them till they die!
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
I thought it was in 1914. Silly me!
w78 3/1 p. 18 par. 15 - When was God’s Son made a King-Priest like Melchizedek? This was 40 days after his resurrection from the dead, when he ascended to heaven.
p. 711 - Upon his ascension to heaven, he was seated at God’s
right hand, (as king???) waiting until his enemies would be placed as
a stool for his feet. He also became a priest according to the manner
of Melchizedek. (wasn't he a king–priest???)
no wonder they 'cancelled' the wt cd rom.. flip -.
w61 7/15 p. 420 - “...in order to hate what is bad a christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked.” .
flop -.
No wonder they 'cancelled' the WT CD ROM.
w61 7/15 p. 420 - “...in order to hate what is bad a Christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked.”
w11 12/1 p. 25 - “We should therefore hate what is bad but not the person who does what is bad.”