Posts by NOLAW
University/Informing Elders/Elders Reactions/No longer pioneer
by MsGrowingGirl20 inuniversity is going really good!
i'm meeting alot of different people.
friends are so much easier to make here with 'worldly ' people.
Update & Moving on with life
by Coffee House Girl inhello all, just wanted to update you all on my further steps in the exiting process (a process that may never end in some respects).
to set up a context for my update: my story in a nutshel-.
did a quick fade in the fall of 2009 to start going to university and escape a very unhappy living situation.
Wish you the best. Thumbs up!
Mrs Cedars and I try an interesting diet...
by cedars ini guess no matter what country you live in, the costs of food and everything are going up.
it's certainly no different where mrs cedars and i live, and we're noticing a huge increase on our monthly spending for basic commodities - especially food and drink.. normally when we go shopping i tend to stock up on drinks - mostly beer, wine, and fizzy drinks like coke, fanta or sprite.
i tend to be quite picky with my fizzy drinks, and i can't really tolerate cheap "store brand" imitations.
Wine, only wine for the weekends (rarely beer-sorry I prefer wine ;-) ) and some juice for the kids and viola, no money waste for health damaging chemicals.
Field Service Requirements
by DATA-DOG inhas there ever been any official letters stating the amount of field service required to be considered exemplary?
usually the number given is 10hrs, but if you look up " 10 hours " in the cd-library you get 14 hits.
none from the bible of course, and only 3-5 are related to field service.
10 hours, national average, congregation average...
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-02-2012 WT Study (TRUE FREEDOM)
by blondie intrue freedom.
law that belongs to.
what is true freedom?
The spimGB is quite frank about the penalties they impose for commiting a sin.
Many rules but only 3 ways of punishment for all 'crimes':
3. D/F
Isn't that simplified Divine Justice!
Dead Sea in Gen 14 proves there was no "Deluge"
by hamsterbait inthe dead sea is many times more saline with poisonous salts too than the oceans.
it is like this because the water evaporates rapidly in the heat.. how many years would it take to become so concentrated?
the waters of the rivers flowing in are drinkable, so the concentration is obviously low.
So nothing miraculous about it. One day it will be an Ocean even splitting Africa apart.
This is going on RIGHT NOW... This is a true Emergency!!
by chapstick inthis is no joke folks, these sob's are going after us all right now!!
get mad!!!.
Some people posting on this serious thread are mere IDIOTS.
Jeremiah 29:8-21 and the August 2012 Oral review
by Bobcat insomething caught my attention in connection with the tms oral review.. i was hoping to ellicit some comments, especially from any who have some working knowledge of ane matters.. .
here is question 9 of the august 2012 tms oral review:.
when was egypt desolated for 40 years, and what basis do we have for believing that such a desolation took place?
Excellent research. Thanks to all of you.
Interesting in the Insight quotes above is how in the 1st quote Herodotus is taken at his word, but in the 2nd, anything he says is written off as unreliable.
I think that sums it all about the spimGB and how they treat the hard work and research of others.
Herodotus wasn't so accurate as a modern historian nor like Thucydides, but just consider the spim of the GB to raise such claims: Egypt remaining desolate for 40 years and the Greeks who commerced with it for centuries to make no mention about it! Such a desolation would have been a major economic disaster of those ages. Still no mention!
Jeremiah 29:8-21 and the August 2012 Oral review
by Bobcat insomething caught my attention in connection with the tms oral review.. i was hoping to ellicit some comments, especially from any who have some working knowledge of ane matters.. .
here is question 9 of the august 2012 tms oral review:.
when was egypt desolated for 40 years, and what basis do we have for believing that such a desolation took place?
Amazing bit of information! You have exposed their hypocrisy. Bravo Bobcat.
The end of the spimGB is fast approaching!
WTLIB 2011 items different from WTLIB 1999
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat ini was asked this some time ago for anyone who might care and i just ran accross the paper where i had figured out what was dropped through the years from the public view in wtlib..... .
babylon - bf 1963. bible stories - my 1978 revision-2004.
"Your Will" was a major study book and I remember that we studied it in the 70ies repeatedly.