Since the Governing Body are no longer officers of the Watch Tower Society who has the real power? Can the Governing Body "fire" officers and have them removed from Bethel by their own power or does it have to be done according to whatever legal regulations there are? With all their subsidiaries, could the Watch Tower directors "kick out" the Governing Body from Bethel if they so desired? I know it seems very unlikely but recalling how Rutherford came to power makes me wonder where the real power is now and how that relates to the power in the corporation and who ultimately has control over the assets.
JoinedPosts by wisdomfrombelow
Governing Body vs Watchtower Society Directors
by wisdomfrombelow insince the governing body are no longer officers of the watch tower society who has the real power?
can the governing body "fire" officers and have them removed from bethel by their own power or does it have to be done according to whatever legal regulations there are?
with all their subsidiaries, could the watch tower directors "kick out" the governing body from bethel if they so desired?
Complete Donation What Happened?
by Marvin Shilmer incomplete donation what happened?.
today i added a new article to my blog showing part of a never before publicized letter where the watchtower organization makes admission of how jehovahs witnesses actually responded to the 1990 change to its complete donation arrangement.
my article is titled complete donation what happened?
After all the uncompensated time, engery and resources peddling their wares they complain about a few extra books they have to give out which were produced by unpaid labor? I have no qualms about the loss of profit they get on the literature. The CDs cost them pennies to make and they gave the impression that they were somehow costly. If they want to SELL the books and pay the requisite tax, they can do so. If they choose to avoid the tax issue then they get what they deserve.
Complete Donation What Happened?
by Marvin Shilmer incomplete donation what happened?.
today i added a new article to my blog showing part of a never before publicized letter where the watchtower organization makes admission of how jehovahs witnesses actually responded to the 1990 change to its complete donation arrangement.
my article is titled complete donation what happened?
This is the same Organization who once said that when the funds dry up that means Jehovah thinks the work is done. What if no one ever gives any money to the WorldWide Work of Jehovah's Witnesses? What if the congregation doesn't submit any funds? Is that why they are eager to get resolutions passed so that each congregation submits so much money each month for various activities?
what i have realized studying JWs,the bitter truth
by spirituk inwell, i have been studying jws religion ,my cousin is a jw and i have visited him a lot of times.i have watched his way of living and things like that.i have been at the district convention last week.i read so many things from both sides.i came to the conclusion that if someone believes god exists then it is so easy and he should be a jehovah's witness.sadly its true and that is why so many people are and every year they baptised even more.. stories about jws reducing?wrong.. facing problems?
false.. everybody in the convention had an ipad ,iphones etc with the bible in it.
+ wifi .
Nobody gets a salary to learn a language or move to a different country. It is all done by volunteers. There are some wealth JWs but many more have modest income or are poor.
Friend gets "scriptural divorce" over wifes transgressions before they got married...
by sosoconfused inso i have a friend in a congregation in new jersey who recently called me to tell me that he got a divorce.
nothing surprising there at first but it is the fact of when it happened.
his wife began pioneering april 1, and after about three weeks she came to him and told him that about 4 years she had engaged in loose conduct (fondling the penis and the guy kissing her breasts) during a time that she was inactive.
I was thinking that he might have grounds for annulment of the marriage if it was based on fraud. If he decides to legally annul the marriage then he is free to remarry because he was never legally married. Marriage is defined by the state not the congregation so if they say it is invalid then it is not valid. It reminds me of the crazy "vow of faithfulness" that is allowed for JW couples to cohabit when divorce is not allowed by the state yet the circumstances for a JW scriptural divorce are met. It basically says "we will get married when we are allowed to but until then we can live like we are married without any congregational consequences".
Whatever he decides to do he will have to live with his decision and the consequences. I hope he thinks seriously about his options and his reasoning.
We are "On the doorstep of the New World" (Awake!)
by Splash inanyone see that quote in the latest magazine?.
in full it says:.
"since the things are happening today that jesus told us about, we know that we are right at the very doorstep of the new world, the world to come.
Does anyone have a PDF of the 1927 Golden Age that is referenced? Awake didn't exist then. I would love to see the entire article.
The antidote to the myth that JWs are declining
by slimboyfat inone of the most persistent myths on this website is that jws are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the watchtower is inevitable from here on in.
unfortunately the facts do not bear this out.
jws are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population.
Didn't they change the allowance for how to count time when studying with your unbaptized children when they instituted the Family worship night? If both parents can count up to 1 hour per week that's already 8 hours per month (for the parents). We all know pioneer's can get credit working at quick builds. Are those counted among their "hours" in the annual tally? Since they are now offering tracts as the literature offer, the presentation has gotten much easier hence not as much stress when going door to door? They can do a lot of things that will make the number of hours reported look higher and have a different substance than before.
2013 Sept WT out
by Gayle incould only just quickly scan it.
still trying to 'duck' out of 1914.. in a similar way, at the beginning.
of the 20th century, there were a number.
In paragraph 12 of the study article 'Have you been transformed?' they try to compare congregation procedures as the same importance as bible commandments. They again denounce the internet and 'higher education'. If you don't go along with them or complain...well the paragraph infers how bad that is...
Even many who claim to be religious feel that they are at liberty to do what they think is right, without any obligation to obey God and his commandments. (Ps. 14:1) This attitude may pose a real threat to true Christians. The unwary may adopt the same view of theocratic arrangements. They may be unwilling to go along with congregation procedures and may even complain about anything not to their liking. Or they may have reservations about Bible-based counsel on entertainment, use of the Internet, and the pursuit of higher education.
They really don't like anyone who dares think for themselves or dares argue with their suggestions.
Since you've left, are you still good friends with your bestest JW buddies?
by Julia Orwell inis it possible that someone has a jw friend who's very active in the congregation, knows you don't believe it anymore, and is still your friend?
i'm at the point where word is getting out that i'm not going to meetings anymore, and friends ask me if they'll be seeing me at the ca and i tell them i'm not going.
they want to know why, and what they can do to encourage me.
My real friends have remained though our interaction has changed. We are not close but we keep in touch. When I was still active I kept my friends if they went inactive or got disfellowshipped. Some people I've known for decades also look past me. If the friendship was only based on attending the same congregation and nothing deeper it was sure not to last. Being disfellowshipped is much harder to keep JW friends than being inactive because of the penalties they face due to association.
Conversation with Substitute CO
by BU2B inso i was talking to a substitute co, he and his wife recently returned from "the school for christian couples" .
anyways this couple has delayed having children in hopes of entering the circuit work, and have been sub coing for a couple years.
they both have well paying, good jobs.
They each make a choice and should realize the consequences of their choice. They could say "no thanks" but they won't. All the Society will do is "reduce" your privileges--free work you do for them in return for the adoration of men. Most people don't want to move to where the need is greater--they want to move to where the response is greater. Better they got assigned to some congregation in the same country then being sent to a foreign land and really having problems.