Maybe this would be simpler to understand:
New Living Translation
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
john 1:3 states in the nwt, "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him (the word, or jesus) not even one thing came into existence.".
the wt states apart from him one thing came into existence, that is, jesus the first created being.. is there an explanation for this apparent contradiction?.
Maybe this would be simpler to understand:
New Living Translation
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
i have seen a few comments about this week's meeting.. was there actually a part that specified an actual per-publisher amount that should be donated regularly?.
can this be confirmed please?.
i truly cant believe just how brazen the society seems to be getting - and how desperate they are!.
Yes, darkspilver is right.
The money is for the Global Assistance Arrangement (GAA) which was started in 2015 and replaced the already existing Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement (KHAA).
The GAA coincided with the revised Kingdom Hall Fund (KHF) that was in operation for 30 years. That was the time when all Kingdom Hall Loans and mortgages were cancelled and congregations were asked to pool in resolved funds monthly towards this cause.That was also the time when the "Contributions for Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide" box was removed.
The reason given for this was the bible text 2 Cor 8:14: but that by means of an equalizing, your surplus at the present time might offset their need, so that their surplus might also offset your deficiency, that there may be an equalizing. "
tired of listening to your local elders giving the "special" talk ever year after the memorial?
well don't worry, as of next year we will be spicing things up for your enjoyment.. not only will we be having the talk before the memorial (i know, wild huh), but we will be treating you to the talk via video starring our famous speakers from bethel so you can see how a talk should be given (after all bethel does boast the best speakers in any country, right?!).
here's a copy of the text from our latest letter as i'm sure that with so much excitement you won't believe it at first!.
What am i thinking of? Where they just dropped the number 3 talks entirely?
You just mixed up the TMS (Theocratic Ministry School) with the KMS (Kingdom Ministry School).
And no, they have not dropped the number 3 talks entirely. They do have them in between, but at a less occurrence than what it was in the TMS.
tired of listening to your local elders giving the "special" talk ever year after the memorial?
well don't worry, as of next year we will be spicing things up for your enjoyment.. not only will we be having the talk before the memorial (i know, wild huh), but we will be treating you to the talk via video starring our famous speakers from bethel so you can see how a talk should be given (after all bethel does boast the best speakers in any country, right?!).
here's a copy of the text from our latest letter as i'm sure that with so much excitement you won't believe it at first!.
How in the world is anyone supposed to observe how something will be done next year?
Let me make this simple for you.
The 2018 Service Year started on 1st September 2017.
The KMS for 2018 Service year will run from 1st October 2017 to 28th February 2018. (In almost all countries)
The Special Talk is during the week of 19th March 2018. So all Elders and MS will have known the teaching methods which they will now see on video.
in my memory irecall a phase many years ago when this phrase seemed to be on everyone's lips "the best isyet to come".
my of this may be not very clear but one thing is clear, nothing better ever came, silver sword, videos, caleb trash, lowering decorum, down, down, down.
i dread to think what worse would be like!.
This phrase was attributed to Daniel Sydlik, who even gave a talk on this.
Nothing Better Ever Came
With the phrase he meant the new world, or paradise
well, this month's jw broadcasting had a curious piece of history class.
samuel herd was there, but i don't remember if it was him that presented it.
the theme was "how it was to be a jw in the years 1900.".
The publisher plays the speech "Millions now living will never die" and touch the emotions of the widower because of the part talking about the ressurection.
Ray Frankz,
Are you sure that speech is of the "Millions now living will never die" campaign?
The record cover used by the publisher shows the Rutherford books from the 1930's period, and the Phonograph record cover which he used to play the speech is entitled "Religion - By Rutherford", which was a book released in 1940 i guess. The speech starts with the topic "Where are the dead?" which was also the topic of a booklet that Rutherford wrote in 1932.
I may be wrong, but how did you came to the conclusion that the speech is of the "Millions now living will never die"? which was way back in 1920's?
well, this month's jw broadcasting had a curious piece of history class.
samuel herd was there, but i don't remember if it was him that presented it.
the theme was "how it was to be a jw in the years 1900.".
When did they stop using the "religion is a snare and a racket" phrase?
The started using this phrase in the late 1930's. This phrase was a topic of a lecture given by Rutherford in 1938 and is heavily used in the book Religion released in 1941
do any of the current governing body have academic qualifications?.
You do not need academic qualifications if you claim to speak for God.
Look at Jesus. What academic qualifications did he have?
And even if you are qualified, it doesn't give an assurance that everyone will believe what you say just because you are qualified.
Look at Luke and Paul for this, who were supposedly qualified
there is no doubt (in my mind at least from my own personal experience) that in day to day matters most witnesses are genuinely loving and kind (or "nice") people (though their indoctrination and fundamentalist mentality often inhibits their natural kindness and tolerance and often gets in the way of fulling showing it).
however i would like to put the case that when it comes to their ministry and theological/scientific discussion of any type, they fail to apply even the most basic of bible principles that they claim to espouse - the golden rule!
here is what occurred to me.... some things jw's would like men to do to them:.
It seems JW's are following Jesus. In Luke 11:37-52, just read how Jesus went full blown on a Pharisee who invited him for a meal and who got surprised that Jesus did not wash his hands before eating.
So, if you decide someone acts as a typical Pharisee by finding faults in you, the Golden Rule does not apply!
i wanted to relay an example that i heard about translating difficulties.
take the 5 word phrase.
"i didn't eat your sandwich".
A good translator does not translate words and phrases, rather he conveys thoughts and ideas behind the phrase in the target language taking into consideration the context in which the sentence is written.
If the context is not provided or not available, then the translator has the freedom to translate the sentence that would be best understood in the target language.
"I didn't eat your sandwich" - If this phrase is a part of a conversation or a story, the translator will take into context the entire conversation while translating.
"I didn't eat your sandwich" - If this is just a slogan, punch line or a tag line with no context whatsoever, the translator will translate it the best way in which it can be understood in the target language.