All this staring at the puter screen - know I'm gonna need some soon myself. $300.00 for glasses - ugggghhh..
Happy B-Day Bendrr.
btw, i turned 30 thursday nov. 1.. i finally broke down and went to lenscrafters today.
did the exam and selected transitions lenses.
when they made the glasses and i tried them on it was awful!
All this staring at the puter screen - know I'm gonna need some soon myself. $300.00 for glasses - ugggghhh..
Happy B-Day Bendrr.
The worst was when you pretended to knock, but didn't, yet the householder opened the door anyway!!!!! LOL
ok, so i have had a few beers tonight with my everlovin' in the pub, but her ladyship has just pointed out to me that tomorrow - sunday - channel 4 at 9pm are airing a documentary about amish teenagers.. the review in the times refers to something called a rumspringa .
thinking that this must be some sort of cocktail, i decided to search the web for some guidance as to what the term rumspringa refers to.
apart from learning that americans are referred to as the "english" (!!!
Quite enlightening Englishman. I always thought the Amish were extremely strict in their child rearing policies - to find that they are light years ahead of the JW's is amusing.
Yes, I think if the JW's had adopted the above principles, perhaps less children would have found themselves in such awful, unhappy marriages. To have both woman and man "equal" in the decision making process of how a family/relationship will grow, another policy that would have made the JW relationship easier to handle, espcecially for women.
Also, to have the ability to question & doubt in teenage years, another opportunity to take a look at their own beliefs, and make a personal choice.
I wonder though, if an Amish youth chooses to go against their upbringing, are there "shunning" policies, or how are these youths handled?
funny how a strange thought can just 'pop' into your head.. .
according to genesis, a preface to the flood was the intercourse that took place between materialised angels and human women (gen 6:2).
if the angels have no gender, why were not at least some of them tempted by human men and so materialise as women?.
6o9 - I was just giving my little one a bath & dwelling on your post (ergo my name lol) and it dawned on me the point you were making (I think ).
I am not a bible scholar (i just play one on t.v.). If you are saying that those who wrote the bible only used the male gender - I ask how do we know this for sure? I haven't read the scrolls/original writings all "translations" were taken from. How do you know that female genders weren't originally in the bible, and changed to male genders to effect the teachings of the particular translators/politics etc.?
And S.C. - where's "the mother" in Genesis? Adam was created in God's image & eve was made as an after thought, as a companion to him (at least that's what my bible says).
funny how a strange thought can just 'pop' into your head.. .
according to genesis, a preface to the flood was the intercourse that took place between materialised angels and human women (gen 6:2).
if the angels have no gender, why were not at least some of them tempted by human men and so materialise as women?.
Adam was created in God's image - when God saw how lonely he was, he made a companion for him - a woman. What scripture says Eve was made in "their image"?
*Who's the "mother"? And why isn't her role discussed in re; God and the creation?
funny how a strange thought can just 'pop' into your head.. .
according to genesis, a preface to the flood was the intercourse that took place between materialised angels and human women (gen 6:2).
if the angels have no gender, why were not at least some of them tempted by human men and so materialise as women?.
Ok - I'm confused. I wasn't implying anything by using "translated", perhaps I should have put it in parenthasis? Most bibles are considered "translated" are they not? My point was that most bibles were "translated" by males in a particular political/religious frame of mind.
So, I'll give ya a break I guess - where would you like it?
hello, i know this board for about a week but didn t dare to register and post something, to let the cat out of the bag ... i am a jw :) i was shocked after i read through some of the topic here.
honestly, i haven t seen any apostates in action until i started visiting this board.
a little bit information to my person:.
Neva: Please do not misconstrue that because the articles you read here are harsh, that its because the JW's are being treated the way Jesus was.
There's a very big difference between Jesus & this org. The reason some are so critical is for the "lack of love", not the expression of it. Its JW policies regarding members and their doctrines, none of which are truly based in the bible, that has cause much suffering to many on this board. Many have suffered at the hands of this religion in many different ways.
Although most here do not consider themselves "victims", they do wish to help others that are making their way out of that organization and are confused, alone and suffering.
Many here were long time, faithful servants to Jehovah, and faithfully followed the WTBTS until it became clearly and extremely painfully evident that this was not a "marked" organization.
Keep in mind, Jesus never CHANGED or ALTERED his teachings to fit the whims of the time. His words were constant and true. His apostles stumbled often while they were with him, and yet each occurence was met with love, understanding, compassion and true spiritual guidance. That doesn't exist on any size scale within the JW's - if you need proof, show your dad where you've been finding the information you've been reading here. Better yet, show it to elders w/in your congregation, and see how much "love" is shown.
let's assume that there are about 9,000,000 armageddon survivors (baptised jw's and their children), after just 30 years every survivor will be sexually mature and with increased vigour and health.. .
chemical contraception, condoms, i.u.d's etc will all be long gone so any married couple with a normal sex-drive will be producing children at an average rate of about 1 per year.. .
world population at the beginning of the 20th century was less than 1.5 billion.
My mother (JW) says that there will be no marriages, child births, etc. in the new order of things. According to her, her marriage w/my father will not even be remembered persee'. They will have no need for childbirth because the earth will be filled w/the resurrected ones. The only reason people gave birth in beginning was to "fill the earth". Once that goal has been accomplished, God will simply stop people from being able to procreate (and perhaps even no more sex).
funny how a strange thought can just 'pop' into your head.. .
according to genesis, a preface to the flood was the intercourse that took place between materialised angels and human women (gen 6:2).
if the angels have no gender, why were not at least some of them tempted by human men and so materialise as women?.
You know, I never even thought of that!!! In fact all angels are considered "male" throughout the bible aren't they?
Hmmmmm....interesting theory behind religion/political powers keeping their people (especially women) in check when translating the bible - makes you wonder how much more was simply translated to keep ones own agenda.
who brings about moral change in the organization?.
we, who are called "apostates", "opposers" and the .
Hey - do you think apostates will get a "get out of jail free card" for this obviously burdensome & unappreciated work?