Dear lord, soooo hilarious! Thanks for sharing, never heard this before.
Maybe the snake learned to read as well!
jehovahs witness yearbook, 1967 p.105: cameroon"on one occasion a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent.
the serpent gave greetings and spoke in foreign tongues....a brother was passing by, attracted by the commotion, he went to the house to see what was happening.
as soon as he entered the room the serpent stopped talking.
Dear lord, soooo hilarious! Thanks for sharing, never heard this before.
Maybe the snake learned to read as well!
i am so sick of this cult, this religion has such a grip on her.
since i left in 2014, things just are getting progressively worse.
and she it's just getting deeper and deeper.
Good to vent, I feel sorry for you. Such a situation can be suffocating. Not so long ago you wrote: 'Ya, my life with my wife is shite about 15% of the time and the other 85% of the time we have a great relationshiop.'
15% doesn't sound like total hell to me but ok, who am I to judge. Now if there's still (some) love and hope for the better, is it possible to plant seeds of doubt in her mind in order to 'wake' her up or at least slow her down from her crazy brainwashed jw life? Some on this forum have done that, a bit of 1914 here, a bit of ARC there...and with succes.
All the best gte!
yesterday i got home from work and decided to buy a case of beer because, why not?
it’s monday.
the shop is conveniently round the corner from my place.
But, but, but...hopefully the JW lady does know you're not the only one buying booze, right?
i really think time of birth influence behaviour..
Definitely the Chinese zodiac signs Snake and Dragon, lol
here are some visuals to help show what is going on with the jw numbers game.
i am not a numbers guy and there maybe a few errors (info directly from grand total pages on jw.borg).
2015 was the worst year. No surprise, ARC came like a sledgehammer. I'll never forget that summer!
2020 memorial talk outline..
Thanks Atlantis!
Just shared it with a pimo friend, including a 'spoiler alert' warning. Lol
this was cringe worthy, and yet hilarious to watch.
i'm sensing that this was a person studying with jws because she's so bad at defending the very basics..
One thing that also struck me when I left the cult was the change from 606 bc to 607 bc. Research made it necessary? Really?? What research? Oh, you mean your fraudulent overactive imagination? Just twist and f&#k with history?
As always, thanks JWfacts!:
"It seems to be well settled now in the minds of the anointed that the Gentile Times, which began in 606 B.C., ended in 1914: ..." Watchtower 1925 Mar 1 p.67
In the 1940's, the Watchtower Society admitted its calculations for the 2,520 were inaccurate, incorrectly factoring in a year zero between B.C. and A.D.. Rectification meant that the Gentile Times started in 1915. With so much vested interest in 1914, the Watchtower leaders decided to simultaneously change the year they claimed Jerusalem fell from 606 B.C. to 607 B.C., and hence retain 1914. This required ending the seventy years in 537 B.C., instead of 536 B.C.
"Providentially, those Bible Students had not realized that there is no zero year between "B.C." and "A.D." Later, when research made it necessary to adjust B.C. 606 to 607 B.C.E., the zero year was also eliminated, so that the prediction held good at "A.D. 1914."-See "The Truth Shall Make You Free," published by the Watch Tower Society in 1943, page 239." Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand! p.105
Such an arbitrary move from 606 B.C. to 607 B.C. is only possible because the Watchtower does not deem it necessary to substantiate either year with historical proof.
The difficulty with this move was that by the 1940's historians had proven that Babylon fell in 539 B.C.
in a local newspaper attention for the merging and sell of a kingdom hall in a dutch village.. the funds are being used for building in other country's.
(: (: (: .
Thanks Gorby.
The article says 'Nederland telt inmiddels 30.000 leden' which means 'Meanwhile the Netherlands has 30,000 members'.
ThIs may give the (false) impression of some recent cumulative growth, but The Netherlands already has shown that average of 30,000 members for decades now while population has grown with millions since the 70's.
So much wishful thinking...don 't trust them.
i've never been that big on video/computer games but i used to have a ps2 and my absolute fav game was star wars battlefront ii, released by pandemic in 2005.. you could choose to play as three different classes of soldier and fight for the rebels, the imperials, the republic or the battle droids.
as you played and gained points by killing the enemy, you could unlock a fourth and fifth class of soldier.
you could also play as a hero or villain - such as darth vader, luke skywalker, princess leia, etc.. there was something absolutely awesome playing as darth vader and cutting down or force-choking rebel soldiers on the tantive iv.. .
admit it, we all have things that we reel off when people ask what our favourite music is, just the same as if people ask what our favourite movies are.
we're meant to say "citizen kane" and "casablanca" and not "battleship" or "pacific rim" but we know what we're going to watch if they are ever on tv at the same time (and which ones we've never actually seen).. so how about some confession time?
what do you listen to when no one else is in the house?.
Nice topic!
My confession goes back to the 90's, when grunge, alternative rock and nu-metal reigned supreme. Country music was not done in most of my social circle but God did I love those tunes, still do... lol