Is it possible that someone has a JW friend who's very active in the congregation, knows you don't believe it anymore, and is still your friend? I'm at the point where word is getting out that I'm not going to meetings anymore, and friends ask me if they'll be seeing me at the CA and I tell them I'm not going. They want to know why, and what they can do to encourage me. This is my close friends, that is, and one even sent me a scripture.
I really care about these people and have been friends with them for a long time, but I feel it's inevitable we will grow apart over religious differences. I also don't have the emotional energy to expend in dealing with the whys and hows of 'leaving the truth'.
Do any of you have JW friends the same as when you were in? Did anyone just go like "Yeah, so what he doesn't go to meetings anymore..." and leave it at that and still be your friend without trying to 'encourage' you or find out what's eating at you? All my JW friends when I was in were really active in the congregation. Even now when they text or email me or call, (not my last cong but my former cong) things are different. I try not to be weird about it to them, but it's an elephant that won't stay in its corner of the room.
I want to know if it's possible your 'spiritual' JW friends will ever accept your choice to leave. Or will just treat you the same as always without trying to 'save' you.