Gorb, I was thinking of a brother called Andre. Theblueenvelope youtube channel did a very interesting video on Andre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju6OsoFHgpw This video will make you question every personal story they ever shared.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
The Watchtower—Study Edition | November 2022 Let Nothing Separate You From Jehovah
by RULES & REGULATIONS instudy article 47. .
7 maintain your spiritual routine.
consider how doing so helped shirley, a sister in papua new guinea, when she faced hardships.
for all or all time?
by enoughisenough inpasting this page for hebrews 10:10 https://biblehub.com/parallel/hebrews/10-10.htm.
it speaks of jesus sacrifice for all ( as in all peoples ) or is it for all time?
( one time only).
thanks for all thoughts on this. Even without the NWT, I would have thought time...the reason I questioned it,I listened to a person reading it to a JW with the emphasis in such a way as to make them think all people.
Serena Williams baptism pics
by blondie inhttps://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-serena-williams-baptized-jehovah-s-witness .
the thing that stood out to me in her baptism pic is how covered up she is...more so than the average I ever saw...and totally different from some photos I have seen of her where less seemed to be more.
for all or all time?
by enoughisenough inpasting this page for hebrews 10:10 https://biblehub.com/parallel/hebrews/10-10.htm.
it speaks of jesus sacrifice for all ( as in all peoples ) or is it for all time?
( one time only).
pasting this page for Hebrews 10:10 https://biblehub.com/parallel/hebrews/10-10.htm
it speaks of Jesus sacrifice for ALL ( as in all peoples ) or is it for all time? as in once is enough.
the NWT reads, "once for all time" as does a few others. Most leave out the word time-"once for all"
It is obvious why the NWT would read "all time"? What is your take? Does the scripture refer to Jesus sacrifice for all as in people or is it about time?( one time only)
Pioneer Hours Update
by Bartolomeo inregular pioneers: 600 per year, 50 on average per month.auxiliary pioneers: 30 hours per monthauxiliary pioneers in march and april: fee reduced to 15 hours.
I got a kick out of this video. She stumped them and then the brain washing came out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k81qyOIAnpM
It’s started COBE asking all appointed men if they are fully vaccinated
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is a huge problem now in all congregations as the gb stubbornly will not do the u turn on staying fully vaccinated that many hoped they would do.. all congregations around the world the cobe has to ask all ministerial servants and elders if they are fully vaccinated (meaning no more than six months since last shot).
there is a massive problem now with many many jdubs not getting their latest boosters and not wanting to stay fully vaccinated .
but more serious than that is how the gb painted themselves into a corner with these vaccine mandates.. most governments did a u turn on the vax mandates but the gb can’t get out of this one so easily .
Anony Mous, " Or will they ignore Caesar on that?" Beings they must obey God rather than Caesar, and it was by God's direction (" better question"-What does Jehovah know?" ) that they have pushed this poison, how do they get out of it? Oh, but God can change his mind as we have seen examples of many time over in the WT! They are such hypocrites!
I thought it interesting the elder wasn't going to be happy until the sons were "roasted"
It’s started COBE asking all appointed men if they are fully vaccinated
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is a huge problem now in all congregations as the gb stubbornly will not do the u turn on staying fully vaccinated that many hoped they would do.. all congregations around the world the cobe has to ask all ministerial servants and elders if they are fully vaccinated (meaning no more than six months since last shot).
there is a massive problem now with many many jdubs not getting their latest boosters and not wanting to stay fully vaccinated .
but more serious than that is how the gb painted themselves into a corner with these vaccine mandates.. most governments did a u turn on the vax mandates but the gb can’t get out of this one so easily .
FFGhost I tend to agree with your observation.
It’s started COBE asking all appointed men if they are fully vaccinated
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is a huge problem now in all congregations as the gb stubbornly will not do the u turn on staying fully vaccinated that many hoped they would do.. all congregations around the world the cobe has to ask all ministerial servants and elders if they are fully vaccinated (meaning no more than six months since last shot).
there is a massive problem now with many many jdubs not getting their latest boosters and not wanting to stay fully vaccinated .
but more serious than that is how the gb painted themselves into a corner with these vaccine mandates.. most governments did a u turn on the vax mandates but the gb can’t get out of this one so easily .
indoubtbigtime...maybe you and others could/share this video with your extended-it's short. family...https://www.bitchute.com/video/wqmJuFhvz0sT/
let's assume this doctor knows of what he speaks, Expect to see a lot of very sick elders and MS in the near future. From where I am sitting, the GB is complicit in democide.
Imagine if you will, an atheist laid out in his casket in fine clothes-all dressed up and nowhere to go. ( couldn't resist! lol)