can anyone like "atlantis" help me find this in pdf.
this jc from 1984 features a brother and his wife, who were evidently about to be df'd for apostasy.
but the brother knew his ttatt well.
the elders really couldn't muster any half-way convincing arguments to refute the damning facts on 607 and 1914. even 1975 was touched on.
I didn't know JC came in 1984. Was he wearing pants that time?
i was thinking of doing a pop-in visit when they're doing their thing(what ever that might be).
to just see what it is that lures and hooks people, like our son.
i was worried there is some sort of subliminal messages in audio or video that start to brain-wash a person.
What if the entire Niblick family decided to be clowns all on the same day and decided to "go to the meeting" to support their Angie Baby?!
I'd go to see that!
I heard you have The Saint Val Kilmer over there somewhere?
Are you near Ireland? Egypt? Israel?
i remember hearing about this rumor around the time of the annual meeting.
did this really happen?
i haven't heard anything about it at my meeting yet.
Has anyone found my pioneer slip? I can't seem to get it submitted properly...
the good news is:.
- studying the watchtower over breakfast.
- putting on a suit and tie.
Are you an apostate?
You seem joyful, but who did you turn on?
you guys don't know me, i'm new here.
i'm typing on an iphone (pardon any random weird iphone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but i might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now.
worse and more likely, i'll simply not be able to express what i felt right now... if i wait until i have a proper keyboard.
Thanks and Hi Robert!
Its interesting, I've studied mind control, but not from the Watchtower religious perspective. I'll hve to pick up Steve's book.
Thanks for your plan steps.
I'm not certain anyone will be free of emotional issues as long as they feel the absence of natural love. Otherwise, I'm golden.
I've been out and apart from the Watchtower for 8 years or more now. I'm free and clear. I just happen to be recently reinstated; my sisters started having children. I can now visit without them having to grow up with "df'ed Aunt .....".
My parents and family live far away. After 8+ years out, we have very little family relationship at all. When I went to visit over the holiday their focus was completing the Assembly Hall building project, but I was happy my mom spent the day with me, while dad went off to do his part. Strange to have been on the building site.
They have no doubts, and we haven't enough relationship to get through to their hearts. Their hearts are hardened to me. I guess they calicified after living without me for so long. There is an effect on disfellowshipping parents too, not just on the one who was df'ed.
Any suggestions welcome. Right now, after having opened myself up here I feel worn, exhausted, battered, abused. I came looking for love and fellowship, and I feel like I am some kind of target with the oh-so-tired "God isn't real woke up and believe nothing" type. So I probably won't be around. I had a satisfying life and somehow coming and joining this forum killed my happiness in just 12 days. I'd love other "nones" to talk to, but this isn't the forum for that. Too contentious. You live and learn.
I wonder where the awakening Watchtower folks go who still believe in love? I know that's why I haven't been here any of the prior years. Is there simply a gap?
Maybe you've forgotten the one track mind? They have no other interests. They have a singular focus on serving "Jehovah". I also am not around to be able to find people to meet and then introduce them to. We are nearly in different countries.
My parents don't vacation. They are slaves.
Going to the conventions??????? Sorry. I'm not going back into that!
I haven't donated a dime.
Robert, I am interested in supporting people who have a need like me. I may be years upon years clear, but I still desire to talk to 'like minded ones'. I want to be able to be a support for people who have questions and need someone to talk to. Who have no desire to suddenly end up among atheist xJWs, those who aren't sure if God exists and ask if this life is all there is to get absolutely hopeless deadpan "yes". Or when I post on my father who died when I was a child, to have returned the "he's dead" get over it kind of mentality. Harsh. Rude. Lacking in love and compassion, and respect. I spent 12 days here and now I am beginning to see what is missing and formulate a need. I would love to talk to you about that offline as you are obviously quite astute and discerning. I have no idea what you believe or don't; isn't that how it should be for someone with your intent? Kudos.
I reached out to Barbara Anderson about a year ago. I didn't hear anything. I know Paul. I interact in circles with Cedars, not sure what help he'd need besides promoting the surveys. I am interested in working with him, as I'm quite interested in social data (like Pew Research).
As for the other two, I'm interested in their content, but have you looked at these sites with the eye of a WT JW?
They're not accessible.
I want to work with people who have faith, but questions. Who can see that there is some difference between what they are taught, and logic based reasoning from the scriptures; between the Watchtower and the bible. I want to help people come to use their minds to think again, to strengthen their faith and help them find out who the Truth is, and where to go when they leave—to The Truth. We were created independent people each with a 1:1 relationship with our Father and his Son. That message got through to me, but it was given to me directly, and with the affordance of having been out for years upon years, so I could 'hear' myself think, at least.
I do desire to also share the experiences of people who hurt having been cut off from family. The scriptures do outline the principles for shunning, but that is not what the Watchtower does.
I guess to help characterize my intent— I'd love to be this generation's Ray Franz. I am a woman, and I didn't have the stature of the governing body, etc, but I hope that there will be someone like him out there for my family if and when that moment were to arrive. A voice they can hear, an approachableness, agreeable, reasonable, balanced, warm, loving, voice. Maybe his voice will live on, but right now. I am the one seeking that voice. Where are those like him who are still with us? Ray, though I never met him, helped me more than any other human on this planet.
I hope that this post isn't a grumpy sounding one, though I'm pretty sure it is. I have to leave for work, but wanted to respond. I have been embroiled in a conversation for days, and missed your post. I've been crazy busy with work and in my real life I support people as a community counselor, and am currently supporting a recovering heroin addict. It doesn't leave much time free to come be on JWN and open myself up for the love of vulnerability (http://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability.html) and so folks can get their pot shots in.
With love and a sad heart ,
Feeling the love for the people of pain ,
on the day you were born, no one cared about you.
your clothes were made of fine linen and were beautifully embroidered.
this is adultery against me!
@Witness My Fury Nope. I all alone. Was just posting something I wondered if other people think about. I like to write, but I am a social person. So was writing and sharing!
@ProLogos Sure!
ABSTRACT: God picks two sisters as his wives, Samaria (10-tribe northern Israel) and Judah (two-tribe southern Israel; Jerusalem). They go from rags to riches, and then start fooling around on him. He sends away (separates) Israel Samaria first, and then does the same with the other sister. But! They weren't divorced—least not that anyone can prove with "papers". So he's going to call them back at some point after his righteous anger subsides, and he will call Israel's children to him and like a Father will reinstate their inheritance, and care for them.
My father died when I was very young. My mom remarried a few years later and he adopted us, legally.
It gives me different perspective on the scriptures I guess, as when I read I hear old family stories...
Like a family member who was married and accidentally got knocked up (she had an affair). They divorced and she gave away the babies. Then they remarried each other only about a year later!
Lost children (lost tribes) and remarrying a cheater (whore) doesn't seem so far fetched for me, because these stories seem to be common place to my family. Of course, my grandparents also rode motorcycles and played in a band three times a week until recently. So, maybe we're not normal.
Curious if it would spark any conversation, or thoughts.
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
FizzyWiggly sorry. My bad. "Aposta-gathering". Was just curious. Thanks for the deets.
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
I'm in bed. Went to read. Here's the verse of the day:
Galatians 3:26-28 ISR98
"For you are all sons of Elohim through belief in Messiah ?????. For as many of you as were immersed into Messiah have put on Messiah. There is not Yehu?ite nor Greek, there is not slave nor free, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Messiah ?????."
See it at YouVersion.com:
Not being snarky. Is this a scripture in yours/Tammy's discernment?