Funny. Just posted on my music thread. Here you are posting music videos.
I'm more Where do Fallen Angels go when it comes to borderline hair era.
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
Funny. Just posted on my music thread. Here you are posting music videos.
I'm more Where do Fallen Angels go when it comes to borderline hair era.
i have friends in very cool jobs.
my world interacts quite often with music stars, and i have interesting conversations.
for instance, i was talking with the members of animal kingdom, and asked the lead singer about the lyrics i picked up while listening them perform for the group a few minutes earlier... i felt stupid because i hadn't realized the name of the song, and only had caught a few lyrics... he wrote of mephistopheles.
Apognophos the idea was, "Is it just me or is tons of "pop" music now Christian?" only not labeled with the appropriate genre/warning label.
Alternately, do my atheist friends realize that they are rocking heavy rotation of Christian based lyrics on Rdio, or are some of my friends Christians in the closet like me? (No one would be in a religion, you'd be able to figure that out.)
Most obvious lyrics were A Boy and His Kite, less obvious Mumford & Sons, dig the "what demon got my sister" of Little Hell album of City and Color.
I was just listening to music one day, and then suddenly my ears were having hallucinations... only it turns out I did really hear that.
you guys don't know me, i'm new here.
i'm typing on an iphone (pardon any random weird iphone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but i might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now.
worse and more likely, i'll simply not be able to express what i felt right now... if i wait until i have a proper keyboard.
gorgia - hi! my laptop is bouncing in my lap so I can't quite make out your avatar. is that a paper bird?
Fernando - we are interested related secular topics. sent you a PM.
ucantnome - how do you feel after nearly 500 posts? how old is your daughter; is she on the internet too? do you worry about that? I have young nieces who wil be old enough soon to access the internet and i wonder how it will affect them. i respect my siblings and don't talk to them about spiritual matters, but i hope that they find freedom without losing faith. its so hard to not tell them all the wonderful things there are to know, to teach them... the kingdom is for children like you! i think of them often of late, every time someone mocks me for taking the scriptures on face value "literally", I remember that it's childlike acceptance that matters, and to laugh it off. the scriptures seems so much easier to understand just believing what I read, rather than trying to explain how it doesn't mean what it says.
alias - i cheated. by the time i was half way through i was home and was able to finish on a regular keyboard. there's some point where i stop having errors, though i might have fixed them all before i posted?
RosePetal, what a welcome! Thank you :)
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
@OnTheWayOut who is Sybil?
in society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
Good morning all! Sunny happy day to you, I hope!
Pterist I was hoping when I woke this morning I would better grasp what you're saying. I'm sipping the first of my cappcuccino, maybe comprehension will be restored soon... for now, forgive my clumsy, but as I understand you believe...
What's next? How does Nazi concentration camps factor into your belief?
Can you give me the dummy's version of your thoughts? I think I'm getting jumbled in all the keywords, but I'd really like to understand your 'story'. (I say story because I relate to the world best through story telling, not that stories are all fiction or something!)
Ucantnome hi there. Took me a second to figure out your name; got it as I typed it out. :)
I think my brain was numb or something when I was younger and we studied the Revelation book. I don't recall anything from it. Net zero, besides the images are etched in my mind.
Are you interested in untangling what Revelation really says? I'm looking for folks who have cracked the skullcap and are interested in working through it. Maybe we won't get far, but I've gotten quite aways on my own... PM me if so, please? I'll ask you—do you think that the white horse rider is Christ? Or the false Christs who conquer? It seems Matthew 24 parallels the events of the four horsemen of Revelation in the same order—only the WT teaches that the white horse rider is a different version of [the true] Christ. Thoughts?
in society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
Shelby, so tired. Must sleep. Can't process. I'm not concerned for anything, and I don't ask anyone for anything but my Father through his Son. I was told to be wary of the angel as if of light, but I read that not heard it. I was told to test the spirits. I have done so, and always do. But thanks to dealing an incubus when I was young, I learned early how to protect my mind, and watch what I eat. Nothing scares the bejebus out of a WT elder faster than a demon that you can see they never imagined existed. Oh how people love to believe in God but not evil. Yet, before you speak up to confirm your belief in both, please, let me finish my glass of red wine in remembrance in peace, and I offered my time of peace to you with all my love. So please, reflect, pray, and for Pete's sake (literally, he's got the keys, you know) how about give the voices a rest and go to what is just yours and his alone.
I hope tomorrow when I wake you can offer me what you gained in prayer, silence, not from voices. I hear your voices loud and clear, but I'm interested in something else. Does that make sense? Maybe they are one and the same, but how can you know—how can I know—if you don't try?
Right now you're telling me that God gave you a name which has nothing to do with his real name, but that you accept that because it's from God.
I'm curious—not mocking—did he explain why "Jehovah" isn't name but that "Jahveh" is? Did he explain what "Jah - veh" means? Did he explain about David? He loved David. But he decided to wreck all his inspired poetry for a new name? Can you ask him, again, I'm serious—deadly—can you ask him did he let the letter J come to be so he could use it for his name? Can you ask him what he was called before then?
Curious, you know many people who were innocent and offered scholarly quality work to the WT have been beheaded, as it were, for it, right? Carl isn't the only one who has produced work that was given the option to either squash it, modify it, or be excommunicated for it.
ProdigalSon I've studied the evolution of worship from Egypt to Babylon as an influence on the Hebrew nation of Israel, I particularly loved the book From Jewish Magic to Gnostism by the Italian guy, but the scriptures are clear that that is specifically the influence that they were to keep pure from, and of course, did not. I find it fascinating all the suble variations one degree off from the truth there are to keep us simply in at least one degree of separation. I'm very curious to hear more from you. For you, I share this:
Band, if you're done with your critique of scripture, maybe you'd be interested too?
People are sharing how what they do affects how the think. I'm a cogsci designer who studied communication and social sciences with a focus on gender, ethnicity and culture.
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines what cognition is, what it does and how it works. It includes research on intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed (in faculties such as perception , language , memory , reasoning , and emotion) within nervous systems (human or other animal) and machines (e.g. computers).
Cognitive science consists of multiple research disciplines, including psychology , artificial intelligence , philosophy , neuroscience , linguistics , and anthropology . It spans many levels of analysis, from low-level learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from neural circuitry to modular brain organization. The fundamental concept of cognitive science is "that thinking can best be understood in terms of representational structures in the mind and computational procedures that operate on those structures."
the phrase israel of god appears only once in the scriptures, yet it is frequently used in christianity.
just who is the israel of god?.
as you consider these points, and before responding, will you please test your thinking to ensure first that you are speaking from a scripture only standpoint?
Hmmm... The house was quiet, not even a mouse would peep?
If "believers" steer clear— why not an atheist please, just judge it for merit not based on belief?
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
Balaamsass - Let me know, ditto. Your username? Love the donkey, Is it Sass or Ass, or both?
LisaRose - We'll make a plan for Berkley, this weekend or after next?
AGuest - Take Jehovah and replace the J with a Y and the V with a W. Basically similar to how a European would pronounce Jehovah. Here's some Hebrew guy talking about the difference in the sounds. Apparently he plays the flute too. I just went looking for a video for the sound. (BELOW) First time he says it he emphasizes the two different sounds to make his point (Yehowah vs. Yehovah) but it's a more natural breathing elegant. I generally practice breathing it, rather than trying to pronounce. Yeh- ow - ah as breathe in , the moment of breath caught in transition , breath out. After I realized I knew the name, suddenly I found out other people already knew too... Course that's how a search works, since the internet and Google.
The sound:
jgnat - don't have time right now to read each link, but I scanned them. The points of why it's Yehowah over "Yahweh" begins with simply that the Hebrew poetry demonstrates a three syllable name. Also ancient versions of Hebrew theophoric names (which over time were shortened in a sort of slurring manner) were such as Yehoshua, or Yehonathan. (Others even include the "w" in an older versions still.)
Please see my link, and let me know if there are edits needed. I wrote for me, and now am sharing:
"This [Yehowah] is the correct pronunciation of the tetragramaton, as is clear from the pronunciation of proper names in the First Testament (FT), poetry, fifth-century Aramaic documents, Greek translations of the name in the Dead Sea Scrolls and church fathers." (George Wesley Buchanan, "The Tower of Siloam", The Expository Times 2003; 115: 37; pp. 40, 41)
AGuest - I LOVE you. Seriously. I dig this convo.
Okay, the Romanization of the Hebrews, let's not use their sound. They killed Christ, and sacked Jerusalem (the city of peace founded by God, if I recall, is the literal meaning), and then proceeded to slaughter hundreds of thousands of first-century Christians. And, Rome didn't even exist when the Hebrews were given the name. The "waw" is a "w" which when you say that letter you say literally "double - u" which is the how to pronounce the letter. For me, I kept trying to recall the variables for the name, and there I defaulted back to it's not the "four vowels" of Jospheus' description if it were "V" sound (or letter) rather than "W". Basically the letters are all right and there are different sounds which people are trying to determine the "right" right one, but they are all very similar and are breathing.
Ah Ha! Found something for you, you too Jgnat:
I told you I'd give you a "game" AGuest, next clue. Yehudah.
"The words Jew (Yehudi in Hebrew) and Judaism (Yahadut) come from the name Judah, or Yehuda as it is pronounced in Hebrew."
AGuest, I thought you were gonna simmer on it. With love in my heart, I offer "simmer down!"
Pray honey. Don't fight me... Pray. Simmer. I didn't fight it because there was no one to fight. But I ignored it for months on months. In that time, the pieces all seemed to just be there in my mind when I was ready to consider it. I put the pieces together like a puzzle. A puzzle which has defined variables and enough pieces with which we know we can discern the answer. That's the link above. I'm open to discussion. But I'm not going to change every Jewish name passed down to today to suit your JaHVeH. Haven't you ever wondered why there were so many similar names in the scriptures? Like Yehoshaphat? (Iehoshaphat) There is a reason. He persevered it for people by giving them his name.
How do you modify Yehoshua's name to fit his name with his Father's? I know you don't use Jesus (nor do I, unless using it for common understanding). That's what got me. Jehovah had nothing to do with Jesus. All meaning was lost. So much for "the name above every other name"?
AGuest will you consider the write up I made long before I knew I'd meet you? Posted at least once above. (Seek Yehowah!) Then, will you please give me the gift of your response to that? You're giving me your "what he told me", but that doesn't mean I can do anything with that. That means I have to take your word for it. I believe before our Father does anything he reveals it through his prophets, and he has the word of God, and he gave us the Word of God to reinforce it. So I can't take your word that something is true despite who you say it comes from—otherwise I'm straight back being Watched by the Tower, stone me, please! No, you would teach me that it's the spirit who guides us into all truth, and he does that by revealing the Word of God to us. It's in there. Yes, we get by with a little help from our friends, we get validation, and study and learn together, and secular history provides some of that too... but it's about facts we can trust from sources we can trust. Not just one of us, but all of us.
you guys don't know me, i'm new here.
i'm typing on an iphone (pardon any random weird iphone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but i might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now.
worse and more likely, i'll simply not be able to express what i felt right now... if i wait until i have a proper keyboard.
AppleHippie, sent you a PM with the details.
Tater-T, cute photo. Were you winking to make your dimple show up?
InSearchofTruth4, what happened to the other three? Yo, sis! :)
LisaRose, tea or something right? I was serious. You're the OAK one, right? PM me? I'm in Mexico next weekend, but home this. Probably more likely after I'm back though. We have stories to swap! Do you drink? Red, white or brown? I deliver! :) P.S. A short story was never satisfying unless it was a bore.
OntheWayOut, I read this book once, it took 90 days. At the end I believed in God and that he spoke to me. You know what he said? It was something like, "a tower falls by removing one stone at a time". Unless you can march seven days round, so yeah. One stone... one stone... :)
so i have been doing stand up and i want to talk about being a jw in my act.
im trying to write a few rants to talk about.
so far i have beards, holidays, the oddities of the memorial, childhood baptism vs marriage.
There's nothing funnier I think than the description of the mating dance of the single's at a convention. You have the elements of absurdity for those who don't know, and novelty, as well as killing anyone who has a clue in the audience.