Is there a way to find out if his father is still an elder?
have things slacked off so much these days that an elder can be in a blockbuster movie with his gay megastar son?
the hobbit has wizards like sparlock 😮
i haven’t read it but just browsing say jehovah’s witnesses mentioned a lot.. there are pictures of his congregations he was brought up in.
and his father looks like an elder years ago when luke was young, but i could be wrong.. later on there are pictures of his father was one of the extras in the hobbit as luke had a lead role.
could his father still be an elder and be in movies.
Is there a way to find out if his father is still an elder?
have things slacked off so much these days that an elder can be in a blockbuster movie with his gay megastar son?
the hobbit has wizards like sparlock 😮
i haven’t read it but just browsing say jehovah’s witnesses mentioned a lot.. there are pictures of his congregations he was brought up in.
and his father looks like an elder years ago when luke was young, but i could be wrong.. later on there are pictures of his father was one of the extras in the hobbit as luke had a lead role.
could his father still be an elder and be in movies.
I haven’t read it but just browsing say Jehovah’s witnesses mentioned a lot.
there are pictures of his congregations he was brought up in. And his father looks like an elder years ago when Luke was young, but I could be wrong.
later on there are pictures of his father was one of the extras in the Hobbit as Luke had a lead role
could his father still be an elder and be in movies
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
I was also moved by a film I watched called perfect days. It’s about a Japanese toilet cleaner who leads a very simple life as JWs are directed to.
he is happy even though he lives in cheap horrible accommodation just like most JWs have to. He works a cleaning job similar to most JWs.
you can be happy in such circumstances especially if JWs have genuine hope that this is not the real life and constantly telling others about the perceived Bible hope of Gods Kingdom going to make the world a better place very soon
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
I’m reading this thread and can see both sides.
if you are now old and following JW direction means you worked menial jobs to knock on doors then you may be really struggling now if you have no savings at all. I don’t think they ever gave direction to save money in the past like they are starting to give now.
on the other hand I read a brilliant book called Die with zero.
it basically says-
If you spend hours and hours of your life acquiring money and then die without spending all of that money, then you've needlessly wasted too many precious hours of your life. There is just no way to get those hours back. If you die with $1 million left, that's $1 million of experiences you didn't have. And if you die with $50,000 left, well, that's $50,000 of experiences you didn't have. No way is that optimal. The question we all must answer is how to make the most of our finite time on earth.BILL PERKINS
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Is it just me or is Lloyd the most lazy exjw YouTuber ever?
everyone else has made good videos about the AGM and his so flat and absolutely nothing at all to make anyone want to watch another of his videos when there are so many better alternatives
you still have to be fully vaccinated to attend any theocratic schools.
elders and ministerial servants have their kingdom ministry school every year, the cobe of every congregation has to check that everyone is fully vaccinated.
after the school everyone will ask any bothers who were not there why not?
Has there been a U turn for fully vaccinated on attendance for JW schools?
the big change is that sisters can go to elders school now
wives of appointed men can go, but do they need to be fully vaccinated? Or has there been a U turn on the mandates?
and now the defibrillator machines are popping up everywhere due to the vaccine causing blood clots and heart attacks, there has been a letter saying don’t have them in KHalls 😡
they don’t want to shine a light on the fact that they were wrong to say Jehovah wouldn’t let the GB take these vaccines if they were not safe, yes that is what David Splain actually said
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
There will be a 2025 special convention in Zagreb right on his doorstep
this should be fun
so now they don’t want defib machines in khalls because it shines a light on the increasing blood clots from the shots that they said were safe.
So now they don’t want defib machines in KHalls because it shines a light on the increasing blood clots from the shots that they said were safe
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
They probably have until 2050-60 before they have to admit that was another false teaching. If the last of those who saw 1914 died in the 1980s at the latest then these overlappers would surely be mostly dead by 2050-60?
I can’t see them lasting that long before they have to admit they were wrong about 1914?
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Lloyd seems very close with this new apostate called Chaka.
does he know his past with prostitution? Why would he still make videos with Lloyd if he knew his past?