I never thought I would make it. In fact I only thought about three people from my old congo would make it. I knew I didn't do enough and never would be good enough. I was also terrified of being tortured and watching as my friends and family die and are eaten like carrion.
JoinedPosts by mercedes_29
Did You Expect To Live Thru The Great Tribulation & Never Die At All?
by minimus ini always had my doubts about that but i was at least hopeful that all would work out as they said.
i saw so many "faithful ones" who were true believers expire before they got the prize, that i started to think it probably wouldn't happen in my lifetime.. what a bunch of suckers, huh?.
Who On This Site Would You Like To Meet?
by minimus inthere are a lot of interesting people that frequent this site.. sometimes, we get an idea of what the posters are really like in "real life".
and i'm sure i could be easily surprised by some that you think might be strong personalities because of their board presence, and in reality, they might be shy in a face to face setting.. i would enjoy meeting simon.
simon used to be terribly annoyed by my posting and now i think he's accepted with tolerance my being here.. farkel seems like a grouchy cantankerous fellow but i think he'd be very interesting company!.
I'd like to meet Quendi, 3rd Gen, Mr. Flipper and anyone on this board who speaks French.
Why did you become a Jehovah's Witness ?
by Gnosis inwhy did you become a jehovah's witness ?.
initially upon entering the religion what were the positive things you experienced ?.
how did that particular way of thinking both benefit and harm you ?.
My Mom started studying with a kind JW lady when I was around 12. She studied for several years before getting baptized but we stopped doing holidays and birthdays. My non JW Dad went along with it - partly because he didn't know what else to do. My brother and sister rejected the religion. I started studying at 14 to be closer to my mother. At 15 I stopped studying and started playing high school sports. I still attended meetings with my mother. She didn't mind me playing sports and she wanted me to go to college so we never had any disagreements over the JW beliefs. During college I was too busy to go to meetings as I was working and taking 19 credits a semester. I didn't go back until I was 22 and married to a "worldly" man. I got baptized at 24 because I wanted to "Put away the former things and be washed clean" at least that is how the elders put it.
I was a good witness going out in service trying to ignore my friends who weren't witnesses. My marriage fell apart and my JW friends told me to stay in the marriage and I would be blessed. After 5 years of marriage I had had enough. I filed for divorce, started my career and started dating. I was called in before two elders who didn't really know me or give a damn about me. They were my ex husband's friends and he wasn't even baptized. When I pointed out that I was their "sister in the faith" and he was a "worldly man" and yet they were persecuting me they told me that he accused me of adultery but he wanted me back and they were worried about my "salvation". I told them I was done with that marriage and moving on was no one's business but mine. I wrote a DA letter shortly after that. Interesting thing is I had a week to change my mind but everyone must have known because I was shunned in the grocery store and other places around town before I was announced as DA'd. Fortunately my Mom chose me over a bunch of men in suits and faded. She is shunned except for Memorial season.
I had one good friend while I was in, she was like a sister to me. But now she thinks I am dead forever and will have nothing to do with me.
I am glad to have my family, my second husband and feeling the closeness of friends and family during the holidays that we host in our home. This site has helped me realize that I made the right decision.
At this moment what do you feel like eating??
by on the rocks ini would love to have a choclate cake!!!
Soft Serve ice cream any flavor
my workmates jw friend of 30 years has deleted her from facebook
by looloo inthis lady is quite new to my workplace and we got chatting and she asked how i met my husband etc ... after i finished telling her of my jw experiances she said i could write a book and i really should !
she said she has a friend who shes known for 30 years and she became a jw about 15 years ago and this friend had recently deleted her off her friends list !
she also said this friend likes to play bingo which she presumed wouldnt be allowed in the religion so had thought it cant be all that strict in that religion !!!!!
I've had a few JWs unfriend me yet I see them making comments and being "friends" with other worldy people we went to school with. I guess the worldly people aren't as "mentally diseased" as I am.
Introducing Mrs Cedars...
by cedars ini just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
Welcome Mrs. Cedars!!
Questions about disfellowshipping and 'non-sanctioned' shunning
by Steve_C inbasically, i have a couple of questions about the current rules regarding disfellowshipping and shunning.
by current i mean since 1999.. sorry, but i have to put a bit of my history to clarify my situation.. i was a born-in who was baptized in 1983. got married to a sister in 1984. then the kids came.
by the mid-1990s my wife and i had become increasingly irregular, so that by 1999 we were both inactive and only went to the memorial and conventions.. in 1999 i committed adultery, confessed to the elders, and had a judicial committee.
My mother faded and when certain JWs see her in the store they shun her. Some still show up at her door during Memorial season, but these same people will turn their backs on her when not in "service".
I told my daughter I was leaving "the truth" this weekend.
by whathappened inlast week, i told you i was going to tell my daughter that i was leaving the truth this weekend and you all gave me sound advice.
but, i cannot keep a secret this heavy from the person i love most on this earth, my only daughter, who is beautiful inside and out.. well, i have always had an open and honest relationship with my daughter, and i guess it paid off.
this weekend i visited my daughter (who lives in another state) and i told her i was leaving "the truth.
Wishing you the best, What Happened. When I DA'd myself I was terrified my mother would have to shun me. She told me that she could never turn her back on one of her children. She faded sucessfully and we are much happier for it. I hope your daughter follows your courageous lead.
Focus: Who is JOEL GOTT?
by sf inwhois information for watchtower.org:.
registrar: network solutions, inc. .
organization: watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. .
I remember Warrenchuck coming to the Westery Congregation. He screamed at us from the platform. He called us lazy and even the elders couldn't answer his questions correctly. He was taken out of service due to untreated diabetes right after he left our congregation. We then had Kent Karres for a while. He was an uber JW who had no concept of what it was like to work and have a family and pay your own way. He and his wife Becky had lots of dietary requests too. After them we got John Crispin who was probably the most humble of all the COs I can remember. He and his wife were always kind. They also would accept whatever meals were offered to them without complaint which was a huge difference from the others.
JW Longo Story on ABC TV July 11th "Final Witness"
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20120611abc02/.
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
Mr. Flipper is right. While I was watching the show my friends were tweeting about how they couldn't understand why Mary Jane didn't just leave her husband and go back to her family. I tried to explain that the JWs teach women to be obedient to men, especially their husbands - even if they lead the family into ruin. Women really are second class citizens in the JW world and this "training" cost Mary Jane and her children their lives. Only her sisters were interviewed on the show, I wonder what her parents and "friends" in the congregation thought of everything that happened.