JoinedTopics Started by rjharris
"Are you a progressive thinker"
by Pistoff inthis was the theme of a talk at this week's 2nd weekly meeting with the co.. .
if you are a progressive thinker, so went the reasoning, you will accept all of the adjustments coming from the 'faithful and discreet slave'.. .
this so hurt my head when wife told me about it; really?.
Watchtower Oct 15 2014
by Listener inthe october watchtower 2014 is now up on jw org.
regarding the new covenant they write.
the governing body sets the scene in the first article by stating how they are like jesus and as humans they are sinless in god's eyes.. then on page 24 they state this.
God Says Scripture is Enough
by Perry infrom the 2013 new world translation 2 tim.
all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.. .
as jw's we must have read that scripture a thousand times.
What do you think?
by rosie70 init happened to one of my friends.
what do you think of the guy's behavior?.
a girl and a guy are coworkers.
BEARDS: Why JW men don't have them
by 00DAD ini know this has been dished over before, but when i was doing some research i discovered a couple of interesting points.
as far as i can find, there is only one wt article that implies that jw men should not have beards.
*** w75 8/15 pp.
Rain before Noah's flood
by monkeyshine indoes anyone know the current thought on what happened before the flood?
i remember being taught that it never rained before the flood but now they are telling me that was never taught.
i thought i remembered a quote somewhere saying something to the effect of "can you imagine how the outsiders must have felt feeling those first drops of rain?
by Mary insometimes i look at the world and i think "man, how much longer can it go on?
" sometimes i think perhaps armageddon will come in my life-time.
the one scripture i always think of is the one in revelation where it says that jehovah "will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth.
Perversion of Baptismal Vows
by AlanF inan appendix in the book contains some 120 questions along with hundreds of scriptural "proof texts" that the proselyte is then expected to study.
12 jesus commanded his followers to baptize new disciples in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit.
the following quotation shows what the proselyte is expected to study just prior to baptism:.
ARE we The Seed of Satan?
by Martini inhow do you react when the brothers are quick to point out that the error of those in the org.
today who 'shrink back' on their faith and obedience to the faithful and discreet slave class are the seed of satan and rebels similar to korah ,dathan and abiram also miriam.
the inference is that the fate or end result for todays rebels will be similar to that of those rebels of old where they incurred 'god's wrath' upon themselves and their offsping which led to god's annihilation?.
Words for the Watchtower
by Zep in"the greater the ignorance, the greater the dogmatism.
" --sir william.
osler .