so what is the issue? finding fault with what the Bible is saying?...Manna wasn't meat and it sustained...but if you don't believe in God or the Bible, why bother qoute scripture?
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox
by Anony Mous inthe above verse is often quoted by jws both in general as a response to the idea of a deathless paradise and/or those promoting vegetarianism or veganism.. a letter in animal frontiers co-signed by nearly a thousand scientists is now warning that meat is crucial for a healthy lifestyle and livestock farming is too important to 'become the victim of zealotry'.. they stated the fact that most humans require the nutrients from eggs, meat and dairy and that plant based alternatives are at least 4x more expensive (which implies much higher energy consumption in the process) and not scalable and outright dangerous to global health to support a large population shift towards them.. they also called out several recent papers for misleading information and even called for the outright retraction of one that said meat substitutions are a viable alternative.. not sure what the modern jw view on this is, i know many people in the borg promoted it back in the day.
just goes to show that science does not support the notion of a global vegan diet..
Curtailing zoom
by road to nowhere inco visit, so right from the horse's mouth ( or somewhere).
too many are staying on zoom, missing face to face encouragement.
look for the elders to implement changes.. also people at the door are so receptive and glad to see us.
JWgonebad..."very little in contribution boxes going to Mother" ---in the US, the congregations are to send at least $8.25 per publisher to "Mother" ...I would think they were getting that much in. The congregations I went to always seemed to have surplus and sometime do votes to send in more. ( The R and F don't know they are worth 8.25 a month.--one reason I disassociated: I didn't want them to get $8.25 because my name was there.
Awakening thoughts
by aqwsed12345 ina "waking up", but still a member, jehovah's witness acquaintance of mine from eastern europe wrote the following lines:.
"i count among the main sins of the watchtower society:.
1. concealment.
compromising JW....your reasonings need to be off handedly questioning the family and friends concerning some of the topics you wrote of. Maybe it will help wake up others. your are right about one thing for sure that I think about: we who went/or still going in service were/are spreading lies
'church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately'
by was a new boy in'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
they call the branch first who tells them the work around...that is what I liked about the video I linked. It was explained. (loopholes and hopeful loopholes! )
'church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately'
by was a new boy in'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
I found this informative as to how it works.
Details of my Disfellowshipping
by Holy Grail 007 ini will tell you the truth because i do not tell lies and am always honest.
in may 2006 i was diagnosed with bipolar.
my wife separated from me against my will.
I am terribly sorry for what you have gone through, but know the JWs are not God's seek God and worship him is spirit and in truth ( which isn't to be found in the JWs will find truth in the Bible. Read it without the JW filters and as suggested, do your best to move forward and don't even think about returning to the lying, human degrading, judgmental religion...the GB are not the voice of Jesus!
New Material Available in the Study Bible
by Wonderment innew material available in the study bible.
new material has been added to the study edition of the new world translation of the holy scriptures on and in jw library.
this release features new media gallery content.
the problem is the explanations may not be correct, but JWs will take it for gospel ( that written because of the study notes ( scripture gymnastics ) that were with Matt 26:28
Fox News feature on Penn. Justice Dept. investigation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower as an ORGANIZATION after arrest of 9 JWs.
by Balaamsass2 ina well-done news story.
the original watchtower organization is incorporated in pennsylvania, and the state has taken on the catholic church successfully.
this is a case worth watching!
I found the Fox news Witness to wickedness clips all in one story instead of 3 clips and posted to my FB page... because a few witnesses are still friends--maybe they will see it...I really think they need to know this is coming down the pike. Some won't watch anything negative about the JW...if you have the truth, what is there to fear?
Top AI inventor Geoffrey Hinton reluctantly concluded that AI will probably humanity fairly soon
by slimboyfat ingeoffrey hinton, major inventor of artificial intelligence: .
“if you take the existential risk seriously, as i now do—i used to think it was way off, but now i think it’s serious, and fairly close—it might be quite sensible to just stop developing these things any further, but i think it’s completely naïve to think that would happen.
there’s no way to make that happen.
I haven't read every word on this topic or watched the videos...just scanned...what thing I did notice was the robots with AI mentioned...I have watched more than one robot say it would kill humans. Sci-fi seems to be pre-emptive programming...if that is any indicator, then AI will become god-like and the robots will kill. We have been steadily fed doses of AI and getting used to it , thinking it harmless...we have the smart phones, appliances, even the little devices you talk to that will tell you what 2+4 is or turn on and off the lights or tv. In other words, the diet of AI we get everyday makes us think it is good.
I thought I would throw in a scenario just for grins. We hear alot about needing to reduce the carbon footprint on earth ( hence the depopulation of people ) and planning for us to eat bugs. What if at some juncture AI decides this is all the smart thing to do and it has the power to shut down the electric grids, the water pipelines, etc...or push that button on the 5g installations that zap people. I see the potential for it to kill off humanity, but I also believe there is a creator who has his own plan. The Bible does say if God doesn't step in, all would die.( all this from your resident crackpot under the tin foil hat )
Scholar and Fisherman
by Jorden inscholar and fisherman, i started this thread because i didn't want to highjack the one in regard to 588/568.. i just wanted to ask if you were both current active jw's that believe the jw's beliefs?.
do y'all believe the gb are the f&ds?
if the answers are no, then why do y'all defend so passionately the date 607?
Fisherman13 hours ago
I am a JW. I am convinced that God’s Holy Spirit is “operative” upon JW exclusively leading to the conclusion that JW is God’s agency.( to quote You ) If God's Holy Spirit is operating exclusively to the conclusion that JW is God's agency, why has God's Holy Spirit operated in such a way that false prophesies, ever changing lies, twisting of Scriptures and false doctrines were and are being published?-seeing how the Bible says God cannot lie and the Spirit is Holy . Also why would God's Holy Spirit operate in such a way so as the rank and file are to obey what the WT publishes instead of the Bible?