I heard a short news item on NPR a few minutes ago...no details. So sad...but it's a wonder we don't hear more such things...remember the murder/suicide/bombing on Xmas...The Bible says, by their fruits you will know them...look as JW fruitage...They will tell you it is love among yourselves, but the hate has driven some to horrid crimes.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Mass Shooting at Kingdom Hall in Hamburg, Germany
by EdenOne inmass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
Dreading the memorial
by Isambard Crater inhey.
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
the JW lie about what the real story with the passing of the emblems...they say it is a legal means for spiritual Israel to rule with Jesus... The New Covenant is forgiveness of sins for the many. I could never sit through that pack of lies again now that I am awake to the agenda. Just read the Bible without the WT filters. If you go and believe that Jesus died for your sins , then by all means partake, and let the tongues wag.
Chance or intelligent design?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA incofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
I posted this under a Lazarus come out....but I think it fits here nicely for consideration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXexaVsvhCM&t=3s
“Lazarus, come out!”
by Fisherman inmany people here have expressed faith in evolution and in other theories—but in all honesty, do you have any hope whatsoever in your heart or in the back of your mind ?
I found this very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXexaVsvhCM what these professionals are saying
The lockdown files
by ExBethelitenowPIMA innow we know it was all lies and politicians were discussing “when shall deploy the new variants”.
meanwhile the gov body believed all the lies and even said “you may be wondering what do these brothers know, wrong question what does jehovah know”.
Did the GB really believe lies? or were they just dancing to the whim of their puppeteer. It's obvious God isn't directing the org. It even came out in The WT ( I want to say july 22 issue par 14, not sure of the page as I just took photo of the paragraph) "JESUS provides wise direction in time of crisis. The benefits of that direction were evident when the COVID -19 pandemic broke out. While many in the world were uncertain about what course to take, Jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to keep us safe." ( they not only print lies, but give Jesus the credit for the lies! )
Dreading the memorial
by Isambard Crater inhey.
does anyone else dread attending (in person or on zoom) the memorial months in advance?.
literally as soon as new year hits, i feel sick and super anxious, and i've realised it's because of the memorial, which i only attend because of family, who kinda tell me the reason they have bad health is cuz i left the jw sevel years ago..
I had a friend and we played what we dubbed WSA ( wicked scenario alert ) game. In this game we just talked about let's say a revenge we would take if we didn't know it to be a bad idea. So here is a WSA for you all: we all go to the local memorial and partake. They would have a record high attendance and there would be plenty for the R and F to talk about: all of those anointed partakers ( of course they would say we were mentally ill, or on drugs, but it would give them something to talk about!) Can't you picture it! What a hoot!...but a WSA!
Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inhi everyone i’m not pimi or pimo i’m pima.. i don’t think the gb have everything right but i’m sitting on the fence that maybe they do some things.. if the great trib starts i will jump that side of the fence.. this is a definite little sneaky advantage dodging but even by their own doctrine last min some could come in.. i suspect many are like me.. i spent years in bethel and am very disappointed and disillusioned by it all.. but at the end of the day i love the bible and think it is the word of god and i don’t see any other religion that comes as close to what jesus describes his true followers or who are fulfilling mat 24:14..
ExbethletitenowPIMA what scripture says the light will get progressively brighter? Is there a scripture IN IT'S CONTEXT that shows that you can change doctrines like turning lights off and on and it still be the truth? Please inform us!
Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inhi everyone i’m not pimi or pimo i’m pima.. i don’t think the gb have everything right but i’m sitting on the fence that maybe they do some things.. if the great trib starts i will jump that side of the fence.. this is a definite little sneaky advantage dodging but even by their own doctrine last min some could come in.. i suspect many are like me.. i spent years in bethel and am very disappointed and disillusioned by it all.. but at the end of the day i love the bible and think it is the word of god and i don’t see any other religion that comes as close to what jesus describes his true followers or who are fulfilling mat 24:14..
exbethelienowPIMA in one of your comments, you asked who showed loved among themselves? Do you honestly believe that the JW org. fit that description? You are questioning things on here, take your questions to your friends inside the organization....tell them you have questions and have been communicating with "apostates" on JW forum...You will soon feel the extent of love they have for you. Tony M gave a whole HATE speech against people who were honestly questioning what the JW teach and therefore called "mentally diseased," " enemies of God", "liars" "", filthy apostates", and these ones are deserving of death! Many who are on this forum weren't kicked out for crime, or immorality, but rather because they had questions about what the JW taught and it's errancy from the Bible. Jesus's fleshly brothers said he had gone out of his mind ( spoke against the anointed of Jehovah ) Do we read where he called his fleshly brothers filthy apostates or enemies of God? Speak against the GB and you will be called apostate. What is wrong with that picture?
Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inhi everyone i’m not pimi or pimo i’m pima.. i don’t think the gb have everything right but i’m sitting on the fence that maybe they do some things.. if the great trib starts i will jump that side of the fence.. this is a definite little sneaky advantage dodging but even by their own doctrine last min some could come in.. i suspect many are like me.. i spent years in bethel and am very disappointed and disillusioned by it all.. but at the end of the day i love the bible and think it is the word of god and i don’t see any other religion that comes as close to what jesus describes his true followers or who are fulfilling mat 24:14..
EXBethelitenowPIMA "Is there anyone else talking about God’s kingdom to every tribe and nation" Evidently there is because when I put the question into a search, I found 2.4 BILLION were Christian making up 1/3 of the earth---compare that to 8+- million JW....So the Bible is being taught! Jesus is being Taught. You may be quick to say, yes, but they aren't teaching the Truth! News Flash! never are the JW...they teach new light because their old light proved to be LIES ( false prophesy ) and they twist in scripture in Proverbs to support the new light! At least the other "Christian" religions teach " Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life"...JW don't teach that. They teach you will never have truth, and therefore life if you don't do it their way- by being a JW--see WT 81 Dec 1 page 27 and WT Feb 22 page 4 , par 7 . Other Christian religions teach that Jesus is mediator between God and man ( 1 Tim 2:5) but the JW teach he is only the mediator between God and the 144000. Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace page 10, par 16: "Jesus Christ is NOT the mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel ( not a term you will find in the Bible) which is limited to 144000." Other Christian religions teach that Jesus's blood covers the sins for all believers. JW teach it is only for the 144000 ...think Memorial...JW teach the new covenant was only for the 144000....compare Luke 22:20 and Matt 26:28 and it is plain the new covenant wasn't about the 144000, but the forgiveness of sins for the many ( reference many : the world of mankind ) This is the false religion you are sitting on the fence for?!!!
WARNING! If you DELIBERATELY avoid the JW memorial.....
by BoogerMan in.......you will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
I never could figure out why it was so important for ones to show up once a year and that's it! Easter and Xmas Christians! Mom went with me once and Dad went with me once. I likely only invited them once. What's was the point other than going along with the crowd. ( group think )