Matt 24:14? many other religions are also teaching all over the world their take on the Bible. A lot of places the JW are today had already been taught from the Bible before-that has to be so since they didn't get started until the late 1800's so don't hang your hat on that. I think a lot of things the JW teach are true...but that can be said of other Christian religions. A little leaven ferments the whole lump. Jesus said the Father was to be worshipped in spirt and it truth and showed it wasn't it wasn't in any particular place. The fact is if you looks like the facts about the JW religion, it was built on a pack of lies from the get-go, So much for worshipping in spirit and truth. There are also videos online which dig into where the JW translated the NWT to fit their agenda-I hate to admit that since I was a defender of it at one time.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inhi everyone i’m not pimi or pimo i’m pima.. i don’t think the gb have everything right but i’m sitting on the fence that maybe they do some things.. if the great trib starts i will jump that side of the fence.. this is a definite little sneaky advantage dodging but even by their own doctrine last min some could come in.. i suspect many are like me.. i spent years in bethel and am very disappointed and disillusioned by it all.. but at the end of the day i love the bible and think it is the word of god and i don’t see any other religion that comes as close to what jesus describes his true followers or who are fulfilling mat 24:14..
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I know I thought this and am too lazy to read this whole thread to see if I wrote what I thought. I think they referred to him as " brother" so as to not ruffle too many feathers about his removal. They didn't want to go so far as to say Tony M is no longer a jw...that would really draw negative attention. If whatever was done was bad enough to be removed from his God appointed position then it must be disfellowship worthy. Things will settle down and Bro. Morris will end up being no longer a JW--something that won't be reported on the JW news, but kept local. That is my take. Raymond Franz was allowed to leave being a brother but was later df for having a meal with his employer.
WARNING! If you DELIBERATELY avoid the JW memorial.....
by BoogerMan will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
FedUpJW, you got that Spurn correct! They promote the memorial as all about the anointed rather than forgiveness of sins for the MANY ( Matt 26:28 )
Could the law abiding Jesus or his disciples have used a coin depicting Caesar?
by EdenOne inso, i was just viewing an interview with professor yonathan adler regarding the origins of judaism as an everyday practice of the masses.
he makes a very convincing argument that the jews only became torah observants in a generalized way around the beginning of the hasmonean dynasty, between the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc.
you can watch the interview here:.
Edenone "At least you're honest to admit to hiding your head in the sand. If it works for you, great! Nothing to see here." If I am wrong, no harm done! If I am correct, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
here is another reason I pay attention to a bit of the JW stuff ( mostly tidbits from "apostates" who are doing reviews: if I end up talking to some of my far off JW friends that don't know I left the org., I want to be able to not be clueless as to what is going on. That being said, we get information here before the R and F do.
Dreading the memorial
by Isambard Crater inhey.
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
Don't they now sing song #25 that glorifies the anointed?
Could the law abiding Jesus or his disciples have used a coin depicting Caesar?
by EdenOne inso, i was just viewing an interview with professor yonathan adler regarding the origins of judaism as an everyday practice of the masses.
he makes a very convincing argument that the jews only became torah observants in a generalized way around the beginning of the hasmonean dynasty, between the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc.
you can watch the interview here:.
let God be found true though every man a liar....I choose to believe the Bible and therefore didn't read through or watch anything to the contrary.--it would be a waste of my time as once again I choose to believe the Bible. -
Dreading the memorial
by Isambard Crater inhey.
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
you could go and eat and drink and they likely won't want you to ever go back! ( I know, I'm bad!)
Stress of Going to a Summer Convention
by LostintheFog1999 inspotted this picture on a friend's page, he was highlighting the mental health issue.
however,we thought the magazine on stress was deliberately placed in the summer months because for any jw going to a convention, paying high season hotel rates for themselves or their whole family to stay near the convention centre, fighting coworkers and managers to get the time off work, travelling expenses, buying their own meals for the family, buying new shiny suits and dresses to impress (particularly if you have teenage girls who are looking for their prince), and more.... by the time they come home again and straight away back to work, their nerves will be so frazzled that their stress levels will have sky rocketed!.
as brother elder says to them, "don't worry.
wasn't I a goody two shoes. I trusted the suggestions thinking they had gotten the best prices for us. We always got "the Talk" about how it was to everyone's advantage to stick with the rooming arrangement-now I am thinking, "yeah, but to whose advantage"?.
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
The past year has been in interesting ride. I never looked very closely, or I would have found something to hinge my decision to leave on sooner. I had always told myself if something stood out to me that directly went against what I knew to be in the Bible, that I would leave. ( in hindsight, I think that thought was there because subconsciously I knew things weren't right ) Anyway, what I want to say about this interesting ride is in a short while I learned more about the org being on the outside than I did being in for 50 years, and that is because instead of just leaving JWs, I dug deeper into it's past and came to appreciate, it was built on a pack of lies from it's inception.