If it is a crime, report to police. If you report it to the elders, they will call the branch and it will be swept under the rug because they don't want anything getting out that will "bring reproach" upon God (org.) Also your own head may be put on a platter...- expect to be called in to a meeting and told you keep your mouth shut. If you really wanted to report corruption, you would have to start at the top and "off with your head" ( you would be disfellowshipped ) because God forbid you speak against the GB. Back to short answer: call police with all the facts you can gather and substantiate if a crime. Be anonymous. ( or you will be called into the back room! ) If you write: write to the locals and to the branch...don't sign it if you don't want to be called into the back room. ( I know lots about the back room ) If you are not a JW, feel free to sign whatever you write. ( you won't be under the gag order you will be put under if you are a JW) If you don't know about their gag order, it goes like this: keep your mouth shut. If you tell something, howbeit true, you can have privilege's removed because you gossiped or slandered- even if it evolves you and you have first hand knowledge. ( oh yeah, I KNOW these things!)