Yes, they said forty years ago that we had entered the "Warning" work. Nothing new. The animals are gathered and in the ark just waiting on Jehovah to close and seal the door and bring the rain. One time they even said that Jehovah was closing the door to the Ark. Better hurry up and get baptized, and we can only study with you for six months.
Oh, no, they could be in the ark waiting for rain for years and decades, (a day for a year). Maybe you could take some food over there on the January 2nd. Or, Just set up a Pizza delivery from Domino's to the Kingdom Hall.
Funny how the end was delayed to gather more sincere hearted people. But, they never cared about all the sincere hearted people that rotted (left got tired, died, etc) waiting for the end. I guess the Ark has a backdoor after all. Well, don't let it hit you on your way out.