Its easy too criticize a religion.Any person can do that.Trash talking isnt accepted that well amongst the majority of people.Why not find something better too offer people.Now that would be a better thing too do.This board will probably fizzle out after a while.
by abcde 30 Replies latest jw friends
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
bitter mango
i can hear you laughing now naebs...
:p lol
Its easy too criticize a religion.Any person can do that.Trash talking isnt accepted that well amongst the majority of people.Why not find something better too offer people.
Spoken like a true Religionist!Lets all praise our religious leaders!!!
WAke up abcde.
The Watchtower has been criticizing religion since it began or had you not noticed?.
All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream.
-Edgar Allen Poe
You Canucks are cracking me up!!!
You said "it's easy to criticize a religion". Very true. How often do you find the Watchtower magazine actually complimenting any good other religions might do? Do they not spend a lot of their pages "trashing" other religions, while playing down any good they might do?
As far as "finding something better to offer people", many people on the board HAVE been finding worthwhile things to study and believe in. You just have to understand that the way JW's have treated people always hasn't been kind and loving...especially with their shunning accused wrongdoers, rather than really helping them. And then there are so many other issues, like failed prophecies... But the main thing is that the JW's teach that IF YOU DON'T ABSOLUTELY FOLLOW their doctrine, you're consigned to everlasting doom. There's no room for reasonable discussion or questioning, it's a religion where only abject followers are accepted!!
This board will NOT fizzle out after a while. It's been here long before you got here, and will be here long after you leave, as long as the hurtful and prideful JW's continue to affect people, and people need help and aid to return to a feeling of humanity and normalcy.
When and if the JW's fizzle out (how many years is it since 1914 now, about 87??), then this board will no longer be necessary.
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
Jws offer some good things.Help too live your life,hope for the future etc.Theyre not perfect,just like people arent perfect.They screw up,but so does everyone.I think jws deserve some positive comments too.Not just negative.Being critical is not what its cracked uo too.
Last line was suppose too be-Being critical is not what its cracked up too be.
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GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
You said,
Jws offer some good things
This may appear to be true. That's why many people are attracted to them. If they looked totally evil, nobody would come to them. Further, you saidHelp to live your life.
Is this what a religion should really do? Or should they mainly provide ideas and principles? It has been truly stated on this board that the JW's try to do all your thinking FOR you. They make rules regarding every area of life, what to think, what to eat, even down to the most personal matters involving what kind of sex is okay. In this way, they have added a long list of rules to the Bible, just like the Phariseees did. Jesus called this burdensome, and so do many of us on this board.You went on to say,
hope for the future.
This is the major function of most religions. Almost all of them offer some hope, as you know. For nominal Christians, it's heavenly life in God's kingdom. For Islamic terrorists, apparently they're offered the hope of life with multiple women at their service immediately after they've served Allah's purpose here. For Hindus, it may be reincarnation. For JW's, it's an Armageddon to happen in 1975, the 20th century, or "soon", followed by an earthly paradise for the majority of the faithful. But for 99.9% of mankind, it means a harsh God is about to slaughter them because they didn't follow the rules of a publishing house in Brooklyn Heights, New York. You then said,I think jws deserve some positive comments too.
Most people on the board do not hate JW's as people, rather they distrust the dysfunctional organization and its unorthodox teachings. Finally you saidBeing critical is not what its cracked up to be.
But abcde, you did come on here and were critical of the majority of this board's posters, right? So even in your mind, criticism can be valid and serve a purpose.This board is all about freedom and free speech. As long as you put forth reasonable thoughts and don't get disrespectful, your postings here will be welcomed (even if not agreed with by many). I encourage you to keep reading, keep thinking. You are a valuable person, and please don't feel put down just because people here may disagree (even vigorously) with some points you make. After all, many of us used to be in your shoes!
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
abcdefg hijklmnop qrstu v wxy z now i know my abc's next time want u sing with me...