Vidqun, as for an inappropriate religious/political connotation, it took me thirty minutes of internet research and an apt comparison of religious and political involvement, considering what most people have been exposed to (what I have been exposed to), to tell different stories.
When it comes to political meddling by religious organizations, you have:
Exhibit A
A DPI application that takes fifteen minutes for a non-government organization (NGO) to fill out, that allows an organization access to scientific, social and political research.
Exhibit B
A much more involved application process that requires two years experience as a DPI NGO and a current political (democratic decision making mechanism) agenda.
United Nations: Civil Society Participation – Application for Consultative Status (ECOSOC)
Among other requirements for obtaining consultative status are the following:
Applying organization's activities must be relevant to the work of ECOSOC;
The NGO must have been in existence (officially registered) for at least 2 years in order to apply;
The NGO must have a democratic decision making mechanism;
You have the logistics that bind Exhibit A and B to certain political agendas according to the UN charter. The Watchtower society applied as a member of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI).
Exhibit C
The political agendas of mainstream Christian organizations that have the intent of transforming western civilization, primarily the United States into a political theocracy.
Christians in Politics - Focus on the Family
Christian Activism
Have you ever wondered why Focus on the Family encourages its friends to be involved in the culture around them as part of their faith? How being involved in biblical citizenship is part of living our lives as “salt and light” to the world around us?
Or have you wondered if it’s even appropriate or legal for Christian beliefs to help shape our government and policies?
Our country offers us many benefits and blessings – and two of those are our Christian heritage and the invitation and duty for “We the People” to be actively involved in our system of government.
Christians and Politics
Laws reflect morals and what's best for our society. As Christians, we have the right, calling and duty to be involved in shaping those policies.
Part of that broad view includes getting involved in government—because government invariably is involved with all of us.
Here, you have what most people have been exposed to, the right-wing agenda that dominates mainstream Christianity. Jehovah's Witnesses don't collectively fold into any given democratic political agenda.