Indoubtbigtime, if you want to go to that school, you should look into mind control and group think. Studies have shown people will have doubts about what they know is true given certain situations. In a group, a test may go like this: 15 people are shown a red color. You say red, and the other 14 declare black...the test subject doubts his own eyes or otherwise wants to conform with the group, so he changes his answer from red to black. That is partly how the JW enslave so many. In the meetings, there is group think. People parrot what is on the page and aren't allowed by the conductor to go off script. So falsehoods printed on the page aren't allowed to be questioned and the majority go along with what is printed. Try it in real time in a meeting and see for yourself! ( foreseeing a trip to the back room! )The point of this is you won't learn anything new at the school, but just become more indoctrinad by group think, I watched one ex elder speak about how a school he went to was about trusting the organization and the GB and staying in line with that. Here is a place you can question something: along about memorial time, question Matt 26:28 where it says Jesus blood if for the forgiveness of sins for the many ( not only 144,000) or question as to whether Jesus is your mediator or not....