WingCommander, 6 screens may not be perfect, but there often times is interesting content to bring out and the callers give their angles...I don't agree with all I hear, and there are some seriouly hurt by the WT- people calling in and it comes through in their comments. I wouldn't knock it, but rather say try it and if you don't like it, don't bother with it any further. The first time I started to listen in, I stopped and listened to something else ( because of what you are likely referring to as "weirdness".) I don't think I every heard Johnnythebethlelite.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Church buys GEICO Woodbury property for $27M
by Rattigan350 in
after a previous sale fell through, geico has sold its sprawling woodbury property for $27 million.
the buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 woodbury road is the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.
20 acres of land...I don't know what all is on the they build the assembly hall...and sell off the rest of the property...maybe they use free labor to update some office buildings or whatever is on the property. and so not only have assembly hall land, but surplus to sell. It's a win-win for them. 27,000 000 seems like a lot of money to me, but when you consider with the new resolved monthly donation, they will get that back in 2 months time just from the United States. I remember years ago, we were getting the pitch to build the Salisbury NC assembly hall- all the money that could be saved to own our own building for assemblies....It seems to me it was voted on and maybe even pledges taken-don't quite remember. We were 4.5 hours drive, but made several trips ( and paid for lodging ) to go and help build the place. I heard from a brother that they sold the land around the hall for more than enough to pay for the whole thing. I was always surprised why at the assemblies, in annoucements , they would tell us there was wan't enough money to cover the expenses for that assembly. I was thinking there are assemblies being held there every weekend save for a maintaining. How much was the upkeep and utilities anyway? ( not to mention, at some point they told you how there had been extra from the last assembly and it got sent to the society.) What I know now and didn't then, is there is a set price on everyone who attends head-and they will get it one way or another. Off that band wagon to another thought on this new buy: they build the assembly hall to justify to the R and F a reason to pay out 27 million $, but the real plan is to get free labor in there to improve the property and sell for profit.
Jehovah’s Witness elder alleges order to destroy evidence in child sex abuse cases
by AndersonsInfo in
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
EasyPrompt...that is the video that I had in mind
Jehovah’s Witness elder alleges order to destroy evidence in child sex abuse cases
by AndersonsInfo in
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
I remember hearing a video talk...convention? regular meeting? or broadcast?? I just don't recall. But the instruction was to be careful and destroy your notes . Anyway, plenty of proof the elder in this case was telling the truth.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
I would like to mention, when I go to youtube and search for Rick Fearon, I may see a list of six screens or I may have to click on the "live" tab, even though I am watching the recorded program.
No more judicial committee if maybe suicidal
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
I did think of a way that people get pushed out even without JC. I saw this in a congregation I was once in. There were very pointed talks, that even without mentioning names, the others in the congregation were put on alert do have little to do with a certain person. I have a recording of a talk that was designed to malign me. ( I just thought that shoe doesn't fit so I am not wearing it. ) Yes and some did treat me badly-one elder would walk past me and grunt and others acted like they didn't know how to act around me. ( insight what this was all about-I reported on an adultery case and the good ole boy club wanted to protect their elder buddy.)
No more judicial committee if maybe suicidal
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inthe new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
So pretending to be suicidal could be an out for somw....but who is going to tell them? And on the other hand, some may not become suicidal until after the JC and being kicked out or otherwise made feel worthless.
More than 17 years of service to the XJW community!
by Nathan Natas ini want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
I play recorded youtube videos while I work...Thanks Rick!
WT and Higher ED
by enoughisenough inwatched this video and was wondering if any of you recall seeing this video besides on this presenter's youtube platform.
anyway, watch it !
it is disgusting but enlightening.
since cars have become a subject, we were always mindful to get a good "service" car and if it happened to be a mini van that could carry at least 7--the more the merrier. There was an older "brother" down here who bought a new mustang convertible a few years back. He didn't keep it long due to peer pressure-clearly an untheocratic car. So don't go to college and don't get a sporty 2 door car or else you are a bad example to the flock-not to mention being materialistic.
C. T. Russell, Knight Templar
by NotFormer ini've come across stuff on the web that states that russell claimed to be both a knight templar and a mason.
and also stuff on here that quotes various such organisations saying that russell didn't display enough knowledge about them to have ever been a member.. why do people act like such a revelation about russell is some sort of smoking gun?
rutherford purged russell from the organisation as soon as he could.. the people who would be more worried about the accusation would more likely to be members of the various surviving bible students groups.
I think it a smoking gun because Russell claimed the titel of the faithful and wise slave and he published the WT and other magazines and books that you HAD to accept over what the Bible says because he was giving meat at due season. The org doesn't want the R and F to read what Russell wrote....because for a fatihful slave giving spiritual food, it has proved to be lies. So the JW religion is founded upon lies. The org teaches you to look at the foundation of teachings ( xmas and easter for ex ) , but they don't want people looking beyond what they write about Russell. I think it safe to say you would be labeled apostate if you went around telling all the false teachings of Russel ( millions now living will never die -Micheal arch angel is the pope. Pyramidology proves the Bible timeline they taught.) The org doesn't want new ones to learn this stuff. To learn it and to tell it to others in the congregation would be stirring up contentions-yeah, you could be df.