Gumby - I just wonder why You Know didn't bother making his October predictions this year - I see he has laid low - did he ever pay his debt last year?
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
The Real Truth About Raymond V. Franz Revealed!
by bjc2012 inand for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
A CO page is up - please visit
by Carlo inhi brothers and sisters.
i'm a jw circuit overseer.
i have just uploaded my pages.
Stephanus - you shaved your beard!!!! Looks nice
Understanding- a two way street
by kelsey007 inmaybe some here have fell victim to mr bowen's abusive speech.
i am sure some have not, but others were attacked.
and maybe those that have been verbally abused by bowen would love to be more involved in the plight of abuse victims but due to this abusive language find themselves in a very uncomfortable situation- they need to know that the motivations of mr bowen are good and due to personal attacks they are greatly saddened and hurt.
(((Kelsey))) I know you for one feel maligned by Bill....I don't blame you whatsoever. As to Bill's motive, I think most don't care what ulterior motives are behind his campaign....its not for most to judge.
All you can judge is actions, and so far Bill has been brilliant in organizing voiceless victims to stand up and be heard. We can't belittle this accomplishment either. If as a human, with human imperfections he has hurt some, what should be his "punishment"? I know you for one would like a public apology, and perhaps in some cases this is warranted as the attacks were public, but on a different level, what would an apology do? Would it change the minds & hearts of ones hurt? This is where a level of forgiveness comes in, regardless of an apology or not. To forgive & forget, focusing on the much bigger goal of the Silent Lambs.
Time will tell on all these personal matters. Until then, most can only continue to stand behind the Silent Lambs, which is not onto itself Bill Bowen.
I wish peace for you however, and hope everything is going well. How's Jon doing with his new feet? Therapy can be difficult I'm sure, so I hope you are all doing well.
Stop The War in IRAQ!! (CSPAN)
by sf intake some time today people and tune in and educate yourselves a bit about this 'system of things'.. no war in iraq!!!.
no blood for oil!!.
Francois - all I can reply is
Rhonda (of the oops the demons made me write this class).
A House Divided
by IslandWoman inbill bowen has divided his own house.
most here supported his efforts and still do, what he has done is cause a fire among his own supporters here, his large army of friends here.
it's not rf supporters against bb supporters it's really silentlambs org.
TH - what do you know of what I've done or not done? Do you live in Michigan, or must I post everything I DO? I personally have found my niche in helping others, and since I tend to be shy & introverted, I prefer to stay out of the spotlight. I did help w/the rally - but was unable to attend because of my family commitments. So, I PHYSICALLY did what I could do from home....I did call & e-mail a few reporters and also left my lambs at my local congregations.
This issue is huge - I know firsthand thank you the emotional & mental reprucussion from abuse - I just don't run around talking about it all day long. All organizations that handle persons of ANY type of abuse (mental, physical, sexual) have MANY members intricately involved. While they may have a spokesperson, there isn't typically 1 person running the entire show - it takes to much. I have applauded Bill's efforts on many different stages - its just too much for 1 person. As a spokesperson, I think his "antics" were counterproductive to the point he was trying to make.
We all have talents (i.e. yours is in production of outstanding videos). My whole point all along has been that Bill NEEDS HELP (i.e. my example of cells in areas where someone else can be "spokesperson" or whatever the need).
But, after having said all that, I can see why you may have taken hombrage to that one statement - it was worded incorrectly. I should have said "ANY PERSONS PASSION & DRIVE IS NOT ENOUGH TO CARRY SUCH A HEAVY LOAD ALONE!"
XJW web sites
by ballistic inif you had unlimited skills, time and web space and cost was no object, what kind of xjw web site would you build and why?
do you think there is a need for more types of site?
i ask this as part of my market research for building a site.
If you build it, they will come.........
Actually, I haven't seen any sites dedicated to the blood issue, and I'm sure that is one that has affected 1000's.
Silent Lambs website (although it definitely needs an upgrade) is a very good one for an example. It gives alot of good information out to help those who are suffering from whatever circumstances, while at the same time allowing others to post their stories (which can be very theraputical).
A House Divided
by IslandWoman inbill bowen has divided his own house.
most here supported his efforts and still do, what he has done is cause a fire among his own supporters here, his large army of friends here.
it's not rf supporters against bb supporters it's really silentlambs org.
IW - thanks - I understand now....and your point is a valid one. Bill although passionate & driven doesn't appear to have the experience necessary to handle such a large load. Although I was extremely concerned with his actions & comments at one point, it seems that perhaps he has done what many suggested - took a step back to reflect & get his "self" together.
I don't know what the future of Silent Lambs holds, but Bill is worthy of all's understanding & compassion with such a gigantic undertaking. He may not seem to be the best man for the job, but he was the one willing to take the ball & run with it.
I think his camp (of which I am one) can become undivided. I think we all need to put his mistakes into perspective and continue on as we have. Perhaps others who have "left camp" will take a moment to focus on the "larger picture" of this organization. If they feel they can contribute, or perhaps take on some of the load (i.e. setting up "cell" areas) then the focus won't so much be on Bill, but on the organization as a whole.
Stop The War in IRAQ!! (CSPAN)
by sf intake some time today people and tune in and educate yourselves a bit about this 'system of things'.. no war in iraq!!!.
no blood for oil!!.
While I respect your opinion Randy, I can't agree - George W wants DESPERATELY to go to war, and is even going as far to flaunt his superiority at the UN. Pride comes before a fall.....and our whole nation will suffer this time around imho.
Nor would IRaq necessarily be our enemy if we re-evaluated our foreign policy - so perhaps that would be the first place to look - our support of Isreal regardless of the atrocities they do, and our willingness to be the friend of whoever happens to be giving us the cheapest price of oil. Sadam at one time was our friend, we sort of created him to some extent. We turned our back on him when we no longer needed him, and instilled hatred.
A House Divided
by IslandWoman inbill bowen has divided his own house.
most here supported his efforts and still do, what he has done is cause a fire among his own supporters here, his large army of friends here.
it's not rf supporters against bb supporters it's really silentlambs org.
I will state here as I stated for Ray Franz - leave these men alone. They are human, they make mistakes. In Ray's case, I believe he repaid his debt to society, and anti'd up to his mistakes.
In Bill's case, I believe a formal apology was made, and accepted.
But the main point is this - THE ONLY REASON IT CONTINUES TO DIVIDE PEOPLE is because people keep talking about it. If we allow Bill his indiscretion, as a human, and leave it alone, it will blow away with the wind and the SilentLambs can continue on. Perhaps he has learned from this, and will think more about things before posting in the future.
IMHO - its post like these that continue to "divide the house"....
(Not attacking you IW - I've read many of your posts & I think you're great!!!)
Stop The War in IRAQ!! (CSPAN)
by sf intake some time today people and tune in and educate yourselves a bit about this 'system of things'.. no war in iraq!!!.
no blood for oil!!.
As I'm of dissent here, I will say to some extent I have to agree w/Skally -
The history of Sadam is much over-politicated in the U.S. Sadam did have at least a small reason to go into Kawait back in 1991 -
At one time Kuwait was part of Iraq - basically in a nutshell "liberated" by Britain & allowed to join the UN. Okay, in the process of this, deals were made governing a lake of oil which shared Iraq & kuwait space. The deal was that neither country would undercut the others prices, or take more oil than the deal allowed. Kuwait violated this contract. They also began to make Iraqi citizens suffer as they closed off one of the few rivers of fresh water that went into Iraq. This of course pissed off Sadam & it lead to the Gulf war. Fast forward to today.........
Sadam has never attacked our country. He threatened to send missiles into Isreal (which he did) IF the US became involved in Kuwait (which we did). Yes Sadam is a horrible leader to his people, yes he is a tyrant that must go. But for those of you who don't know this, remember he hates Muslim Extremists as much IF NOT MORE than the U.S. does. One small fact is that the reason for so much war in the Middle East is because of Muslim Extremeist vs. More Modern Muslims. These wars have been waging for centuries. Sadam is in as much danger of these extremists violating his soveriegnty as much as anyone else.
Is he mad at us, yep - for butting our noses into places it doesn't belong, and for instigating conflicts just to get reductions in our oil prices. Don't tell me it doesn't happen - its common fact EVERYWHERE in the world but here. We also parade our arrogant sense of superiority in all facets of our foreign policy imho, which only breeds contempt from others (Russia, France & Japan have said as much in recent weeks).
If we want Sadam out, the best way would to support his own citizens to take him out. When the Gulf war was raging, we helped his people take control of 15 of 18 provinces. After the war, we withdrew suddenly, before the job was complete & left alot of anti-Sadam fighers blowing in the wind, for which they & their families paid a TERRIBLE price. We lost what - very few.
Its our foreign policy that gets us into trouble. Its George W. that's pulling all the strings now, and he also is turning out to be a supreme bully if you ask me. All of his Generals & Admirals within his think tank are saying NO, but the only people he will listen to are people such as himself, ONES THAT NEVER SERVED WHEN IT WAS THEIR TIME TO GO TO WAR, ELECTING ALTERNATIVE SERVICE SO THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE TO SEE CONFLICT. It disgusts me at how eager they are to send our men to the "street by street" gorrila fighting it will take to win this war (unlike the Gulf) without listening to anyone but themselves, cowards that willingly send others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves.