Yes DesirousofChange...I am aware...when typing it in, I did try to arrange it in paragraphs but it posted all as a block. Just getting used to this. Sorry if it was irritating !
JoinedPosts by HereIam60
Strange, Interesting Day
by HereIam60 ini have worked for over 25 years now in a day habilitation program for persons with physical and mental diabilities.
in recent years this has often involved assisting them in doing community volunteer work, as in our state, persons receiving services are required to have a 'job' of some sort.
as a result, we have worked in catholic and salvation army food pantries, animal shelters, libraries, a nature center, a vietnam war veterans museum and delivered meals on wheels.
Strange, Interesting Day
by HereIam60 ini have worked for over 25 years now in a day habilitation program for persons with physical and mental diabilities.
in recent years this has often involved assisting them in doing community volunteer work, as in our state, persons receiving services are required to have a 'job' of some sort.
as a result, we have worked in catholic and salvation army food pantries, animal shelters, libraries, a nature center, a vietnam war veterans museum and delivered meals on wheels.
I have worked for over 25 years now in a day habilitation program for persons with physical and mental diabilities. In recent years this has often involved assisting them in doing community volunteer work, as in our state, persons receiving services are required to have a 'job' of some sort. As a result, we have worked in Catholic and Salvation Army food pantries, animal shelters, libraries, a nature center, a Vietnam War veterans museum and delivered Meals on Wheels. In my younger days I would probably have refused, or felt very uncomfortable doing so, but my constant prayer is that Jehovah will lead and place me where he wants me to be, so I've come to accept that as we are helping people, which is a Christian responsibility , we are doing his will. Recently one of our program participants passed away and yesterday I was assigned to take two others to her memorial service, which was held in a Catholic church. Again, in the past I would likely have felt guilty being there, but I actually found it quite interesting and restful.The deceased lady's siblings and some regular congregants were there. I had a slight jolt when it was announced that the opening song would be "Here I Am, Lord, Send Me", as there is a Witness song of nearly the same title. Seversl scriptures used in the service are often used by witnesses, Isaiah 41:10 and Revelation 21:4. I also found the 'rituals' interesting. I don't think I've ever seen the Eucharist performed before and the slight scent of incense in the air was intriguing. There were statues of saints around, and a statue of Jesus above one of the entrances, and looking at it, I wondered, how is looking at it any different than an illustration of him in the watchtower? The service was quite early in the day so afterward we went to our workplace as usual. At the end of the day as I was driving one of the young men home, he began asking me questions out of the blue- I don't think I have ever spoken to him about my being a witness - but he must have had some exposure as he asked " Who takes our body when we die...Jehovah God or Jesus?...Who makes them alive again...Jehovah God or Jesus?...What's it like in a casket...Scary?. I answered as best I could. No one takes the body, Jehovah and Jesus remember the person, and the body ultimately dissolves...Jehovah gave Jesus the power to make people alive again, so they both are involved, and for us, because we are alive, being in a casket would be scary because we would feel closed in but a person who has died does not see or feel anything, so they would not know they are there...
What are some of the JW Teachings That you do not Agree With
by Vanderhoven7 incasey sabella writes.
many of their teachings have no biblical basis whatsoever.
they claim those leaders are in fact the faithful and discreet slave jesus spoke about in matthew 24. further, they alone were selected by jesus himself in 1919 to identify as this slave and that all other churches are false.. only 144,000 can partake of communion and go to heaven.
1) I never felt they were correct in any of their interperetations of "The Generation".(Matthew 24:34) . Jesus seemed to use the word to address whatever group he was speaking to at the time ('a wicked and adulterous" generation of opposers, a generation of faithful listeners that "would not pass away" 'til they saw all his words fufilled). As to what they taught, when it was the "generation that saw the events of 1914", time would tell, which it did. I found the 1995 change (to me) so poorly explained that it did not really register with me. If it meant the contemporary people of any given time, that made some sense, but clearly the prior explanation had been proven wrong.. When the idea of an overlap of the 1914 generation with those who recieved an annointing during that group's lifetime was introduced, in print, I thought I understood it, but David Splane's crazy video explanation with chart, pointer, and Fred Franz as a typical example, made it fall apart, and already that whole mess seems to have been " swept under the rug". 2) I never fully believed that anyone in this day and age was "annointed" with holy spirit for heavenly life. If the 144,000 of Revelation is a literal number - not saying it is- I would think it was filled in the first century among the apostles and early disciples, as the book of Acts records mass baptisms of thousands, and the miraculous gifts of the spirit "proving" annointing, speaking in tongues, healings, prophecies are said to have ceased by the end of the apostolic period.. When asked how does someone know for sure they are annointed, Witnesses refer to Romans 8:16 and Galatians 4:6 without being able to explain anything clearly, you just have to take their word for it, they just know, for sure. However when the numbers of professed annointed stopped decreasing, and rose dramatically, the idea began being introduced that many were mentally or emotionally confused, which calls into question anyone claiming annointing, including the Watchtower leaders! Recently (Annual Meeting) it was said that we were wrong in thinking the numbers would decrease, we should not be surprised there are many announted in the 'last days'. 3) I never fully accepted the interpretations of "The Faithful and Discreet Slave". [Matthew 24:45], (Jesus is caling upon all Christians to examine their own faith and conduct..are we living up to his teachings?) to Watchtower teaching, when it was said to be the remaining annointed Christians on earth as a group, that, at least made some sense, as they would be dispersed throughout the earth and could 'feed' or upbuild their respective congregations, but it seems absurd to think it is limited solely to what amounts to the Board of Directors of a Corporation - no matter what they call themselves...
Watchtower SlangJamaican Patois: Gods son came fe mash up the world😂
by Diogenesister in🤦♀️this 25 million different languages thing is getting ridiculous.
this link is hilarious!
they've only gone and translated into jamaican patois and boy this isn't just translation, they're literally using slang....what next?
I remember years ago at a Convention a missionary sister re-enacting an experience. I don't recall where she had been assigned, but the greeting used was "G'day! Yo belly go good, mon?"
Insight Book LIES - then tells the TRUTH!
by BoogerMan init-1 p. 493 communication - "when the circumcision issue was resolved by the governing body in jerusalem......".
it-1 p. 881 galatians, letter to the - "by reason of a revelation, paul, with barnabas and titus, went to jerusalem regarding the circumcision issue; he learned nothing new from james, peter, and john, but they recognized that he had been empowered for an apostleship to the nations.
" (galatians 2:1-10).
I can't enter into the historical discussion, but if I remember correctly the Insight On The Scriptures and previous Aid To Bible Understanding had a long, convoluted, and controversial background. With so many subjects covered, and sources involved, it's not surprising there are inconsistencies and contradictions in it. The current Governing Body gives the impression that they don't even care to read it, let alone revise or correct it.
I was going to write a new topic ... but now I just can't be bothered
by no-zombie ini was going to write a new topic but now i just can't be bothered ... and i'll tell you why.. on my facebook feed a few days ago, i saw an interview of a couple of onlyfans girls, who said that they were active christians that attended church weekly.
and while i was going to spend some time writing about the virtues of our faith's strict moral standards ... i now understand that i'd only be flamed as a watchtower apologist.. that being said, out of the approximately 4 million onlyfan girls out there ... it obvious, that none are jehovah's witnesses..
I don’t know how obvious it is…and it looks like ya did start a new topic!
The point of existence and how it refutes the Trinity
by slimboyfat inrowan williams, the former archbishop of canterbury gave an interesting answer to the somewhat stark question, what’s the point of us existing?
as a christian, my starting point is that we exist because the most fundamental form of activity, energy, call it what you like, that is there, is love.
that is, it’s a willingness that the other should be.
I have no comment on The Triniry, but I liked that phrase "...a willingness that the other should be..." calls to mind 'live and let live', 'Do unto others as you would have then do unto you', 'God is Love'....I came to believe that He being complete in himself and happy wanted others to be as well Why that purpose was disrupted by confict and pain, I don't know, and can accept that perhaps we never will. But just to exist is, to use an overworked JW word "a privilege'. I do not defend the Watchtower errors, but it was through that group that I came to know God through His word and came to know the love that sets fear aside..
New World, New World Order, New System of Things
by blondie inthe wts has used to above terms, over the years, some more preferred in certain time periods.
more though, but these occurred to me first.
also the terms "new world" and "new world order" have been used by some us presidents and other leaders..
'Forward You Witnesses' was "revised" several years ago. The lines containing "new order" now say...."Go tell far and wide that the paradise is near...And that soon all its blessings will be here..."
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
moomanchu....I"m not sure what it's from originally. I think it was a visual from a video. It'supposed to be the Good Samaritan tending to the Injuries of the wounded Jew after he took him to the inn. It recently appeared in some online comments
Memorial Talk Training Video 2025 - Part 1
by raymond frantz in
oh, the joys of being one of jehovah’s witnesses, where you get to learn that heaven is a vip lounge for exactly 144,000 people—and sorry, everyone else, you're stuck in the “earth forever” section.
yep, you get to mow grass in paradise while the chosen few float around in immortal glory.
The idea of heaven or hell, with earth as a testing ground always puzzled me, so the Witness view, man was made to live on the earth made sense, scripturally and reasonably. The idea of places in heaven was promised by Jesus to his apostles. So it came to be, when asked "Are you going to Heaven?".. (I seemed to encounter a lot of young evangelicals) reply would be " I don't think anyone is Going to Heaven, they have to be Taken there by God, so if he chooses to do that then yes, but it's not for me to decide, nor in my power. Besides where are we living now? Where did God put Adam and Eve to live?...