some people use their skin as a journal. I do wonder though if there is something addictive about the inks.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Biden running in 2024 🤣
by LoveUniHateExams ini've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
sydbarret the swift don't always win the race...alas, you would beat me.
Biden running in 2024 🤣
by LoveUniHateExams ini've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
wanted New President: only mentally inept need apply!
Biden running in 2024 🤣
by LoveUniHateExams ini've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
In mine opinion, they are all you really think you have a voice? We all know the last election was a fraud, but nothing really done about it.
JW Bible study notes obscuring the scriptures
by enoughisenough infrom “study notes” found in the bible online : matthew 26:28. blood of the covenant: the new covenant, between jehovah and anointed christians, was made operative by jesus’ sacrifice.
(heb 8:10) jesus here uses the same expression moses used when acting as mediator and inaugurating the law covenant with israel at mount sinai.
(ex 24:8; heb 9:19-21) just as the blood of bulls and goats validated the law covenant between god and the nation of israel, jesus’ blood made valid the new covenant that jehovah would make with spiritual israel.
From “study notes” found in the Bible online : Matthew 26:28
blood of the covenant: The new covenant, between Jehovah and anointed Christians, was made operative by Jesus’ sacrifice. (Heb 8:10) Jesus here uses the same expression Moses used when acting as mediator and inaugurating the Law covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai. (Ex 24:8; Heb 9:19-21) Just as the blood of bulls and goats validated the Law covenant between God and the nation of Israel, Jesus’ blood made valid the new covenant that Jehovah would make with spiritual Israel. That covenant went into effect at Pentecost 33 C.E.—Heb 9:14, 15.
This is the study notes on Luke 22:20: new covenant by virtue of my blood: Luke is the only Gospel writer to record that Jesus on this occasion referred to a “new covenant,” an allusion to Jer 31:31. The new covenant, between Jehovah and anointed Christians, was made operative by Jesus’ sacrifice. (Heb 8:10) Jesus here uses the terms “covenant” and “blood” in a way similar to the way Moses used the terms when acting as mediator and inaugurating the Law covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai. (Ex 24:8; Heb 9:19-21) Just as the blood of bulls and goats validated the Law covenant between God and the nation of Israel, Jesus’ blood made valid the new covenant that Jehovah would make with spiritual Israel. That covenant went into effect at Pentecost 33 C.E.—Heb 9:14, 15.
. . . poured out in your behalf: The words from the middle of verse 19 (“which is to be given . . .”) to the end of verse 20 are missing in some manuscripts, but this passage has strong support in early authoritative manuscripts.—For more information about how ancient manuscripts are used to establish the Greek text, see App. A3.
See how the study notes on the sighted scriptures show the new covenant to be about the anointed or spiritual Israel rather than what Jesus himself is for forgiveness of sin.
Mistakes made by GB.
by Hellothere in"the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction".
i know this subject been talked about before.
Rattigan 350, If I give someone curd to drink, and he falls asleep, and i drive a tent pin through his head, can i say God inspired me to do that? IF I commit adultery and have the spouse killed, can I say God inspired me to do that? If I accept a bribe and cause an innocent person to die, can I say God inspired me to do that?
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
The GB pushing poison and blaming it on Jehovah... "the question should be what does Jehovah Know?" That was Toto moving the curtain, and then you really see the frauds behind the curtain. You begin to understand why there were somethings that never made sense to start with even though you participated in group think and glossed it over.
Opening doors, putting your foot in the door and other dangerous activities
by Anony Mous ini was listening to the news and there is this big brouhaha about someone shooting someone through their front door.
apparently the person tried to open the door of an elderly person, scaring the homeowner and they shot a gun injuring the person.
obvious castle doctrine case.. which made me remember a rather overzealous old pioneer that used the same tactics when he knew the homeowners were home but didn’t want to come to the door, he would start opening the storm doors and try to see if the door was unlocked so he could yell inside.
There was a time when I would not have any issue with going onto a screened porch ...if I were still in, I wouldn't do that.
JW visit...after 12 years out
by Nobleheart1 ini used to post here under the name nobleheart but forgot the old password, so put up a new account (nobleheart1).
was a jw (2002-2011), ended up writing a da letter.
i am a christian (since leaving the org).
there is a thread going now about scriptures that don't fit JW could get some good questioning points there.
JW visit...after 12 years out
by Nobleheart1 ini used to post here under the name nobleheart but forgot the old password, so put up a new account (nobleheart1).
was a jw (2002-2011), ended up writing a da letter.
i am a christian (since leaving the org).
So do a lot of skipping and quick read all of the lessons and when she comes back inform her and tell her you have questions about certain points of what you skipped ahead and studied. I agree with the dumbing down...I had been thinking that for years-addressing adults as small children...even in the broadcasts...
Meetings so boring. I rarely ever studied because otherwise I would have been even more bored!
I have no idea at what point in the new material that 1914 comes up and is related to 607 but secular history doesn't agree with that date.