Insight Book LIES - then tells the TRUTH!

by BoogerMan 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    it-1 p. 493 Communication - "When the circumcision issue was resolved by the governing body in Jerusalem......"

    it-1 p. 881 Galatians, Letter to the - "By reason of a revelation, Paul, with Barnabas and Titus, went to Jerusalem regarding the circumcision issue; he learned nothing new from James, Peter, and John, but they recognized that he had been empowered for an apostleship to the nations." (Galatians 2:1-10)

    According to the Bible, (which never implies let alone mentions a "governing body") the apostle Paul was used to resolve the circumcision issue.

    It was he who instructed the mythical "governing body" and they had to listen! They then agreed with Paul's direction.

    (Galatians 2:6) "But regarding those who seemed to be important...those highly regarded men ("governing body" 🤣) imparted nothing new to me."

  • Duran

    [ 11 And all this land will be reduced to ruins and will become an object of horror, and these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.”’12 “‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and I will make the land of the Chal·deʹans a desolate wasteland for all time.]

    [w11 10/1 - According to Bible chronology, then, the 70 years was a literal period of time that ended in 537 B.C.E. Counting back 70 years, the start date of the period would be 607 B.C.E.]

    Above they LIE about the timing of those 70 years but below they tell the truth.

    [Isaiah’s Prophecy book - Evidently, the 70 years represents the period of Babylonia’s greatest domination​—when the Babylonian royal dynasty boasts of having lifted its throne even above “the stars of God.”...But at the end of 70 years, that domination will crumble.]


    [w81 8/1 - The idol-worshiping Babylonians now were in line for God’s judgment to be executed upon them. That happened in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians.]


    [Isaiah’s Prophecy book - the Babylonians dominated the land of ancient Judah and Jerusalem for some 70 years, from about 609 B.C.E. until 539 B.C.E. when the capital city of Babylon was captured.]
  • scholar


    Above they LIE about the timing of those 70 years but below they tell the truth.


    There is no lie. You have misconstrued Je. 25:11, 12 as solely a period of Babylonish domination which also represented the Jewish Exile and the Land of Judah left desolate of a fixed period of 70 years with the claim that the 70 years only represented a period of servitude or domination of Babylon.

    WT critics and scholars only focus on one aspect of the 70 years as solely a period of domination by Babylon omitting the historical reality of the Jewish Exile which left the land desolate from the period beginning in 607 BCE until 537 BCE

    scholar JW

    scholar JW

  • Duran

    Oh, my word, you are still here...

    You are such a fool with your asinine replies.

    You have misconstrued Je. 25:11, 12

    I didn't misconstrue anything.

    The LIE that the GB teach, is claiming that the 70 years stated in verse 11 and 12, took place 607-537.

    Those verses show 2 things that would occur.

    1. The 'nations' would serve Babylon 70 years.

    2. At the end of those 70 years, Babylon would come to its end/be called to account.

    The 81WT correctly points out that Jehovah called Babylon to account in 539, just like verse 12 said he would do when those 70 years were fulfilled.

    Being that the 70 years were fulfilled in 539, then that means they started in 609.

    That means that the 70 years that the 'nations' would have to serve Babylon, took place 609-539, which makes 607-537 a LIE.

    Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon before 609, but the nations did not start serving Babylon prior to that time because Assyria was still the 2nd world power at that time. It was not until 609 when Assyria was defeated in Harran, then is when Babylon became the 3rd world power.

    That is when (609) ALL the nations started serving under Babylon rule until 539.

    70 years is the length of time given to Babylon to be the 3rd world power.

    [ 11 ... these nations will have to serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.”]

    [12 “‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah,]

    [26 “This is the interpretation of the words: MEʹNE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end.27 “TEʹKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and found lacking.28 “PEʹRES, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.”]

    [w81 8/1 - The idol-worshiping Babylonians now were in line for God’s judgment to be executed upon them. That happened in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians.]

  • scholar


    I didn't misconstrue anything.


    Indeed you have. You have misconstrued the WT 1981, August 1, p.27, applying Jehovah's judgement against Babylon in 539 BCE with Jer. 25:11-12. This WT article is based on the prophecy of Habakkuk and the paragraph cited by you has in its context not Jer. 25:11-12 but Hab.1:14-17; 2:8;2:18-19 under the heading 'Judgement against Babylon'. Previously under the heading ' Judgement against Judah' the words of Habakkuk were applied.


    The LIE that the GB teach, is claiming that the 70 years stated in verse 11 and 12, took place 607-537.


    False. Such a teaching is simply an interpretation of Jer. 25:11, 12 and as with any commentator the GB or individual can so do.


    hose verses show 2 things that would occur.

    1. The 'nations' would serve Babylon 70 years.

    2. At the end of those 70 years, Babylon would come to its end/be called to account


    Correct, JW's understand that this prophecy was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah under Babylon's domination along with other nations- serving Babylon whilst in Exile, leaving a desolated land until their Return from Exile, in 537 BCE after Babylon's fall in 539 BCE.

    Jeremiah further showed that Babylon, its King and land would eventually be subject to judgment and this was fulfilled long after its Fall in 539 BCE.

    The 70 years was applicable to Judah alone as shown by the context of ch. 25 as Babylon was merely the cause or instrument that Jehovah used to fulfil his prophecy against Judah by means of Jeremiah the prophet.

    The 70 years was a period of Exile which could only have begun in 6ot BCE with the destruction of Jerusalem and the deportation to Babylon under Nebuchadnezzer and ended with a new King at Babylon under Cyrus the Persian who by means of a Decree released the Exiles in 537 BCE.

    Thus, in terms of history, chronology, theology and prophecy the 70 years can only have begun in 607 BCE and ended in 537 BCE.

    scholar JW


  • Duran
    You have misconstrued the WT 1981, August 1, in applying Jehovah's judgement against Babylon in 539 BCE with Jer. 25:11-12. This WT article is based on the prophecy of Habakkuk and the paragraph cited by you has in its context not Jer. 25:11-12 but Hab.

    How absurd can you be?

    Who gives a rat's ass about if the WT was speaking about Hab. That does not change what is said in verse 11&12 and what the WT claims happened in 539.

    They said that Jehovah executed judgment on Babylon in 539. Verse 12 says that this would occur when 70 years have been fulfilled. That makes 539 the 70th year, making 609 the 1st of those 70 years.

    Babylon was the 3rd world power during that 70-year period and then in 539 the Medes and Persians became the 4th world power.

    You can say all you want about that 81WT talking about Hab, but that does not change the context and timing of the 70 years ending in 539 and that that was when the nations served Babylon while it was the 3rd world power, which it ceased being when Medo-Persia conquered it.

    Notice Jer. 25:11-12 being cited below.

    [Life - History records that Babylon took the Jews into captivity. Yet, about 40 years before this happened Jeremiah foretold it. Isaiah predicted it some 150 years before it happened. He also foretold that the Jews would return from captivity. So did Jeremiah, saying that they would be restored to their land after 70 years.​—Isaiah 39:6, 7; 44:26; Jeremiah 25:8-12; 29:10 This return was made possible by the overthrow of Babylon by the Medes and Persians in 539 B.C.E....While Babylon was still a world power the Bible foretold its conquest by a symbolic two-horned ram, representing “the kings of Media and Persia.” (Daniel 8:20) As foretold, Medo-Persia became the next world power when it conquered Babylon in 539 B.C.E.]
  • scholar


    How absurd can you be


    The said scholar has no need of absurdity especially when confronted with your specious reasoning.


    Well, there is a big difference between Jeremiah's judgement against Babylon and that of Habakkuk. You need to read that WT 81 more carefully.


    They said that Jehovah executed judgment on Babylon in 539. Verse 12 says that this would occur when 70 years have been fulfilled. That makes 539 the 70th year, making 609 the 1st of those 70 years.


    This is simply an interpretation. Jeremiah's prophecy of Jeremiah 25: 1-11 was directed against Judah as a judgment. The judgement against Babylon begins from vs.12 as recognized by leading commentators. The text clearly states that this judgement began after the fulfilment of the 70 years which could have only ended in 537 BCE with the end of the Exile thus 539 BCE is impossible.


    Babylon was the 3rd world power during that 70-year period and then in 539 the Medes and Persians became the 4th world power.


    Incorrect for according to Daniel the first World Power was Babylon followed by Medo-Persia.


    You can say all you want about that 81WT talking about Hab, but that does not change the context and timing of the 70 years ending in 539 and that that was when the nations served Babylon while it was the 3rd world power, which it ceased being when Medo-Persia conquered it.


    The context in harmony with proper exegesis proves that Babylon fell in 539 BCE but the 70 years for Judah ended after the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE which was 537 BCE. You cannot change history!!!!


    [Life - History records that Babylon took the Jews into captivity. Yet, about 40 years before this happened Jeremiah foretold it. Isaiah predicted it some 150 years before it happened. He also foretold that the Jews would return from captivity. So did Jeremiah, saying that they would be restored to their land after 70 years.​—Isaiah 39:6, 7; 44:26; Jeremiah 25:8-12; 29:10 This return was made possible by the overthrow of Babylon by the Medes and Persians in 539 B.C.E....While Babylon was still a world power the Bible foretold its conquest by a symbolic two-horned ram, representing “the kings of Media and Persia.” (Daniel 8:20) As foretold, Medo-Persia became the next world power when it conquered Babylon in 539 B.C.E.]


    scholar JW


  • skin
    scholar / Duran.

    We need an updated WT study so we know who is right...

  • Duran
    Incorrect for according to Daniel the first World Power was Babylon followed by Medo-Persia.


    What about according to John and your beloved WTS...

    [w85 10/1 - In Bible history, five major empires flourished, oppressed God’s people, and then fell before John’s day: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. When John was alive, the Roman empire was in power. Centuries after John’s death, the Roman empire passed from the scene as the dominant world power and was eventually replaced by the British empire. Soon this empire’s western colonies gained independence and came to act closely with Britain to form the Anglo-American world power. This is the “king” that had “not yet arrived” in John’s day. What was the relationship between the beast that John saw and the seven empires represented by its heads? “It is also itself an eighth king, but springs from the seven.”​ Revelation 17:9-11]

    1 Egypt, 2 Assyria, 3 Babylon, 4 Medo-Persia, 5 Greece, 6 Rome, 7 Anglo-American, 8 UN

    Regardless, Babylon's time as a world power ended in 539 when it was defeated by Medo-Persia. That being the case and sense it was said that the nations had to serve Babylon 70 years, then the 70th year ended in 539 and thereby started in 609.

    [The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s? - In 539 B.C.E., the time of Babylon’s rule as the preeminent world power came to an end when the vigorous Persian ruler Cyrus, accompanied by the army of Media, marched against the city.]

    [w88 12/1 - God’s time had come to end Babylon’s rule. Hence, he had strange handwriting appear on the wall.]

    Jere 25:11,12; Daniel 5:26,28,30,31; 2 Chronicles 36:20


    The text clearly states that this judgement began after the fulfilment of the 70 years which could have only ended in 537 BCE with the end of the Exile thus 539 BCE is impossible.

    Here is what is said:

    [12 “‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah,]

    Here is what your beloved WTS says:

    [w81 8/1 -The idol-worshiping Babylonians now were in line for God’s judgment to be executed upon them. That happened in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians.]

    The 70 years had to be fulfilled first in order for Jehovah to call to account/execute judgment on Babylon. The WTS state that judgment/calling to account happened in 539, therefore the 70 years did not end in 537, otherwise Jehovah would have been calling Babylon to account/executing judgment on them in the 68th year of those 70 years. He would be jumping ahead by 2 years of his own appointed time to act when those 70 years had been fulfilled.

    [w98 11/15 - We know that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper, and we have confidence that he never fails to fulfill his purposes at his appointed time.]

    Do you believe your GB in their saying that Jehovah executed judgment/called to account Babylon in 539 by them being conquered by Medo-Persia?

    Do you believe Jehovah through Jeremiah that 70 years had to be fulfilled first before he would call Babylon to account?

    Do you think Jehovah called Babylon to account in the 68th year of those 70 years?

  • nowwhat?

    If there was a governing body, Paul would have been disfellowshiped

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