LongHairGal, the sister who married the guy who changed his mind went from place to place with her suitcase-ended up camping in a barn( cold Spring in Maine ) when the apartment was made unlivable and suffered PTDS having panic attacks while either shopping for or putting away groceries for years afterward. She had found a tea bag when taking her things from the apartment ,went to her husband's shop next door, and asked for sugar for the tea and was told there wasn't any.
The elders in the congregation acted like the sister deserved to be treated so badly. The sister had complained to the elders about all of it and showed them love letters her husband's gay Bible study had written to her husband. There were no repercussions to the husband-that may be due in part because the gay Bible study threatened some sort of law suit. ( some years later, the "brother" was approved as an aux pioneer, and the sister learned of it and wrote letters to the WT and so the elder body got told they couldn't approve him because he wasn't taking care of his wife. )