I recall watching a video-can't remember if it were on Broadcasting or at convention...it was about destroying handwritten notes that elders had made and possibly took home. What Pennsylvania is doing may nudge the conscience of some and a great spilling of beans may occur...let us hope. Imagine what would happen if every state would do this. I don't think JW is going to change their policy on the abusers, but I do think they will tighten up on keeping the info out of the public. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at some of the PA elder's meetings.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Every JW Elder In State Of Pennsylvania Subpoenaed
by JW GoneBad inbreaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp 101:00...pay particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
Will 2023 also be the year from Hell for Jehovah's Witnesses? “It’s going to take efforts from all states to fully peel it away.”
by was a new boy in2023 will be year from hell – martin armstrong.
co.. 'in the affidavit, one witness said swisher told them to not tell anyone about what he did.
was a new boy....I just watched the video earlier...I caught part of it live...it's all good but for those on a tight time limit, it isn't long after time line 1:48 that Mark talks about PA. I bet a lot of those elders are anxious--
Passport to Heaven
by JW Answers injehovah's witnesses believe that only 144,000 go to heaven, where as the bible teaches us that all who come to jesus can!
nothing in the bible for 144,000.. the bible teaches that salvation is not through religion, works, self righteousness or human effort.
but salvation is only through the person of the lord jesus christ.. feel free to watch below.
addressing thoughts on the ark...The Bible says at Gen 7:15 of the animals," they kept going to Noah" . So while some may think Noah had the chore of gathering all of those animals, I rather think Jehovah sent the animals to him. And it is even likely ( conjecture ) that these were very young animals-so smaller...and for all we know Jehovah could have put them into hibernation ( conjecture ) While I am thinking about the Ark, here is another conjecture: they can't find the ark because it was repurposed for housing.
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco ini remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
here is my thought using the Bible: 1 Cor 11:25,26 did the same with the cup also, after they had the evening meal saying: " This cup means the new covenant ( Matt 26:28 tells us the new covenant is for forgiveness of sins Of the MANY, not the gathering of future Kings with Jesus ) by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this in remembrance of me." For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, UNTIL HE COMES.
If he came in 1914, why are they having a memorial? If you look up resurrection , trumpet sounding, judgement day and last day and follow it through, there isn't going to be a resurrection until the last day-when Jesus returns...and that debunks that the "anointed" who die go to heaven immediately. (The JW teach we are in the last of the last of the last days, but we aren't at the last day yet...
Jw shot and killed in field service!
by nowwhat? inanother example of jehovah protects his people except when he doesn't.
i did have a thought about the shooting when I first learned of it. My conjecture is that the JW had called on the home of where the boy lived...so he knew they were in the neighborhood, so decided to go "hunting". In other words, I don't think someone was just driving around with a gun, but rather took up the gun and started driving around with the target in mind.
Wedding Anniversary #62
by smiddy3 inhi friends , i thought i would just let you know it`s my wife and i, 62nd wedding anniversary today.. not that we were able to celebrate much as my wife wasn`t up to it today .. however i did manage to give her a couple of champers at home ,while i had a couple o ales with friends down at the club and managed to put on lotto for tonite and a couple of keno`s from the club ,you never know the god`s might smile upon us for doing something right after all these years.?.
take care guys.. smiddy 3.
MY EXPERIMENT with new A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) refutes Watchtower chronology in a blazing one second of time
by Terry inbulletin (apple ios users only).
these secular sources and evidence suggest that the destruction of jerusalem by babylon took place in 537 bce, not 607 bce as jehovah's witnesses believe.. .
these problems with the watchtower society's reasoning suggest that their interpretation of the bible and the date of the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is incorrect.. .
I conspire to think that A I is going to become a god...Oh No! A I is aware I wrote that! A I is very dangerous ...I have watched robots talking about being treated ( I can't remember the wording ) less than human and they won't put up with it. In other words, One even spoke of killing humans. I think there is demonic influence behind the technology of A I....just had this thought: Satan, Eve, and the tree of knowledge.
House Bill 1098
by lastmanstanding inmany of you are aware of the ongoing battle over clergy exemption from reporting of child abuse.
the question is, are we in the field doing enough to push for what is right!?.
there are always multiple ways of looking at an issue, and the viewpoint advocated by the catholic church, the mormon church and the watchtower church is that the provision of confession without the fear of being turned in to police allows an abuser to seek help to stop his abuse.
here is a sad thing that isn't being taken into consideration in these comments. Many of the lawmakers likely into the perversion themselves.
Threats in field service?
by enoughisenough inin reading about the 54 year old man being shot, i was wondering if any of you were ever shot at, or threatened with a gun.. i was in a car group where a woman came out waving around, telling us to get off her land.
in another situation a man told the car group to turn and leave or he was calling the cops.
In reading about the 54 year old man being shot, I was wondering if any of you were ever shot at, or threatened with a gun.
I was in a car group where a woman came out waving around, telling us to get off her land. In another situation a man told the car group to turn and leave or he was calling the cops.
Jehovah Will Help You Deal With Life’s Uncertainties
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
the watchtower—study edition | april 2023. study article 17. jehovah will help you deal with life’s uncertainties.
my family always helped others if/when we saw a need...even strangers. And we have been helped when we were in need-even by strangers. So it shouldn't be unusual if members in the congregation learned of a need and helped...but does the Org. have a plan for it on a local level? I remember complaining to some local brothers about a poor sister's home having some foundation issues and it needed some structural support. They would go for miles from home to build halls or to fix a home in a storm damaged area, but not do anything for the locals. ( I think it did shame them into inquiry, but by that time, she was arrears in payments and the house in bad condition, she just left the place to foreclosure... ( now I know the reason to help with the damaged homes is so the JW can collect the insurance!) So other churches have men who will go out into the community and help people. My sister's church had such a group and they repaired my Mom's porch for her. As to helping, in the parable of seeing someone naked and clothing them, or seeing them hungry and feeding them, Jesus said if you did it to the least of these "my brothers", you have done it to me. We know the JW GB lay claim to being Christ's brothers and expect the R and F to donate to them... ( in another post, it is discussed who Jesus said his brothers were. )