Incorrect for according to Daniel the first World Power was Babylon followed by Medo-Persia.
What about according to John and your beloved WTS...
[w85 10/1 - In Bible history, five major empires flourished, oppressed God’s people, and then fell before John’s day: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. When John was alive, the Roman empire was in power. Centuries after John’s death, the Roman empire passed from the scene as the dominant world power and was eventually replaced by the British empire. Soon this empire’s western colonies gained independence and came to act closely with Britain to form the Anglo-American world power. This is the “king” that had “not yet arrived” in John’s day. What was the relationship between the beast that John saw and the seven empires represented by its heads? “It is also itself an eighth king, but springs from the seven.” Revelation 17:9-11]
1 Egypt, 2 Assyria, 3 Babylon, 4 Medo-Persia, 5 Greece, 6 Rome, 7 Anglo-American, 8 UN
Regardless, Babylon's time as a world power ended in 539 when it was defeated by Medo-Persia. That being the case and sense it was said that the nations had to serve Babylon 70 years, then the 70th year ended in 539 and thereby started in 609.
[The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s? - In 539 B.C.E., the time of Babylon’s rule as the preeminent world power came to an end when the vigorous Persian ruler Cyrus, accompanied by the army of Media, marched against the city.]
[w88 12/1 - God’s time had come to end Babylon’s rule. Hence, he had strange handwriting appear on the wall.]
Jere 25:11,12; Daniel 5:26,28,30,31; 2 Chronicles 36:20
The text clearly states that this judgement began after the fulfilment of the 70 years which could have only ended in 537 BCE with the end of the Exile thus 539 BCE is impossible.
Here is what is said:
[12 “‘But when 70 years have been fulfilled, I will call to account the king of Babylon and that nation for their error,’ declares Jehovah,]
Here is what your beloved WTS says:
[w81 8/1 -The idol-worshiping Babylonians now were in line for God’s judgment to be executed upon them. That happened in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and the Persians.]
The 70 years had to be fulfilled first in order for Jehovah to call to account/execute judgment on Babylon. The WTS state that judgment/calling to account happened in 539, therefore the 70 years did not end in 537, otherwise Jehovah would have been calling Babylon to account/executing judgment on them in the 68th year of those 70 years. He would be jumping ahead by 2 years of his own appointed time to act when those 70 years had been fulfilled.
[w98 11/15 - We know that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper, and we have confidence that he never fails to fulfill his purposes at his appointed time.]
Do you believe your GB in their saying that Jehovah executed judgment/called to account Babylon in 539 by them being conquered by Medo-Persia?
Do you believe Jehovah through Jeremiah that 70 years had to be fulfilled first before he would call Babylon to account?
Do you think Jehovah called Babylon to account in the 68th year of those 70 years?