In every country and congregation I have assisted, and there we're plenty. Account servant always hade a smirk on there faces when mentioning how little money was donated. Assembly always came up short. If someone thinks org don't want too go online cause it would mean less donation, your wrong. They get much more money just selling does kingdom halls.
JoinedPosts by Hellothere
Local congregation donation and expense report. Very telling
by nowwhat? inin july the congregation received $2300.00.
only 40.00 for the worldwide work and zero for ramapo project!!!.
if this is typical no wonder the org.
New and improved?
by tenyearsafter ini have a family member who had been df'ed for 15 years or so...recently they reinstated as a jw.
when i asked what motivated them to make that decision, the response was to be able to see family and old friends.
they insisted that things were different now.
Think litterateur Is written for JW children. They know they not getting new members preaching outside. So they focus on jw children. It's a get them when they young deal.
Where it all went wrong for the WT - JF Rutherford
by LoveUniHateExams ini was thinking a bit about this the other day.
ct russell, from what i remember about him, kinda seemed like a genuine, nice(ish) guy, although he had a few eccentric but harmless ideas.. during the russell era jws (actually bible students) could still celebrate christmas, worship in other churches if there was no kingdom hall available, and accept blood transfusions.. then after russell died, along came rutherford - a major league a-hole, for sure.. rutherford had plenty of eccentric ideas but at least some of them weren't/aren't harmless.
some have been long forgotten about - jesus depicted without a beard, the plan to rename the names of the week because names such as thursday (thor's day) is pagan, the articles about the 'dangers' of aluminium, etc.. one key contribution of rutherford which does a lot of harm is no blood transfusions, even in life-threatening situations.. another is shunning, something which never occurred under russell, or at least was much milder.. rutherford has a lot to answer for, i reckon ....
Rutherford to me was like the evil slave that came in and ruined things. Gathering and let Bible verses interpret things was removed. Everything was decided by the leaders. He stopped singing before meetings. After what I have read about him he didn't think working on personality was important. That God would accept a person service anyways. Under him the only thing important was to preach. Agape seem not too be that important. Doing many hours was the most important. Think it was Rutherford that decided to put God's biblical name on the org. Yeah he is behind many evil decision.
New and improved?
by tenyearsafter ini have a family member who had been df'ed for 15 years or so...recently they reinstated as a jw.
when i asked what motivated them to make that decision, the response was to be able to see family and old friends.
they insisted that things were different now.
Ok. If organisation has become more loving and less judgemental, why is Tony Morris still a GB member and haven't been kicked out yet? Answer that. -
Resuming door to door September 1st
by Mikejw ingb worried about not enough coming to in person meetings.
what are they going to be like when they realise not only jdubs don’t want to go to in person meetings but they really don’t want to go back on the min.
zoom has so much more appeal for rather than meetings or door to door.
I think suicide among jws will rise with the going back to meetings and door to door idé.
House-to-House Resumes Sep 1 2022
by Smiles inbreaking news | house-to-house preaching will resume on september 1, 2022. the governing body is pleased to announce that the house-to-house preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses will resume on september 1, 2022. we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all of you as we resume our house-to-house ministry!.
Gas high? No worries. Go walking to territory. If you have too jump over crocodile and snakes you have to do it anyways. GB have order it useless slaves 😁 pioneers and elders have to set example. And second wife and children. And what Bible say it's not important. Obey GB. " It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” "For one who has died has been set free from sin." “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” -
In person attendance
by road to nowhere inwe got the inevitable letter today.. meet, associate and "encourage" in person unless sick or infirm.
also dress up for zoom if you must use it.
locally over half are on zoom, 3/4 no picture.
So what who are the real jws. The one at home maeby feel they can take in information from zoom meetings. Or the ones that probably at khs just to meet friends 😁 It's gonna be hard for GB to tell with are the real ones.
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
A so called Christian organisation base on love but members don't even wanna meet. What a disaster. GB has taught members to judge and be critical to other members. That you never do enough and preaching is more important then agape. People are not staying at home cause of convid. It's cause bad environment in congregations.
Do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?
by Longlivetherenegades indo you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?........
david splane........ powerful by faith convention 2021 video.
please i got an excerpt of this from another video but the response by david splane is not included.
Yeah we'll saying they live in apartment when they live in a room is a bit of exaggerated 😁 Keep it real. They don't live in that kind of luxury many tv pastors live in. I can agree they seem too like the spot light. Cause the broadcast having GB members giving talk's just hurtig org. But they seem too wanna Keep doing it anyways.
Do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?
by Longlivetherenegades indo you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?........
david splane........ powerful by faith convention 2021 video.
please i got an excerpt of this from another video but the response by david splane is not included.
Sorry but I do think they believe what they write. I understand a pastor living in a mansion, driving cars and private plane. Having millions or billions in dollars is hundred procent into his scam. But living in bethel in a room, surrounded by other jws that spend most of their time judging others. Either you believe hundred procent or are hundred procent crazy. There's to little benefits wasting your life in bethel.