What excellent taste!
JoinedPosts by petespal2002
most gorgeous man
by petespal2002 inwe've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
kindom hall "clicks"
by josephus inwhen i was a jw a was lucky enough to be in a hall with a "click" you know the type.
they all hung out together.
went to quickbuilds together and ensured that they were the ones with power in the hall.. i remember trying to join the quickbuild team as a 14 year old, only to be asked by the elder in charge of it (and allso in charge of the click), what building qualifications i had!.
oh yes!
I was on the oppo side so no matter how hard I tried to be a "good witness" I never fit in. I just got accused of being too strict.
All the so called good ones were drinking, fornicating, smoking, swearing!!!!!!!!!!
Well that's how it seemed anyway. I apologise if this is wrong!
most gorgeous man
by petespal2002 inwe've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
We've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
cheating of any kind
Are the witnesses less sincere today?
by freedom96 ini was ready larcs thread talking about the way it used to be.. started to think, as time has gone by, with all the changes the organization has made, are the witnesses less sincere today than they were perhaps 40 years ago?.
i was two when my mom got baptized, so all i knew growing up was the watchtower.
i remember some of the 70's, and all of the 80's.
I do think that people in general are less sincere in everything today. It tends to be the older generation that stick to their guns in any aspect of belief, or indeed, life! I'm not implying that there are no sincere younger individuals anymore, just fewer of them. That's just the world we've been raised into. It's not a sincere world, and society as a whole is not sincere. Look at our politicians as a case in point. Actors to a man!
The things that went on...
by shamus inthe things that went on behind closed doors in kindumb halls appalls me.
i just can't even put into words the things that i have found out over the years... how horribly elders treated people, how everything was kept secret... .
it disgusts me.
You tend to find no more "getting up to's" than in any other body of people head for head, it's just that as JJW's these things shouldn't be going on so are more shocking. It would seem.
Reading Apostate Literature.
by Blueblades in.
the wt.society forbids the reading of apostate literature.. they claim that all religions have apostatized.. they claim that the catholic church is an apostate religion.. yet they use the bible that they ( the church ) canonized during the face off of which books should be canonized and which ones should not.. simply put, how does the wt.society know which books are inspired and which ones are not?.
Not sure why any would insist Rutherford started WTBTS although he was president when the name changed. Maybe that's it.
fear of flying
by petespal2002 ini am in need of support!!.
i'm meant to be flying to washington from the uk in december and am frightened of flying.
well, not flying exactly, more the falling out of the sky bit.
Hello all,
I am in need of support!!
I'm meant to be flying to Washington from the UK in December and am frightened of flying. Well, not flying exactly, more the falling out of the sky bit. Does anyone out there share this fear and/or have some tips to share.
No windows-really
by petespal2002 ini keep reading about kingdom halls having no windows.
is this just an american thing coz i've been in plenty and never been widowless yet?
Thanks for all the replies. I had read that JW's disallow windows, and if this was an allegation people really believed when I know it's not true, what else are some people making up?
No windows-really
by petespal2002 ini keep reading about kingdom halls having no windows.
is this just an american thing coz i've been in plenty and never been widowless yet?
I keep reading about kingdom halls having no windows. Is this just an American thing coz I've been in plenty and never been widowless yet?