Prodigal son is not analogous to Adam.
Forbidden to eat of "Tree of knowledge" was not a deprivation of food. So it did not interfere with Adam's lifestyle. Eating it was "running the red light" of authority. The question at issue is: who regulates justice, is it a "free market" situational and personal standard, or is it a centralized universal transcendent standard?
Adam was created perfect, which means he had perfect ability (moral compass and intellectual tools) to navigate planet earth perfectly. His conscience should have stopped his questioning sovereignty. To do so is as foolish as questioning the laws of physics e.g. gravity.
Moral law works the same way; God is a God of justice, which necessitates sovereign law.
Although there is sovereign law, his granting free will means God is not a micromanager. Which means God allows the children Adam to exercise CHOICES and time for remediation. This requires, according to sovereign law, a process to play out involving a messiah.
So, Adam had choices to do as he pleased, but no one is autonomous with God, including angles (like Satan).