Rev 16:21 21 From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds,[a] fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible. ///is this the scripture they base the idea of them preaching a hailstone message? It cross reference to Job 38:22,23 which speaks about the store houses of snow and hail saved up for the time of distress, For the day of battle and war. ///I always took that literally rather than thinking anything we said would make a dent. It is just more conjecture for those still gullible to devour.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Hailstone message.....June 23 WT
by mikeflood innew jun 23 wt....elders to follow gideon example, even if instructions doesn't seems practical, gideon reduced army by 99 % and he obeyed, it could be changes in theocratic direction similar to this.
what that means?.
elders will need the courage to follow instructions "may relate to delivering a symbolic hailstone message...".. in another section "major world events may raise some from spiritual slumber".
by blondie in"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
There are a few of ex jw on youtube that have brought this out. I remember thinking about some paragraphs in the WT as conjecture and thinking it goes beyond what was written, but that thought just ran off like water on a duck's I see what a fool I was made.
Jesus wasn't ( isn't if inside org ) your mediator and blood of the covenant for 144000
by enoughisenough ini found this questions from readers: makes very plain that jesus is only the mediator for the 144000 and while jesus said at matt 26:28 that the new covenant is for forgiveness of sin, the article makes it plain that the new covenant is a legality between god and the 144000. i have some thoughts already on this and i have started a document with this article.
i would like appreciate any rebuttal thoughts you have on the article as well.
this is one thing i have woke up to...the jw will start with a scripture, and then wrap a lot of other scriptures into the article so the rank and file think what great bible scholars and that they aren't that studious and so they swallow the falsehoods hook, line, and sinker.
I found this questions from readers: makes very plain that Jesus is only the mediator for the 144000 and while Jesus said at Matt 26:28 that the new covenant is for forgiveness of sin, the article makes it plain that the new covenant is a legality between God and the 144000. I have some thoughts already on this and I have started a document with this article. I would like appreciate any rebuttal thoughts you have on the article as well.
This is one thing I have woke up to...the JW will start with a scripture, and then wrap a lot of other scriptures into the article so the rank and file think what great Bible scholars and that they aren't that studious and so they swallow the falsehoods hook, line, and sinker. ( late case in point is Flodine breakfast talk where he wove in how the GB were liken to the voice of Jesus.
Do Your Own Research.
by LostintheFog1999 inthere were several times when i was inside the congregation that i met up with a problem in my life and on mentioning it at a group i would be told to do my own research about it.. of course, they didn't mean for me to research worldly material for the answer but to use the wt indexes and look into the wt society magazines.. it was only when i started to do my own research outside of the wt that i began to see the limited scope of the society's magazines as all problems usually fell into the category of 1. read the bible, attend meetings, go out on the work, and pray; or 2. this isn't going to be fixed now but in the new world god will sort it out and the former things (what you are suffering from now) will not be called to mind.. i wonder how many people still in are struggling and are not being encouraged to research away from the organisation where they would receive practical and valuable advice?.
I am not still in, but I think more than ever they are encouraged to research within-being told as they tell the public, go to and the online library. See, they have even made the research easier that way.
New System
by Gman2001 injehovah has to kill 9 billion humans in the big a. does anyone remember any talks on the actual logistics of "day 2"?
with no infrastructure it sounds like gb style madmax..
Gman2001 -what do you mean no infrastructure? Don't you know there will be Ramapo producing videos to teach everyone where they came from and where they are going? And the JW s will be living in the fine homes they picked out while working D2D.
Mistakes made by GB.
by Hellothere in"the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction".
i know this subject been talked about before.
Rattigan350 you tell me as you are the one who wrote:They were inspired by God because they got their ideas from the Bible.
Why didn't they just tell people Rutherford needed to move to San Diego?
by SydBarrett infrom wikipedia: "rutherford had reportedly lost the use of one lung from pneumonia suffered during his imprisonment in 1918 and 1919. finding new york's winter weather "impossible", rutherford was encouraged by a doctor to "spend as much time as possible" in a more favorable climate.
" why not just tell the people exactly what it says above?
why all the mumbo jumbo about purchasing it for ancient worthies to be resurrected?
What I find hard to believe ( even though I shouldn't beings I have been a gullible fool ) is that people actually thought that house was to be occupied by the great worthies. They bought that pack of lies!
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
1 Thes 5:21 make sure of all things; hold fast to that which is fine. (BUT the only way to make sure is to do your research in JW publications Don't dare look elsewhere.. In fact, you can't even use the Bible as sure if you read in it something that disagrees with the JWs)
some people use their skin as a journal. I do wonder though if there is something addictive about the inks.
Biden running in 2024 🤣
by LoveUniHateExams ini've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
sydbarret the swift don't always win the race...alas, you would beat me.