small amount of letter writing or informal witnessing....I turned in time right up until the point I decided ENOUGH ...I was doing that so they wouldn't discern I was PIMO...BUT-I wasn't encourageing anyone to be JW, but rather it was important to have a relationship with Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ. In other words, the time I was turning in was literally against the JW. ( but I was sharing the Bible ) On a get to know me call from a couple of Brothers ( after being here for over 10 years ) I was told to turn on my camera. I got to doing it before and after but not during...During the meeting, I had decided I would go about the house doing whatever I chose and would check back in the zoom and hold my hand up occassionally...I was totally playing false and I hated that and I am not judging anyone who has good reasons to play that game, but for me, I decided to force myself into writing a disassociation letter. ( meaning I told the only person I considered to be a real friend because I felt it not fair to play false to her and although she said she wouldn't, she ratted me out JUST AS I KNEW SHE WOULD -so I wrote the elders...) What to say if ever confronted: I can think of a few things...before I had decided to totally out myself, I was looking forward to the in hall meetings and getting to see the others. But here was the thing-as mentioned the shots didn't keep you from getting and spreading the "disease", but if others knew you didn't take the shots, they wouldn't want to associate with you anyway. I knew I was unacceptable on that level. The other thing is I had watched enough doctors speaking about how people had gotten sick just from being around those vaxxed because they were "shedding" ( some think I am wacked out ) So I really didn't feel comfy about going around them ( I spent a day helping a vxxed sister and go the most unual sore throat I ever had in my life) So depending upon your choice of shot or not shot, you can say you choose not to be around those who didn't obey and don't have the shots or you can say you aren't good with being around those who are "shedding" God knows what. The other thing that was a deal breaker is the wearing of masks. Those going to meetings are wearing masks! I read researcher's reports and most of the mask work like a gnat going through a wire fence...and I personally can barely breath with those blasted things on. Maybe you don't breathe well with them! Health is a good excuse not to return in person.