... if you spent all day on football stadium and didn't saw a single football.
Posts by btlc
You might have been a JW if...
by Incognigo Montoya in... unlike the rest of humanity, you looked forward to mondays because it was a day off from a meeting..
Door-to-door preaching as surveillance
by john.prestor ini wanted to share some thoughts about jehovah's witnesses and their door-to-door preaching.
door-to-door preaching is supposedly about gathering converts, but in fact, as we frequently discuss, doesn't actually bring that many "sheep-like ones" in.
i want to suggest that a second meaning (what we call the latent meaning in academia) is facilitating surveillance of the congregants who attend some congregation.
Back in eighties, when I was young and foolish and active in ministry, and when I started with database programming, I sometime daydreamed about hundreds and thousands of JW, who browse territory daily, making detailed notes about people (and their assets), their behavior, habits, state, feelings, thoughts... and collect all that data in a database, regularly updated, and how much would that database worth in a few years and who will be interested in that... WT could made billions just selling data back in time when that things wasn't regulated or prohibited
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Hidden Doctrines
by jhine in" religions do not volunteer their most offensive doctrines to newcomers ".
the above sentence was posted on another thread as part of a quote taken from jwfacts .
l commented that this was a sweeping generalisation of the kind often made about all religions .
Help needed finding an old WT article
by careful ini no longer trust the search engine at the official jw website since they have quietly modified, purged, and expunged—or simply made no longer available—so many old works/pubs., so i'm asking for help finding an old article that likely predates the late 1970s (?).
i think it was an article rather than in a book, but i can't be sure.
the article's focus was on what it means for the anointed to be declared righteous.. it's important, i suspect, for grasping the view that whatever the gb decide is completely god-directed, so that, in effect, even though the org might officially deny it, the gb are viewed as infallible in practical terms.
The article's focus was on what it means for the anointed to be declared righteous.
I think you looking for:
w73 12/1 pp. 730-733 Jehovah Brings ‘Sealing’ of His Chosen Ones to a Close
Muslims and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tameria2001 infirst i want to say that i don't know very much about the muslims, and what i am going to say is not attacking anyone, but instead, it was something that was said to me by a muslim man a few years back.. back in 2004 my husband and i found ourselves in a homeless situation.
his job had ended because the plant that he was working at, had shut down, and was sent off to china.
at the time our two sons were still very young, so we ended up staying at a couple of different homeless shelters until my husband could find another job, which took a total of three months before he found a new job, in a new state.
I would guess the another similarity, intense preaching campaign, called "dawah". Basically, anything goes (lies, misinterpretations, fairytales, emo-blackmails, end-of-the-world-intimidating, etc.) in the goal of making more converts and to radicalize existing muslims. They training (like our 'MS') how to approach to others, how to aim people with problems who belive in something and offer them simpathy, friendship, help, and at last offer them 'the final solution' to their problems. Sounds familiar?
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John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov insorry guys,.
the gorby satire fake report of the annual meeting with the coincidence about russia, is used for real in john cedars yt channel.. please concider it for well prepared satire.. and not much more.. g..
Have you seen this appalling new Caleb and Sophia video??
by stuckinarut2 inthis manipulative new caleb and sophia video has got me so angry!!.
the level of cultiness has just gone to a whole new level!.
wt on education..
by zeb ini have just watched the glass smashing on the wt video on education.. please consider these experiences from the opposite side of that "coin".. i have heard young ones say out-loud on the mike in the kh that "jehovah is my special friend.."these ones who were at the top of the wt 'tree' pioneering, putting in the hours etc but, it followed that soon saying that pivotal statement they dropped their pioneering, faded, picked up the girl/boyfriend and suffered being dfd.. so where did their wt "education" leave them?
it left them as young adults naive to the world, unskilled, with no qualification to offer any employer and having to replace their former family/associates/friends with new ones.. ( dont get me going on shunning) in some cases with little success as we have read here where they moon about for months or longer unable to emotionally heal after the leaving or df'ing and also others with such a turn around they would never have believed it possible... there was a wt that related how a brother (!
) followed an interest in history and left the truth.
JW are maybe the only organization / society where education is aggravating circumstance, and where less education leads to more prospect and responsibility.
At the same time that hypocrites in JW HQ cry for experts in all fields (especially for legal experts - xxx $ per hour) and beg for their free services....Link +5 / -0 -
Agression @ latest Broadcasting
by Gorbatchov inwhat i don’t get, is the agression seen in the latest, september broadcasting.. if something is not usefull here at g.’s home, we look if it can be used for an other purpose or store it or put it away in a trash bin.
that’s what we learn our children.. it seems that for jw.org officials it is practice to get very angry and smash items on the floor.
somehow the real face of brotherhood is showed here.
That retard (Kenneth Flodin) destroyed three large breads with rat poison, garlic powder and some other sht at broadcasting some years ago. Compare that with Jesus's teaching about bread: "that's my body", "collect leftovers - don't throw it away", etc.
I don't know why is that psycho allowed to represent JW teachings. On the other hand...Link +6 / -1 -
Financially Are You Doing Better Than a Year Ago?
by minimus inthis isn’t a usa question.
is your financial situation better or worse or pretty much the same?.