Since when did Watchtower acknowledge the “United Kingdom” was even a thing? I thought it was “Britain” (England, Scotland, and Wales) and “Ireland” (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) in their worldview.
Does this mean the Republic of Ireland gets a separate talk, and Northern Ireland is now covered by the United Kingdom? Or are they including the Republic of Ireland under “United Kingdom
Imho...Having lived in Ireland (south) for many years, the conventions were always held with an all Ireland perspective. This was purely down to logistics. It was easier for people to attend conventions from all parts of Ireland in the one place. So, one year, the convention might be held in cork, the next year Belfast and the next Dublin. Of course jw's are non political, so don't look at borders and regions in the same way. They view Ireland in its entirety based purely on a geographical perspective, being as practical and logistical as possible in feeding "their sheep"
Their reference to the United Kingdom is interesting though from a watchtower perspective