Rich and barely breathing.
JoinedPosts by plmkrzy
What is your Dream Date?
by Sky inwhat is your fantasy for the perfect date, whether you be married, or single.... who.
The Great Beer Quiz
by Beans inthere are so many good brews out there and so many countries that produce them.which are your favs?here are a few of mine.. canada: kokanee,canadian,keiths,blue.
german beer: holsten,becks,diebels,lowenbrau,flensburger pils.
scotland: belhaven best,tennants.
The only time I drink beer is when I go to Mexico and I drink it with shots lime and salt.
It's very good but I can't remember what it's called now.
Mmmmmm I haven't been to Mexico in a long time. I think i'll go tomorrow.
plm -
You had to go an ask me why I'm so angry?
by Mindchild intry this on for size.... skip starbuck: i was at a district assembly.
skip starbuck: i was about 9 years old.
skip starbuck: and i had trench mouth really bad.
You are a very smart man. I think you gave your self some damn good advice. Best wishes to you I understand what your going through. I think it's kinda like comming to another crossroad. You are smart enough to take the right turn.
plmHey Julie I don't disagree with the fact that people don't need to be slapping there kids around at all or anywhere. If you've ever come accross any of my replies to other threads you would see how I feel and felt about the mindless spankings of babies in the bathrooms. I have always thought it was discusting even when I witnessed such abuse as a child it shocked me. My point was and still is a parent this day and age has available to them through there community or their school's or the damn YMCA classes and programs and just simple counsling FREE to help anyone who wants to become better at their parenting skills. Just last night I was standing in line at K-Mart and this woman was slapping the shit out of her little 4 yearApprox) girl because there was something she wanted and started to cry because she couldn't have it. There no sense in that at all no matter how you want to look at it. As far as other places I have spent many years with my children involved in sports activity's and have seen some parents behave absoulty rediculas. I've seen parents get so pissed off at there kids because they embarrased them by not catching the ball or loosing a tourniment. I've seen little kids crying more over feeling they failed their parents expectations. That can be just as cruel.It all boils down to the individual parent who needs to get their priorities straight. Thats the only point I was making.
plm -
Favorite movie line?
by gilwarrior inwhat is your favorite movie line?
please mention the movie line and why it is the best.. my favorite movie line:.
"ever since i was a kid...i always wanted to be a gangster.".
Jim Carey in Ace Ventura Pet Detective when he fell the shark tank
Favorite movie line?
by gilwarrior inwhat is your favorite movie line?
please mention the movie line and why it is the best.. my favorite movie line:.
"ever since i was a kid...i always wanted to be a gangster.".
Now if I could remember whats in my head.
OH Oh "Fasten your seatbelts boy's, it's going to be a bumpy ride"
Betty Davis with LOTs of attitude -
priests in the news why not JWs?
by target inthe big headlines in the phoenix paper are about the priests in tucson.
"church hid abuse, victims say".
it was covered over and the priests were moved around and promoted.
Theres Billions of catholics
Only millions of jws
Big difference.
plm -
You had to go an ask me why I'm so angry?
by Mindchild intry this on for size.... skip starbuck: i was at a district assembly.
skip starbuck: i was about 9 years old.
skip starbuck: and i had trench mouth really bad.
I really believe a lot of it has to do with just parenting skills. It doesn't matter what religion you are associated with if you have no parenting skills or if your an asshole then thats what you are.
If it were only a jw problem then the shetlers for abused women and children wouldn't be full up all the time. Child protection services would be stacked miles high as they are and have been for a long time.
Society has only recently (decade or so) really began focusing more on learning skills for better parenting. How many kids these days compared to 30 years ago know what a trip to the wood shed is all about?
My dad was an enormous asshole when it came to HIS kids. I grew up being afraid of my own dad. I use to be invious of other kids I played with if I saw them run up to their dad's and jump in there arms or just sit on there laps. I was all I could do sometimes not to cry. I wouldn't do that if my life depended on it because I didn't want anyone to think My dad didn't love me as much as there dads loved them so I just pretended that I never noticed. It took me a lot of years, sadly, to realize my dad was one of those people who had no clue how to raise kids. Had no idea what it was to be a father. The answer to a problem was Knock it out. It's really sad the best we can do is not what they did.Julie
Secular activities such as those you mention rarely incite the sort of passion that a religious one would, especially a religion like the WT, where appearances are everything. It is the father's fault, I mean he took the action but it was the setting that led to the outcome.
Been to a soccer game or a Little Leage game lately? -
Childhood memories of the "Truth"
by sleepy incan you remmember any of the things you got up to or happened to you when you were a child growing up in the "truth"?.
i remmeber once in a meeting throwing up all over an elderly sister.. also i remmeber the time when we were playing out side and there was this kid most of us didn't like, and a wall that had a very rought surface to it.boy and wall meet , blood goes every ware, parents run outside and panic.. the rest of us laught.. how about the rules you had to follow?.
me and my brother were banned from drawing while the meeting was on.. that probably because we used to draw over all the walls.. also i remmember my dad smaking us before we went to the meeting , just incase we did something wrong.. yes it was different being a watchtower kid.
I just flashed on something my brother use to do.
He would FART real loud then look at the person next to him.
plm -
Favorite movie line?
by gilwarrior inwhat is your favorite movie line?
please mention the movie line and why it is the best.. my favorite movie line:.
"ever since i was a kid...i always wanted to be a gangster.".
My GAWD there are so so many they will all come to me when I am no where near a computer and have no pen and paper!
One I always remembered for some weird reason;
"I love the smell of napom in the morning" Robert Duval
another"What we have here is a failure to communicate" Cool Hand Luke
can't remember the little farts name right now"You talkin' to me?,You talkin' to me?, well i'm the only one here so you must be" Taxi Driver
"You complete me" was from Jerry McGuire
John Wayne and Kirk Dougles in the movie The Teain Robbers?
There comming out of the saloon and draw their guns at the same time and shoot Kirk Dougles says "Mine hit the ground first" John Wayne say's "Mine was taller"This would be more fun for me if I wasn't going senile.
plm -
The elders visited me yesterday.
by voltaire inwell, it's finally over.
last saturday i talked with an elder about how i feel about the wt.
we talked for about 3 hours.
That is why I could never see any reason to get baptized all those years. Why bother I knew it would only be a matter of time when I was df'd. Never made ant sense at all.
"your either with us or against us" they actually said that?So I guess this means they'll be by afterwards to reposess your baptizem?
Life will go on it always does. Hope you will have more peace in your life since your getting something enevidible out of the way.