Hi chappy, you asked:
For those here who still profess belief in God I'd like to know if religion is still an important/necessary part of that belief system. If so, do you attend religious services? Which religion/belief system do you ascribe to? If none, how do you worship or maintain a relationship with God? Do you feel that God looks "more favorably" on any particular belief system? Are there any that He rejects?
I do have an absolute belief in God and in a personal one-on-one relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Having that relationship (an actual event, not wishful thinking, whereby God made me His child)is developed and maintained by faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. Religions are human-made institutions created for the express purpose of man's attempt to please some perceived higher power. It is in essence man's creation of god. Like Little Toe said, religion can be a stepping stone to belief in God and salvation, but religion in any form will not "save you." You have to step outside the box (leave the city if you will) and approach Christ directly. And a person must leave all of their "baggage" in the city, because any approach to Christ must be from a pure heart (a condition only God bring about). Baggage includes, but is not limited to, self and any preconceived perceptions and/or ideas that an individual places between themselves and God. A person must stand before God "just as they are" with no personas.
Belief systems are human creations. Various truths can be present in many of them. But that will not "save you" either. God rejects them out of hand as a means of salvation. Anyone that believes they can follow a certain set of beliefs (religion) and that God will somehow be indebted to them, is walking in darkness. Like AGuest said, God has provided a way. It is the narrow road. It is Christ Himself.
When God makes a person His child and places them into the Body of Christ, their very life is derived from Him. There is no other way.