Boy will that guy feel stupid if and/or when he finds out TTATT.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
Rap song about -----------------------Apostates
by Watchtower-Free inthis deluded jw on youtube sent me this link with a message .
"turn back to jehovah".
Jehovah's witness meetings are NOT BORING......
by punkofnice in...i was told but they usually were as i look back.. as a lad i'd sit and look to see who the lights would fall on.
i'd get an almond and see how long i could suck it before i chewed at it.
i'd imagine playing rock'n'roll on the congregation's piano.. how did you get through the meetings when you were bored?.
I also as a Kid I used to count the number of holes in the ceiling tiles and counted the number of vowels in each paragraph. Anything to keep myself occupied. As a teen I would think of sexual fanticies with teen girls in my hall
Jehovah's witness meetings are NOT BORING......
by punkofnice in...i was told but they usually were as i look back.. as a lad i'd sit and look to see who the lights would fall on.
i'd get an almond and see how long i could suck it before i chewed at it.
i'd imagine playing rock'n'roll on the congregation's piano.. how did you get through the meetings when you were bored?.
During the meetings I sit in the back with my family and actually use my ipad to log onto this site and other Ex Jw sites
Thats until my wife and daughter catch on and give me dirty looks .. Oh, and I also catch up on work emails.
Thanks for providing WiFi at the meetings watchtower.
"Apostate" Letter Writing
by kneehighmiah induring these cold months i need a way to keep my hours up and stay under the radar.
i'm still an ms so i can't totally fake it.
so i decided to try letter writing to avoid going out into the cold.
In your letter writting you should direct people to this site, jw survey, freeminds, etc etc etc.
So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?
by QuestioningEverything ini read article after article about the billions the gb rakes in from fleecing the sheep but i've never heard anyone explain what happens to the money.. i mean is it in a swiss account?
are the gb living in private mansions?
where does the $ go?.
Morris in Italy
by Achille inmorris in italy, january 5, 2014.
I guess A. Morris da Turd wouldn't approve of these guys;
Billy's Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-19-2014 WT Study (7 Shepherds, 8 Dukes)
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite in16-20. we shall also have to raise up against him seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes of mankind.mic.
what is the most important thing that you can do now to prepare for any future attack on gods people?.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. .
Great Thread, Billy you are hillarious
8 Dukes = The Octopope. what a stupid WT study Farticle this week
How do Jehovah's Witnesses get from 1914 to 1919?
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals,.
i have written an article that explains how the watchtower society gets from 607 bce to 1914 ( but i need some input so that i can write an article on how they get from 1914 to (via 1918) 1919.. are we talking about ezra, 1:2-4 when the persian king cyrus allows the israelites to go and rebuild the temple 3 and a half years after exiling them?
if so, how has the watchtower used this passage to get to 1919??.
They just pulled nonesense out of their ass as they normally do with the rest of their Wacky beliefs..
You can make the scriptures say just about anything you want.
Three Comments & An Ass-Chewing
by piztjw inso, normally if i go to a meeting i sit and don't say a word through the entire ordeal.
however today i just could not keep my big mouth shut.. it was funny that i even got called on....three times none-the-less.
of course 99% of the sheeple just sat with blank looks on their mugs this morning.
Todays WT really was an eye opener but the R & F will not even notice what is REALLY being said because most are half asleep and counting down the minutes to when its over during the WT. But the subconsious subliminal messages do get through. Its brain washing 101!
What is the Whore of Babylon up to these days?
by rebel8 inwhen i left decades ago, she was like 76 years old, smoking crack and wearing way too much makeup for her age.. the rumor was the wts was sending the flock messages about the closeness of the big a based on how old the whore looked.. by now she ought to be like 95. she probably lives in a rest home and can't crawl up on the beast anymore because of her arthritis.
she just rides her hoveround now.. she's probably annoying her roommates with repetitive stories of the good old days when she used to ride the wild beast and it would do her bidding.. i imagine she tells this story about every 15 minutes, forgetting what she said earlier because of dementia..
Last I heard is she went out and got a 'Worldly' University Education in medicine and is helping to find a cure for some disease.