The antidote to the myth that JWs are declining

by slimboyfat 153 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    One of the most persistent myths on this website is that JWs are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the Watchtower is inevitable from here on in. Unfortunately the facts do not bear this out. JWs are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population. Even in countries where they are no longer growing any decline has been very modest (Japan and Denmark for example) especially when compared with the collapsing numbers of other churches.

    People often have a tendency to project their own feelings onto others. So when we lose faith with the Watchtower Society we tend to imagine that many others must be feeling the same thing at the same time. We look around at conventions and see a lot of bored people yawning. We hear about many young people we know or people we grew up with leaving the JWs. We hear about crazy new teachings like the overlapping generations and figure no one is going to buy that. We see lots of newbies on this website and we conclude that things are starting to happen. People are starting to leave in large numbers we think to ourselves. Change is afoot.

    So here's the antidote to that myth:

    The reality for most of us is that there are more JWs now than when we left, both worldwide and in our own countries.

    In my case I stopped reporting time in 2006 in the Britain.

    Since then there are 6000 more JWs in Britain and a whopping 1,040,000 extra JWs worldwide. I was not part of a great trend of decline in JWs. The fact is they are going from strength to strength without me.

    So how many extra JWs are there since you stopped reporting time?

  • iCeltic

    I left in 2000, no idea how many more there are since then.

  • Refriedtruth

    These are self-reporting membership numbers no way to verify.Moreover the Watchtower LIES (blasphemes) about doctrine so why wouldn't they exaggerate membership figures?

    Ditto with Scientology a more extreme case claims millions worldwide probably closer to 50,000

    Furthermore hasn't the Watchtower 'adjusted' their publisher counting criteria to be less strigent and inflated?

  • stillin

    Slim, I still attend meetings and I can see that what you're saying is true. There ARE kids who stay, there ARE new people who are coming in from the territory and of course, there are the stats provided by the WTS. I consider those somewhat suspect.

    One thing I notice, though, is that the quality of people who are staying/ coming in is dubious. I mean that the kids who stay seem more to be "running with the herd" and simply staying in their comfort zones, not gangbusters gung-ho about the religion. The new ones coming in are as I was, low-hanging fruit. They are delighted to be love-bombed and have so-called friends, so they have some joy in their lives.

    There will always be people who need people, maybe more so now, with our world fractured like it is. From a purely social standpoint, I think that explains much of the growth that is there

  • Refriedtruth

    There are 100 times as many Roman Catholics as Jehovah's Witnesses and they are 'false religion' too.

    No matter what quantity of membership the Watchtower is NOT the one true religion God's only channel for salvation.

    Apostates to the Watchtower have nothing to fear.I have NO dread of God and now pray and am closer to Jesus than I ever was the 33 years as a devout JW.

    I consider myself truly blessed to know the truth about the truth.

  • nugget

    It is sad to see the increase even knowing that the figures are massaged and inflated does not help. It is human nature for people to cling to things that are familiar and JW programming is extremely strong. It takes tremendous will power and courage to walk away knowing what you will loose. Most people will stay even though they are miserable and stressed because the thought of doing something differently does not occur to them.

  • prologos

    sbf I concur. there were 16 baptized, good stock out of 2000 at our venue.

    people are well fed, dressed content, unaffected by their doctrine dilemma.

    fiction, dramas, fantasyland loved, needed by many, but as a solid structure, a support of truth it can not last.

  • Phizzy

    I agree Slimboy, and it annoys me no end that they continue to have real growth, even if their figures, in common with most religions, are not accurate in number terms, and certainly do not reflect the strength of commitment and belief of those included in the figures.

    For a long time I have been more interested in the ratio of JW's to population, this tells a fairly true story as to growth, and as to how well the WT "Good News" is being "preached".

    I do not see evidence of a decline, perhaps a definite slowing in growth compared with the boom years in some countries, but not a truly significant decline.

    I do not think there will be a sudden decline, or a sudden exodus, they may even do better at retention than more liberal religions due to the fear they use to control entrapped members, mainly the fear of losing loved ones by being expelled and shunned.

  • Terry

    The JW is dead on his feet and his butt aches in the folding chairs as his remaining family is bored silly at the monotonous meetings week after week after week.

    The young have fled and the old see the cracks and feel the falling plaster hitting them on the head.

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are ripe for an inside takeover and it is happening NOW. The old guard is dying off.

    It won't be long now...

  • donny

    Great post Terry as usual. Your line "As Franz grew more senile and began having conversations with his own shoes" really gave me a good laugh for the day.

    I agree with your accessment. While the JW's may still be increasing in numbers, the ones today do not have the zeal and confidence they had 20 years ago. They just go through the motions and hope that at least something the F&DS says actually comes to pass.

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