Putting this under "friends" because I couldn't figure out where to put it. It is very often on here and in ex jw videos, ect that people like to undermine some of those who once we would have called friends. There seems to be a view that window washers, plumbers, cleaners, construction workers are somehow less intelligent than those who may be college educated. I don't think this labeling is in anyway kind or accurate. Are these ones really inferior people? Or are others just Proud! and like to pick on those who made other choices? Does having a good job and letters after your name make you superior? Maybe some didn't make the wisest career choices, but that doesn't make them ignorant. ( except to the wiles of the WT) I know of one JW who was in the cleaning business who invented a machine for cleaning and became a millionaire! Some of the smartest people I ever met were just good ole country boys who could take on just about any task before them. The men were one person mechanics, builders, plumbers, electricians, artist and could wash a window too! as well as give a public talk. I think ones would do well not to malign anyone based upon an honest, howbeit humble occupation.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
a pet peeve of mine
by enoughisenough inputting this under "friends" because i couldn't figure out where to put it.
it is very often on here and in ex jw videos, ect that people like to undermine some of those who once we would have called friends.
there seems to be a view that window washers, plumbers, cleaners, construction workers are somehow less intelligent than those who may be college educated.
How did you pass the time when the Kingdom Hall meetings became boring and repetitive/
by RULES & REGULATIONS inanother boring and repetitive ''watchtower study.
'' all the articles are about the ''faithful and discreet slave.''.
for whatever reason, you tolerate this for years.
sit near the front and took notes
Leaked. Nov 6th Secret Boxes
by Beth Sarim inself-aware npc has an upload that the ""top-secret"' elders only secret boxes is a drum roll here......a new brochure.....ta dahhhh🤪.
i mean how more dramatic can we get..
If info is correct, the title says everything. You have to prove you love God by bringing people into the organization. ( because most of us understand it isn't about making disciples in the sense Jesus did, but rather getting them to worship, not the Father or the son, Jesus, but those who claim to be the voice of Jesus.( and of course, these new ones can bring in at the seat fee to the org if not more. The title exudes manipulation, emotional blackmail, and guilty feelings if you don't Love Jehovah-MaKe Disciples.
US North East filled with Smoke Hazardous breathing warnings!
by Fisherman inif you live in the northeastern part of the us, the air is filled with smoke.
it is hard to breathe and the burning smell irritates your eyes and breathing.
it is coming from forrest fires thousands of acres in canada.
Leaked. Nov 6th Secret Boxes
by Beth Sarim inself-aware npc has an upload that the ""top-secret"' elders only secret boxes is a drum roll here......a new brochure.....ta dahhhh🤪.
i mean how more dramatic can we get..
so who are you going to tell that there are secret boxes to be opened in Nov and what the secret content is? Maybe it would be a hoot to spread it to some of the in crowd and let them tell it -only maybe they could be clueless about it supposing to be a secret. (oops, and then they get called on the carpet -that might help wake them up.) So the conversation with them ( if you are still talking with someone in ): Aren't you excited to ( or are you looking forward to ) get the New Brochure, Love Jehovah-Make Disciples that is going to be available in Nov? ( or maybe: I can hardly wait until Nov to be able to read the Love Jehovah -Make Disciples brochure- can you? Maybe we will get new light! ) ( by the way, the very Title shows emotional blackmail and manipulation -that might be worth pointing out )
Anthony ,Tony , Morris where is he ? How is he ? Anyone ?
by smiddy3 inhas anybody any information as to the whereabouts or the health of anthony morris ?.
where is he...I put this in another thread...he is in the "witness" protection program... ( I bet he is well paid to hide and keep his mouth shut )
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox
by Anony Mous inthe above verse is often quoted by jws both in general as a response to the idea of a deathless paradise and/or those promoting vegetarianism or veganism.. a letter in animal frontiers co-signed by nearly a thousand scientists is now warning that meat is crucial for a healthy lifestyle and livestock farming is too important to 'become the victim of zealotry'.. they stated the fact that most humans require the nutrients from eggs, meat and dairy and that plant based alternatives are at least 4x more expensive (which implies much higher energy consumption in the process) and not scalable and outright dangerous to global health to support a large population shift towards them.. they also called out several recent papers for misleading information and even called for the outright retraction of one that said meat substitutions are a viable alternative.. not sure what the modern jw view on this is, i know many people in the borg promoted it back in the day.
just goes to show that science does not support the notion of a global vegan diet..
so what is the issue? finding fault with what the Bible is saying?...Manna wasn't meat and it sustained...but if you don't believe in God or the Bible, why bother qoute scripture?
Curtailing zoom
by road to nowhere inco visit, so right from the horse's mouth ( or somewhere).
too many are staying on zoom, missing face to face encouragement.
look for the elders to implement changes.. also people at the door are so receptive and glad to see us.
JWgonebad..."very little in contribution boxes going to Mother" ---in the US, the congregations are to send at least $8.25 per publisher to "Mother" ...I would think they were getting that much in. The congregations I went to always seemed to have surplus and sometime do votes to send in more. ( The R and F don't know they are worth 8.25 a month.--one reason I disassociated: I didn't want them to get $8.25 because my name was there.
Awakening thoughts
by aqwsed12345 ina "waking up", but still a member, jehovah's witness acquaintance of mine from eastern europe wrote the following lines:.
"i count among the main sins of the watchtower society:.
1. concealment.
compromising JW....your reasonings need to be off handedly questioning the family and friends concerning some of the topics you wrote of. Maybe it will help wake up others. your are right about one thing for sure that I think about: we who went/or still going in service were/are spreading lies
'church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately'
by was a new boy in'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
they call the branch first who tells them the work around...that is what I liked about the video I linked. It was explained. (loopholes and hopeful loopholes! )