What is it that you want? What would it take to be better? Is there a specific question within your post that could be answered?
I guess I'm just a little confused. Everyone on this board has left for different reasons - some more traumatic than others.
I left because I never was "good enough". My self-image was so low by the time I left, it took years to even begin to think of myself in a positive way. When I had finally scrounged up the strength & mental stability to begin once again looking at my spiritual side, I took a long hard look at the JW's - the good and the bad - the truth regarding this organization. What I discovered astounded me.
I still believe "some of it", but am slowly filing it in with any other religion that uses the bible to control its people. All their false predictions, their lack of love, the mind control about what their members can even read, it all adds up to something other than what Jesus said to expect.