God-breathed scriptures are those which are prima facie true—like
Mathew 5:44-48. They need no interpretation like saying ‘the whole is greater
than its part”
But that doesn’t work that way. If we don’t
understand something, we dig deeper, we don’t discard it as unreasonable. This
is true in all walks of life.
Fear evoked in verses such as Mathew 10:28, 33;
Ezekiel 3:18 is morbid fear, not healthy fear as you feel.
Ez 3:18: The scriptures are warnings. The impact
is though morbid. Warning someone that he will be charred to death if he
touches the electricity wire is not invoking morbid fear. I’m still not sure
how Mathew 10:28,33 invokes morbid fear.
Governments asking for valid documents is not a
valid comparison with Mathew 10:32, 33.
The whole crux of Christianity is following
Jesus. The whole crux of being a citizen is to follow the rules of the
government. The whole crux of being a human being is to not harm others and be
human. If you decide to believe the Bible then you follow Jesus. Bible is not
an academic book, it’s a religious book that dictates a law that is a
constitution to its believers. Dissecting a constitution leads nowhere. You either follow it or you don't. And you are clearly made aware of its consequences.
If one knows what to do, then it is up to
him—he may or may not do it. Others have nothing to do with his decision.
A sane human knows that killing others is
wrong. But if he still does it, someone needs to stop him. That is why we have
the whole concept of rehab centres. And that’s why we have the police force to
stop people in doing what is wrong.
“No one has ascended into heaven except him.”How can he say this in the beginning of his
ministry—he ascended into heaven in the end of his ministry.
Remember that the Bible says the Jesus was an
angel in heaven in his pre-form. Like all other angels, Jesus too came on earth to give
messages. As a human now, only Jesus was the one who had in his earlier days,
ascended and descended to heaven. No other human had had an angelic form earlier and had ascended to heaven and had
a glimpse of God or communicated with God. Neither did any other angel came down to
earth and lived as a human from its birth like Jesus. Only Jesus fits that
category. Only he was the human being who was also an angel earlier and had the work of ascending and descending into heaven.
Try this verse as a sample, and you will find
many verses falling into this category.
This whole idea is known as isolating verses
without understanding its context.
Chopping someone’s hand is wrong and a crime.
But a doctor amputating a gangrene infected hand is not wrong. He is not
contradicting reasonable human laws.
The law of gravity states that every object in
air falls down to the earth. However, a child’s helium balloon going up in the
air is not contradicting the idea of gravity. More understating of science is
behind it.
Two ideas that seems contradictory prima facie need not be contradictory. Hence, there is a need to understand the context of the scripture.