Even if they could focus the "blame" on these 5, what difference would it make? These 5 happen to be GB members - annointed soon to be angels of God!!!! What person would follow an org. where their holiest of holys are child abusers????
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
A way the society could place blame on child abuse
by Disposable Hero ini was thinking about this today after silentlambs post about the 5 gb men now for bill bowen to make this public, i believe that there must be some damning evidence, so damning that it will force the governing body to do something.
what will happen i do not know, but i have a theory, idea or maybe just a crazy thought.
a few years ago, there were pictures in the publications that the society had gotten flak over.
by minimus injust in case you weren't really sure, the watchtower and the governing body will never meet with bill bowen.
he is now disfellowshipped.
Okay, I may be wrong here, but I have heard that ANYONE can call a judicial hearing, even someone who is disfellowshipped.....one's status w/in the organization doesn't matter. A worldly person has as much right...so therefore, wouldn't the GB be ignoring their own judicial hearing policy by refusing Bill's request?
Governing Body Summoned For Jud Hearing
by silentlambs inservice committee .
25 columbia heights
brooklyn, ny 11201 .
This is about the children, on that we all agree. My point of contention w/this letter is that it will only turn away r/f JW's who have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that such policies within the org. exist - unless they have had to deal with them first hand. In their world, no such ugly things even exist - for this they feel fortunate.
I fear this letter may have the opposite effect of making these people aware, and will make r/f JW who might have listened turn away. I realize that Pat has the right to a judicial hearing, and so therefore this should take place. But as far as the "media blitz" with this letter, I think it will turn those away who might have listened. Now I fear they will look at BB as an angry ex-elder w/an axe to grind against the GB. Bill deserves better than this.
No religion, no law can prevent a child from being abused.....it happens everyday. So the crime can't be prevented, but at least if the parents are AWARE, they may know what to look for. In the most horrific circumstances that the scumbag is actually the parent, THE LAW will require the elders do what is right, contact the authorities who will REMOVE the child from the home, instead of being sent right back to the scum by elders who feel the parent is repentent.
I finally opened my eyes
by Texas Apostate inhi from houston,.
after 2 months of investigating the wts, i have finally confirmend what my heart and mind told for a long time.
i have kept up with the post in here during that time, and i want to say thank you to all.
Wow TA - welcome to the board...there are so many here w/stories like you're own - just be careful because it can get quite addictive!!!!!!
Btw - what religions have you and your wife been looking into - there are so many choices!!!!
Am I damaging the silentlambs cause?
by Simon inone of the few unfounded (i think) accusations that have been thrown at me by certain people is that i have caused 'untold damage' to the silentambs cause.. i don't know quite what this is supposed to mean or what i'm suppoed to have done or whether it is anything more than just 'mud' flung by people who find it easier to criticise rather than actually do anything.. over the last year (is it?
) i've been happy to promote the silentlambs cause and have hosted links to bills site and vidoes / sound files of tv programmes, radio reports, photo's of the march etc... as well as providing a place for people to meet and arrange things.
i hope it has been useful and helpful to at least some people.. if i have inadventantly held things up in some way then i unreservedly and wholeheartedly apologise.. all i can say is, i do my best and may not always get things right.
Here Here Teejay - couldn't agree with you more!!!!
The Godbrothers
by expatbrit intheocratic war erupts amongst leading chicago jehovah's witness families!.
by sharkey finsback - asphyxiated press.
chicago, long famous for its mafia activity, is now dealing with another type of family war.
Yes - please do write alot of these - they're fantastic
My boss can't figure out why I was laughing my *ss off by myself in my office!!!! (don't tell on me)
Thanks for making my day Ex - I sure needed that!
Please forgive me...!!
by ELON14 ini'm new here and this is the first post i make (i promise that more will come).
i have been following most of the posts made here quietly for about 4 months and i would like to thank all of you who are called apostates for the well documented and researched material you have presented here.thanks to you i know now the truth about the wt organization and i'm no longer blind and misled.
i disassociated myself about 2 months ago after 15 years of very "faithful" service to the society.i was regular pioneer for 12 years and an elder for 8 years, i served mainly as the service overeer.my experience was published in the 2 of the society's magazins.. as i was a very zealous and prominent elder in my circuit i zealously promoted the organizational rules and i allowed myself to be fully used by the society to promote those mind controle techniques that now i know hurt those who were my sheep.
Ditto to everyone above .......boy you guys - you left me w/nuttin to say!!!!!!
My true condolescenses on the loss of your son....but you need to forgive yourself as another said. We're all/were "seeking the truth", and thought we had found it...
I'm being DF'ed...
by email inthis is my first post on this board even though i have been lurking for a looong time.... .
i have just being told that the judicial committee has decided to disfellowship me and that i have a week to appeal if i decide to do so.
the reason: "apostasy".
Welcome to the ranks email -
Wanting to speak to someone
by Smokey ini was a former member now in order to be included with family, i am a non-attender for about 14 yearsi really hate to hear all the damage and mind altering things that go on with this cult.
Rare cases?? How many of these stories on these boards have you read? And these are just the ones that found this particular board. Do you know how many boards there are?
And, even if it were "rare", so what? Sure, everyone's human, and everyone makes mistakes. But, you can't tell me that when a family is viewed as "weak", for WHATEVER the reason, it makes all elders find it much easier to throw these people to the wayside so to speak. I can guarantee that unless an elder's child is throwing themselves away from the organization, all "sins" or transgressions are dismissed altogether, or a private reproval. Give the same set of any given circumstances to a woman with 5 children & no believing husband - they have a different set of standards. Its human nature to some extent, so therefore almost understandable. But - it does not justify the horrific trauma that child will have to endure. My brother was da'd at 11 - because he argued w/his bible study conducter. An 11 year old!!!! Another brother - da'd at 13 - because an elder's son stole from the collection plate & even though there were 2 witnesses to who actually stole the money, the thief climbed into my mother's car w/my brother....guess who got into trouble! Me - I was df'd @ 16 - for not screaming while I was being raped by my "fiancee" or go running to the elders afterwards (there are reasons why of which they knew - they just chose to ignore).
Anyways, I'm sorry Smokey - this is about you, and I didn't mean to hijack your thread.....it just never ceases to depress me that the JW's can so easily dismiss even 1 human life.............and yet they are the true spokesman of god.
Am I damaging the silentlambs cause?
by Simon inone of the few unfounded (i think) accusations that have been thrown at me by certain people is that i have caused 'untold damage' to the silentambs cause.. i don't know quite what this is supposed to mean or what i'm suppoed to have done or whether it is anything more than just 'mud' flung by people who find it easier to criticise rather than actually do anything.. over the last year (is it?
) i've been happy to promote the silentlambs cause and have hosted links to bills site and vidoes / sound files of tv programmes, radio reports, photo's of the march etc... as well as providing a place for people to meet and arrange things.
i hope it has been useful and helpful to at least some people.. if i have inadventantly held things up in some way then i unreservedly and wholeheartedly apologise.. all i can say is, i do my best and may not always get things right.
P.S. If you were, why do you think Silent Lambs themselves would be using this as their message board to get the word out, instead of "others"?
Silly, silly silly