Sexyteen...maybe your an enlarged prostate, (definite pain in the ass)......
Laughing profusssslly
I'm sorry to be a party pooper but an apostate is a traiter of ones
faith and that I am not.
My faith has little to do with any magizines.
are you a true apostate?.
heres a test that has been put together by the worlds top scientists to determine your true level of apostateness.. you recieve the latest watchtower and awake do you,.
a.devour its contents eagerly.. b.have a look to find the errors.. c.throw it in the bin.. d.cover it in petrol, set light to it and dance around praising satan.. how do yo feel about the elders ?.
Sexyteen...maybe your an enlarged prostate, (definite pain in the ass)......
Laughing profusssslly
I'm sorry to be a party pooper but an apostate is a traiter of ones
faith and that I am not.
My faith has little to do with any magizines.
when a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her.
body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.. young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos.. if they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the.
permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed.. the bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place.
Thanks JanH I needed that a bunch. Perfect timing for me , helped to put my sense of humor back. I to thought you wrote it!
can somebody please explain to me biblically where it says jesus died on a stake and not a cross?
need theological details, please.
prove your stakely beliefs...
"And also, murder, and animal sacrifices are Satanic, not Christian or even Godly"
If you new your Bible at all then you would know that this was GODS LAW! during that period of time. If you really give a s78t at all I suggest you read the old T. You don't even know who Chrit is!.
Reasoning in regards to Jesus Christ is unfortunate for you it is obvious that you are either very imature or just you don’t care what your Lord and Savior wants, you only care about what you want and that is your right. You have just called the entire line of Abraham right down to Christ himself a bunch of Satanist’s. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I do believe Jesus is Christ and I would rather cut off my own foot then call his mother a Satan worshiper, which is exactly what you have done. So celebrate his B-Day all you want if you really believe it is that important but at this point I doubt if it will do you much good.
By the way Christmas is an American tradition, Jesus wasn’t even born in America.
The tradition of December 25 does have an interesting history though. It marks the day; it is the anniversary, of the baptism of King Clovis conversion to Catholicism, a re-birth of a man who viewed himself as an equal to Christ. This happened 1,500 years ago after the death of the last Roman Emperor
Hi sadie
Isn't there a scripture??...Gal 6:14 NWT that states:,"Never should I boast, EXCEPT in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ..."
Perhaps I am reading this incorrectly but doesn't this tell us that we should boast in the instrument of Christ's death?
EXCEPT in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus
This was how people were put to death in those days in the same sense as all people today who get the death penalty are given a leathal injection. The scripture was simply stateing that the only thing we ,as in the human race, have or "SHOULD" be boastful (full of pride) in is the death of our Lord and Savior. We should never forget his sacrifice ever because without it we would not be anything we wouldn't even be here at all. Not even to celebrate a birth day made up by a bunch of Americans.
So to make a concious choice to celebrate his B- day but FORGET the very thing he asked of us IS ABSOLUTE REJECTION of Christ and it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or wants to believe in regards to Jesus because he most certainly isn't going to change in order to accomidate any of us. I'm certainly not going to give Christ the finger.
The way most people read anything is usually the way they want to.
This is an interesting thread and I am probably getting to upset about it, i'll take a couple of steps back and return later. This is something I get real passionate about because in my heart I have the upmost respect for what the son of God himself has done for me and anyone else who would care to appreciate it and it really makes me angry to hear people disrespect him. My issue though.
"Like mentioned before-- God placed enough importance on the birth of Jesus to put 100's of prophecies predicting his comming in the Bible"
Thats very true but the prophecies were not for the purpose of having a birthday party they were for the purpose of identifying Jesus as the TRUE savior. The prophecies were a map to the true son of God so their could be no doubt that he was in fact authintic. There were many many many frauds proclaiming to be the Christ but jesus could be the only possible Christ child because of the profecies that pointed to his birth.
And as far as the men bringing gifts. They weren't happy they were seeking to find out if he was in fact the true Christ child for the purpose of KILLING HIM! They didn't want the slaves to have a savior to reek havoc! possibly causing a loss of control in the land. These other kings were not going to sit idlely by and wait for these people to produce a Lord and Savior, not for a minute.
The point is, cross or stake is a translation issue and their translation has no historical baking or proof while the cross does.
They just want another reason to be different.
You seem to be under the dilussion that this is a JW thing when in FACT it is not. As regards to JWs it is just something they did not adopt. There are more faiths then there are not that don't worship the cross. The worshiping of the cross is a new idea and people have been practicing worship for as long as man has a history. It is a cold hard fact that the cross is a NEW IDEA.
the idea of NEVER FORGETING WHAT CHRIST WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF THE WAY HE DIED has been arround since Christ died. But unfortunately it has for the most part been forgotten.
plm [:)}
greg stafford is a jehovah's witness.... greg has recently said ... that he now believes that 1914 should not be a mandatory belief for jehovah's witnesses.
I'm not really sure how I will feel about it. I believe it will happen. I'm not sure how I will feel about it. I have been expecting this stuff to happen since I was a little girl. Don't know why. Don't know that I want to know why. I'm just reading and reading and reading and hoping to some day put all the cr&%p thats been in my head for ever in some kind of perspective. My shrink says im gifted. I asked her where customer service was so I could return it. She didn't see the humor. Oh well.
how many of you have gotten them since leaving or piercings?
i got my ear pierced right after i left and when i was living at home my dad said i couldn`t have it on in the house.i got a tatto about six years ago the look on my dads face was priceless at the beach but he never said anything.. beans.
if you don`t have anything good to say,say it often!
My brother has a great artist who does his he's in I think Riverside Cal. Rudy something. One of his arms is a snake, his entire arm, but the thing is it's coils go around his arm in a certain way that it's head stops just inside his arm(oppisit of elbo) so when he opens and closes his arm the snake talks.
I've Only prc'd my ears and two tatoos on my sholder that I could live without now, it was more like getting branded by my hubby. a flag w/his name on it , a banner flying a big heart and a bunch of roases.What I do still get a kick out is during the summer on really hot days I wear sleveless dresses I don't think about my tatoos they've been there so long so I don't cover them when I'd go to the KH for the Sunday talk. I forget!!! How wicked they are viewed. U would think just about the whole world would be use to seeing tatoos by now!I remember this one older sister from my old cong. use to wear a bandade on her hand all the time and after several months I finally asked her if that was ever gonna heal! she quietly showed me a tatoo of her husbands initials she keeps hidden under the bandade. I thought that was so weird.
oh well
who's your mr right
the fun-loving fellow (25-32 points).
party on!
Looks like this guy gets arround
The Fun-Loving Fellow (25-32 points)
Party on! Whether at a gathering with friends or on line at a movie, you pick out the most personable guy of the group, and it's easy to see why: You enjoy a good time and a good laugh and need someone who can appreciate these as much as you do. A man like this is great to have in your life because he can hold his own in any situation, and with anybody. The one downside is that he is not necessarily discerning. He may as easily chat up your three-year-old niece as his beautiful next-door neighbor. But don't let his flirting be his fatal flaw; instead, remember it's what drew you to him in the first place. But do keep in mind that his "playfulness" may make it tough for him to settle down.
i repeat, you have not lived as a jw.
you have not raised your child as one, you have not had to sign a virtual death warrant for your child by refusing blood!!
you have not had to die as many of us have had to die.. you have not walked as we have walked!!!.
I'm offended by Unclebruce not being offended by Naeblis
being offended by all the offended people!
can somebody please explain to me biblically where it says jesus died on a stake and not a cross?
need theological details, please.
prove your stakely beliefs...
'They don't honor his birth, rather treat it as unimportant to be ignored, but celebrate that he was murdered."
Thats certainly one way to look at it but in all fairness the whole purpose for Jesus comming to earth and being born and dieing in that manor was to free Jews from having to continue to sacrifice living animals to God. When Jesus died for our sins that free'd the Jews from having to continue that any longer and at that time Jesus told his deciples to invite all people Jew or Non Jew anyone who wanted to listen to be a part of remembering him, why he came and why he died and given the choice to accept him as their personal savior Thats where Christianity came from. Anyone who does not celebrate this day of passover LIKE Jesus asked us to do, rejects him.
It is only to obvious from any Bible written in any language that Jesus himself placed no importance on his birth day. Otherwise the date would be in the Bible so as not to get it mixed up with someone elses birthday. I'm sure if Jesus wanted us to celebrate his birthday he would have made sure that we got the date right. SHeeeesh.
That is entierly 100% the idea of people. We are the only creatures on earth that feel a need to recognize the day we first burp'd.
All important dates to remember are RECORDED and all other dates are un-important, INCLUDING the dates the WTBTS publishes. But most people can't handle that. In regards to biblical accounts. They just can't handle that.
"The proof is in the pudding."
can somebody please explain to me biblically where it says jesus died on a stake and not a cross?
need theological details, please.
prove your stakely beliefs...
Hmmm Steak, now isn't that what Momma Cass died from??
And I thought it was a ham sandwich
I second the ham sandwich, thats what I hears to.
can somebody please explain to me biblically where it says jesus died on a stake and not a cross?
need theological details, please.
prove your stakely beliefs...
If Jesus had lived and died in our day, note that some believe he will and are still waiting for him, He would more than likely not
die in that manor cross or steak or pole or clothesline. He would quite possibly get the electric chair and then what? Everyone would throw out their cross's and start wearing little electric chairs around their necks? Sheeesh stop obsessing over a bunch of sticks! Don't get huffy.