JoinedTopics Started by Wishididntknow
Sex Before Marriage
by Wishididntknow inhow many witness couples percentage wise do you think slip up and have sex before wedding day?
did you?.
Reform on blood issue?!?!
by Wishididntknow innot sure of the validity of this but i thought i would put out there.... danny hazard seems like a loose cannon...but...your thoughts?.
associated jehovah's witnesses for reform on blood are announcing the beginning of the end of the jehovah's witness blood doctrine.. since 2000 the watchtower society was forced to change their semantics on how they handle punishing its members for taking blood transfusions to save their lives.the european court of human rights negotiated this change when the country of bulgaria refused to acknowledge the watchtower society as a religion, due to the fact that the watchtower punished its members for accepting needed medical procedures to save their own, or their children's lives with blood transfusions.. but ajwrb has been tracking the development of these changes, and we have searched for any actual occurrences of a jw (who wants to stay a jw) getting disassociated for taking a blood transfusion.we have not found a one.
in the past we have not been able to get watchtower service dept.
Wish I didnt know....Part 2 My Story
by Wishididntknow inafter a terrible break up and being away from the congregation for about 10yrs i started to think about coming back.
i couldnt even watch the news anymore because of the termendous anxiety it would cause.
i felt that there was a target on my back and the big a would surely come before i could get my act together.
Wish I didnt know....Part 1 My Story
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