So what jumped out at me watching this video was all during my childhood I had a morbid fear of the Great
you know no food no water turture all the stuff that they told us about. And it's pathetic that I still remember
this passage things will be so bad that unless the days were cut short noone will survive. Worse than
anything the world has seen before or since. But in the very beginning it seems like a normal JW video
a bunch of folks of different ages and ethnic backrounds getting together telling experiences about
how they almost messed up and found themselves on the outside looking in.
Except for a few windows breaking and some yelling everything seems to be fine. Then someone makes
the announcement "we are in the great tribulation" just so that everyone is clear on that fact.
Several people stop by with the super secret door knock but not one person brings food or water or
batteries or anything. Everyone looks very comfortable and well fed. The elder is still wearing a tie like he's
conducting a book study or something. Everyone who stops by says "it's pretty bad out there" but they look
well fed, neat and clean not out of breath and didn't seem like they had any trouble getting to the secret
hideout. And the kids look very happy and not very frightened at all. Most ridiculous thing I've ever seen