That's good. It doesn't answer my other questions, though.
God Says Scripture is Enough
by Perry 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When Jesus says- 'Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in yourselves', John 6:53. This is the opposite of Judaism which teaches humans can redeem themselves, are redeemable through contrition and good works either in this life or the after life, Olam Ha-Ba.
Deputy Dog
To Jesus and Paul Satan is the adversary of God.
Is that Fred speaking (lying) again? I don't see that taught in the NT.
I believe and have been taught that Satan does only what God tells him. He is the adversary of man. Remember what Moses taught in Genesis 3:15 As part of the curse Satan is given that job. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."
That is why he was sent to oppose Jesus, the fact that Jesus could resist and even command Satan was a sign of his Deity.
Sorry but Jesus and Paul both agree with your Rabbi about Satan.
Deputy Dog
This is the opposite of Judaism which teaches humans can redeem themselves, are redeemable through contrition and good works either in this life or the after life, Olam Ha-Ba.
Yes, that is indeed humanism, also Catholicism. Not Taught in the OT though. Some try to say James teaches something like that, though I would disagree
Study the concepts behind Yetzer tob and Yetzer ha-Ra.
So many texts in the NT address Satan as a person, an 'adversary', one who gets 'bound' etc.. 'Casting out the Devil' becomes an important feature in Jesus ministry. In Christianity the Devil is cast as the last opposing element ( the Antichrist) blocking the Second Coming. Jesus then throws this Devil and the demons into 'Gehinnom'.
Now there were periods where primitive and superstitious Jews imagined a very real Satan, the Cabalists writings seem to go in that direction. For the most part is it seen that within humans, in following the Torah, that the inner struggles to do wrong are overcome. The sounding of the Shofar symbolized the power of the righteous intellect under the guidence of the Torah to conquer Yetzer ha-Ra.
Deputy Dog
In Christianity the Devil is cast as the last opposing element ( the Antichrist) blocking the Second Coming.
Is that another Freddieism? Catholicism?
I don't see it taught in the NT?
Satan or the Devil is portrayed as the power behind who or what becomes visible in opposing Jesus and gets cast into Hell/Abyss/Gehinnim etc.. 1 John, Rev.13 and 20; Matt.25..
Deputy Dog
Humans have always Resisted God's provision for his people, even in Judaism. See 1 Sam 8 for example.
1Sa 8:7 And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
However nothing (or no person) in the NT or OT "blocks" God's will or is able to "block" Christ's return.
What's keeping this god from doing his/it/her will.
Jesus says 'I'll be right back'. Its like the guy who says that to his wife and never returns from that trip to the market....